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The Journal of Charles Rawn
January 18, 1845 to March 28, 1845 (Book 16)
The Journal
Transcriptions for this section of the journal begin January 18, 1845 and end March 28, 1845. Click on a date to begin reading.
List of Names Mentioned
- Adair, S. D. - Of Carlisle
- Aitken, Dr. Jas.
- Bayan, Hannah - Hired woman of the Rawn family
- Berryhills, Jno. - His wife dies during this journal
- Billy (colored) - Boy at Judge Docks who cleaned Rawn’s horses
- Boas, T. J.
- Bob, Mrs. Danl. D.
- Brenizer, Elizabeth - Client
- Briggs, Jno.
- Brightbill, Adam
- Brown, Mr. and Mrs.
- Buchanan, Jas. - Secy. of State of US
- Bucher, Judge - Accompanied Rawn to Phip Temery school to transfer scholars
- Buggs, Jno.
- Burnside, Mr. James - Visitor of the Rawn family
- Burrows, Bill
- Byrd, Wm.
- Cameron, Simon - Elected as U. S. Senator
- Carpenter, Israel
- Carson, Sarah - Married Jas. Wyeth
- Caston, Chas.
- Cay, Andrew M.
- Chambers, Rev. Mr. - Gave discourse on temperance attended by Rawn and Frances
- Chandler, Jno. A.
- Chase, Dr.
- Cheyney, Capt. Jno. H.
- Clendenin, Mary Scott - Rawn’s sister-in-law
- DeWitt, Mr.
- Dossey, Owen - In jail on charge of larceny, Rawn visits him there
- Douglass, Mrs.
- Drebs, Mrs. - Of Pottsville
- Dunton, Capt. Geo. - of Philadelphia
- Ecklennacht, Mr. - Of Philadelphia
- Enrich, Geo. W.
- Fein, Mr. and Mrs.
- Feslar, Jno. - Paid Rawn for writing an application for patent
- Findlay, Capt. J. K. - Visitor of the Rawn family
- Fisher, Geo.
- Fisher, Jacob - Rawn bought hay from him
- Fossling, Jno. E. - Rawn bought coffee and sugar from him
- Geiger, Geo. - Rawn bought wheat from him
- Gough, Mr. R. - Gives a lecture on temperance at Methodist Church
- Griffiths, Mr. - Rawn looks through his stable
- Hammond, R. D. - Walked with Rawn sometimes
- Haney, Jno. - Client
- Hebbel, Sarah - Client
- Heckman, Mr.
- Heisley, J. - Paid by Rawn for mending Mary’s belt
- Hickman, Jno.
- Hiester, K. O.
- Hoffman, Jno. - Rawn bought milk from him
- Hooper, Perry - Rawn pays him for hauling coal
- Janey, Miss - Visitor of Rawn
- Johnson, Jno. - Rawn bought coal from him
- Kane, Jos. R. [K.] - Atty. Genl.
- Keller, Jacob
- Kimble, Thos. R.
- Kinkle, Tho. - Defends Tom Nathans in court
- Kintzel, Christian
- Kintzel, David - Son of Christ. Kintzel
- Kline, Wm.
- Knox, Mrs. Sarah - Renting a house from Rawn
- Krause, Judge David
- Krebs, Col.
- Lawry, Mr. - Of Pittsburg
- Layng, Geo. W. - Rawn met him in Governor Shunk’s room
- Lebo, Mrs. Margaret
- Levin, Mr. - Gave speech at the courthouse on Feb. 22, 1845
- Lewis, Laurence - Rawn bought chicken from him
- Lights, Henry - Rawn rides to his house and back
- Litz, Geo.
- Mackson, E. O.
- Matin, Rev. Mr.
- McAllister, Richard
- McClintock, D.
- McCurdy, Dr. M. - Rawn bought sperm oil from him
- McKeehan, Jno. - Was at Rawn’s office with S. D. Adair
- McKeene, Alexander
- McKeever, Jesse - Student of Rawn
- McKennen, Jesse
- McKibbon - Of Pittsburg
- Megowan, Richd. - Rawn introduced him to Mr. Lawry
- Miller, Jesse
- Minkley, Joel - Rawn buys a lard lamp at his place
- Mordoch, Susan - Hired woman of the Rawn family
- Nathans, Tom - Tried at the same time as Dossey
- O’Connor, Mr.
- Parkers, G. S.
- Peacocks, The
- Pervose, C. B.
- Petnken, Henry - Visitor of Rawn with Nancy Shunk
- Price, Eli K. - Conversed with Rawn at Buchlers Hotel, Of Philadelphia
- Prime, David - Client
- Prime, Mrs. Maria
- Rahn, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. - Rawn met them while at Exe. Chamber
- Rahn, Jacob - Son of Geo. Rahn
- Rawn, Charles, Jr. - Rawn’s son
- Rawn, D. W. - Rawn’s brother
- Rawn, Frances - Rawn’s wife
- Rawn, Mary - Rawn’s daughter
- Ray, Capt. Dunton
- Ray, Jno. R. - Of Philadelphia, an applicant for House Inspector
- Reigart, Franklin
- Rhaun, Catherine
- Rhoads - Rawn bought groceries there
- Rhodes, Chas. - Client
- Riggs, Jno.
- Righ, Dr.
- Rinehart, Chas. W. - Tended to Rawn’s horse, died partway through this journal
- Roberts, Col. - Rawn attended a meeting of the Board of School Directors at his office
- Roberts, Dr. - Looked at
- Sayres, Ed. T. - Of Philadelphia
- Schaffner, Mrs. Rachel
- Schreiner, Mr. - Rawn goes to Phip Temery school to transfer scholars to him
- Scott, Wm. (colored) - Rawn paid him to haul 2 loads of wood
- Shapp, Danl. - Client
- Shapp, Fredk. - Client
- Sharpless, Dr. T. J. - Of Philadelphia
- Shearer, Jos. - Tailor
- Shucks, Hamilton
- Shuks, Geo. - Runs a blacksmith where Rawn got his horses fore shoes moved
- Shunk, Francis - Rawn’s legal mentor, is inaugurated as governor of Pennsylvania
- Shunk, Herman
- Shunk, N. - Daughter of Gov. Shunk
- Shunk, Ths. R.
- Snyder, Antes
- Stephenson, Maria
- Sukema, Jno.
- Summan, Jno.
- Theisten, S. O.
- Thollehamer, Fredk. - Client
- Thompson, Mr. Walter - Rented an office of Rawn’s
- Todd, Wm. W.
- Tyler, Mrs.
- Uhler, Jacob - Miller
- Utz, George
- Venexen, Misses - Visitor of the Rawn family
- Vogens, Jas. (colored) - Works with Jno. Johnson
- Waldron, Wm. D. - Delivered a letter to Rawn from Andrew Cay
- White, Chas.
- Wynne, Dr. James - Introduced himself to Rawn in the courthouse
- Yintz [Youtz], Jeremiah - Rawn wrote to him
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