The Journal of Charles Rawn
February 1, 1864 to February 29, 1864 (Book 28)

Edited by Ryan Klinger

This section of Charles Rawn's journal, dating from February 1, 1864 to February 29, 1864, covers that time in his life when he is primarily retired from his law practice and is spending his days helping the community and enjoying his family. He occupies himself with his household, taking care of daily tasks, and just enjoying the city of Harrisburg during the winter of 1864. The items that he mentions on a daily basis are the date, the weather, letters written and received, his walks, he and his wife's shopping list, the time he was home and the time he went to bed. Every now and then he will spend an entire journal entry talking about one specific event, but most of the time he follows the pattern described above. My favorite day to read was always Sunday because he would describe in great detail who the preacher was and how good his sermon was.

Along with the daily events, Rawn makes many personal and business observations throughout the entire month. He plays a vital role in the community by his presence on the Board of Enrollment, his management of rental properties, his activity as a semi-retired lawyer, and his involvement with his son's career. He meets regularly with the Board of Enrollment, and on February 18th he talks about how he met extensively with members of the Board to try fixing the "quota" that was established for the county. He also mentions an adventure on the 20th when his son John ("Jno.") Calvin went into a rural county twelve miles outside of the city to arrest draft deserters. He also mentions letters he writes and receives from his son Charles who is serving at Fort Sumner in New Mexico. These three sections are practically the only hints of the Civil War he gives during this entire month of the Journal. He did not mention any particular event or item that pertained directly to the Civil War if it did not pertain to his family in some way.

All in all, this section of the journal seems to mesh well with the rest of Rawn's journals. This is another chapter of Charles Rawn during the final two years of his life. We see how influential he was in Harrisburg during this period. His journals display the respect and admiration that he showed his community and that the community showed him. Rawn and his family are the quintessential middle class family during the Civil War. He demonstrates from a first hand perspective how the war had a limited impact on the Northern home front. His journals show how the North transitioned during the Civil War and emphasized progress and continuation rather than a complete overhaul of the economy and society.

The Journal

Transcriptions for this section of the journal begin February 1, 1864 and end February 29, 1864. Click on a date to begin reading.

Grocery and Miscellaneous Item Expenditures from 30 January, 1864 to 27 February, 1864

January 30, 1864 Saturday

$1.15, 2 lbs butter 60, Herring 81.83
Fruit and biscuit 10, Smearcase 3 cts+.13
(^) lbs sugar 92, Molasses 20, 1/2 lb pepper 20+1.32

Feb. 2, 1864, Monday

Dephoin Dauphin Deposite Bank$70.00
Paid, per Mrs. Rawn for chess 25, mustard 6 & 1 lb coffee 38.69
Paid, 1 lb macaroons on two several occasions+.50

Feb. 3, 1864 Tuesday

8 1/2 lbs meat$1.15
1 lb butter 35, parsnips & Cabbage 13, pudding ? 10, ? & biscuit 10 =+.68

Feb. 6, 1864 Saturday

Beef & Mutton $1.75, 2 lbs Butter 60 = $2.35
pure Radish 10, ? & biscuit 10, Smearcase 6, 4 lbs butter 50 -+.76
I paid ? & rolls 10, Mrs. R. pd 5 oz tea 42 -+.52

Feb. 9, 1864 Tuesday

4 lbs brown sugar 56, 2 lbs white sugar 35 - .91
1 lb. coffee 37, 4 qts salt 12, ? 5 +.54
Copy book for daughter Fanny+.12

Feb. 10, 1864 Wednesday

Mrs. R. pd. Meat 36, Butter 1 lb 35, pudding 25, fish 20, $1.16
Horse Radish 5, fruit 5, Beets & Cabbage 16,+.26
I paid 2 lbs ?? 30, shoemaking box 2 =+.32
1 quart molasses+20

Feb. 11, 1864 Thursday

Deposited in Dauphin Deposite Bank +$49.00

Feb. 12, 1864 Friday

Paid (about 2 to 3 weeks ago) for 1 bottle (7 oz) (atshoes) Oflirne & Soda$1.00
Paid this ev. 1 bottle (7oz) limes & Soda+$1.00
Handed son Jno. Calvin Hypophosphates limes & soda .20

Feb. 13, 1864 Saturday

Mrs. Rawn at market this morning & paid Meat$1.40
2 lbs butter 60, cherries, apples, cabbage, 43+1.03
Smearcase, biscuit, pickles+.18
I paid rolls+.10

Feb. 15, 1864 Monday

Pd. Sansheesley (per his son) fill in full of all demands for cornmeal from July '60 to Mch '62$2.40
A.K Fahnestock (Col.) for 3 Revenue stamps (U.S.) for leases+$1.50

Feb. 17, 1864 Wednesday

Mrs. R. at market - pd Meat 90, 1 lb butter 35, ? & biscuit 10 =$1.35
1 lb coffee 37, Buckwheat Meal 8 -+.45
I paid Printed Blank ? of agreement year -+.15

Feb. 20, 1864 Saturday

Veal $1.25, 1 lb butter 35 $1.60
Fish 18, fruit 5, 1 qt. kerosene oil 20, spool cotton 10, 1 lb butter 35+.88
I pd. 2 lbs white sugar 36, 1/2 lb macaronies 25, fruit 5, handed Jon Calvin 25+.91

Feb. 23, 1864 Tuesday

Wife at market & paid for beef and veal $1.05, 1 lb butter 35$1.40
I lb French coffee 25 ? and biscuit 15+.40
I pd. for gal. vinegar, per. Jno Calvin 15 2 dozen oysters for frying 50+ .65

Feb. 27, 1864 Saturday

Mrs. R at market & pd. Beef & veal $1.25 2 lbs butter 80, ? - biscuit 15$2.20
10 parsnips, 8 dried apples, 6 smearcase 10 ?+.34
4 lbs Brown Sugar 60, Kerosene lamp 35, skein silk 5, quart milk 5+1.05
1 lb coffee 35, salt 16, =+.51
Mrs. Rawn pd. Mr. Plasyk for fixing piano$2.00
I pd. Mr. Plasyk in full for vegetables.90
Pd. Oysters 10 macaronies 25, handed Jno Calvin 10+.45



List of Names Mentioned

  • Allerman, S. S.
  • Battis, Kitty
  • Beatty, Mary S. (sister-in-law of Charles Rawn)
  • Belfsing, Mrs.
  • Berrysling Bishoff, H. W.
  • Birnford, Col.
  • Brenner, Jno F.
  • Bruey, Francis Collin
  • Brunnold, C.
  • Burd, Mr. & Mrs.
  • Clair, Sr. Lt.
  • Clapp, Austin
  • Clement, Capt.
  • Cosgrove, Shff
  • Cox, Boroes
  • Cressnell, Mrs.
  • Detwilers, Mrs.
  • Donghaly, Jim
  • Eels, M. N.
  • Ergs, Norrall James
  • Ergs, Jno Hirst
  • Evireman, Mrs.
  • Eyster, S.A. L.
  • Fahnestock, Adam
  • Ferguson, Mr.
  • Fitzgerald, Mr.
  • Fox, Mr.
  • Freeman, James A.
  • Fyatts, Fanny Mrs.
  • Gelf, Charlton
  • Hamilton, John
  • Harford, Gen. S. B.
  • Harris, Rev. Mr.
  • Hershey, Jos.
  • Hodge, Rev.
  • Jackson, Rev. Mr.
  • Johnson, Frederick
  • Kohler, Harry
  • Letterman, Sr.
  • Malay, Mr. & Mrs.
  • Markall, Basil
  • McCormick, Lars
  • Miremans, Thomas
  • Olvis, Geo.
  • Osgood, Geo.
  • Plasyk, Mr.
  • Porter, Elly
  • Pratt, Nathl.
  • Rawn, Charles (Son)
  • Rawn, Fanny (Daughter)
  • Rawn, Francis (Wife)
  • Rawn, John Calvin (Son)
  • Rawn, Juliana (Sister)
  • Rittenhouse, Mr. & Mrs.
  • Ritter, Jos. S.
  • Ritter, L. Mr.
  • Ross, Lieut.
  • Ross, Robin J.
  • Ryan, Patrick
  • Sager, Herman
  • Sautter, John
  • Seiler, Jacob F.
  • Shellahamer, Augustus
  • Shellings, S. M.
  • Shippler, Capt.
  • Shoemaker, Jno.
  • Smith, Jno.
  • Smudson, Geo. T.
  • Spilt, Bigler
  • Sterne, Samuel
  • Stewart, Rev. Jno. S.
  • Thompson, Jac
  • Vandiver, Jesse M.
  • Violet, Miss
  • Wallower, S.
  • Walter, Mr.
  • Weidman, Jacob Rev.
  • Weidman, Jno.
  • White, Senator
  • Wolf, Jno.
  • Zimmerman, J. B.

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