Previous Exhibits - The New Deal

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In 2008 the Historical Society hosted an exhibit marking the 75th anniversary of the beginning of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal programs: Dauphin County in the New Deal Era. The exhibit featured more than 75 photographs from 1933 to 1941 including parks, buildings, WPA (Works Progress Administration) projects, the Elizabethville CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) Camp, and political events. You can now view a selection of the exhibit photographs online.

New Deal Photograph Exhibit
The New Deal Photograph Exhibit

The exhibit coincided with the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission's New Deal thematic programming. Funding for the exhibit was provided by the PHMC, the Law Offices of Baturin & Baturin (established in 1917 by M. S. Baturin and known in 1933 as M. S. Baturin & Associates) and Petroleum Products Corporation (established in 1925 by Samuel P. Arnold and John G. Arnold and known in 1933 as Arnold Coal & Supply Company).