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The Journal of Charles Rawn
June 16, 1864 to June 30, 1864 (Book 28)
Edited by John W. Wolgamuth, Jr.
During the two-week period between June 16th and 30th of 1864, Charles Rawn associates with numerous individuals such as his family, occasional friends, business associates as well as other members of the Board of Enrollment. Mr. Rawn writes and receives frequent letters from his wife and his daughter, Fanny. Rawn also receives a letter from his son, who is serving in the Army in New Mexico. Mr. Rawn's son, who is also named Charles, sends word to the family that he will be transferred from New Mexico to New York in the near future, which seems to excite Mr. Rawn greatly according to the notations in his journal. Rawn also visits Debby Rawn in Halifax, during his travels with the Board of Enrollment, and introduces the Board members to Debby and her daughter Hannah. Rawn doesn't mention how he is related to Debby, but does note that it has been years since he has been to her home.
Rawn seems to have a wide assortment of friends that he encounters or visits during these last two weeks of June. Rawn goes riding with Rev. Young and mentions the beauty of the landscape and how it was "most beautiful" and "magnificent"; this is unusual because it is the only time that he is poetic or emotionally descriptive in any way. Rawn also writes about visiting a friend he only describes as "General." Rawn travels to the General's home either in Sunbury or Selinsgrove; the entry is unclear. Rawn has a pleasant time visiting with the General on the porch and admiring his garden. Rawn also makes note during these last two weeks of June of several business transactions that he undertakes. He pays the property taxes for several of his tenant properties to a Mr. T. Wilson, the Harrisburg City treasurer. Rawn also becomes involved in a property dispute of some kind between a Mrs. Smith and Mr. Rumfurt. Rawn makes several notations about the numerous grocery purchases that he makes or pays for on behalf of Mrs. Rawn.
A significant amount of Mr. Rawn's time is spent as a member of the Board of Enrollment. Rawn works alongside Dr. Charlton (whom Rawn feels sleeps too much), Capt Clements and other clerks and orderlies drafting men for the military. Rawn is involved with the Board on at least seven different occasions drafting men in Sunbury and Lewisberry, as well as for Snyder and Union Counties. When Rawn has the opportunity, he walks as frequently as he can, and he attends church. However, during these two weeks of June, Rawn does not accompany Mrs. Rawn to church and does not give any reason why.
Other than his grocery lists which are numerous and detailed, the one other item that Rawn never fails to mention is the weather. Most of Rawn's descriptions of the weather are vague and generic, such as "fine," "pleasant," or "warm." However, Rawn is very descriptive at times when he indicates that the day is "Very Warm," and emphasizes his meaning by underlining the phrase. There may have been a small heat wave occurring at this time, because Rawn does this more than once and he even goes so far as to mention the exact temperature in Harrisburg at one time to be 97 degrees. Rawn is usually not this descriptive of the weather or anything else for that matter.
Rawn seems to have had a very fulfilling two weeks in June of 1864. He visited numerous friends and family. He walked and rode horses. He attended to business and legal matters of importance. He was very involved with the Board of Enrollment, and apparently suffered through a small heat wave. His life would seem to be very typical of a somewhat prominent lawyer and business man, not to mention husband and father.
The Journal
Transcriptions for this section of the journal begin June 16, 1864 and end June 30, 1864. Click on a date to begin reading.
List of Names Mentioned
- Benner - Tenant of Rawn
- Berrder, Mr.
- Beutty, Mary - Harrisburg resident
- Bower, Dr. - Tenant of Rawn
- Bumford, Cal
- Burken, Mr. - Possibly with enrollment board
- Byers, Eby - Person Rawn purchased coal from
- Calvin, Mr.
- Charlton, Dr. - Member of enrollment board
- Clapp, Mr.
- Clement, Capt. - Member of enrollment board
- Elizabeth, Mrs.
- Etter, Mr.
- Hake, Mr.
- Henry - Colored man
- Looker - Tenant of Rawn
- Mann, Rev. P. B. - Preacher from Lewisberry
- Martha, Mrs.
- Muller, Geo.
- Nair, Rev. - Preached at Rawn church, from Lancaster county
- Nieztel, Mr. - Possibly with enrollment board
- Olvir - Colored tenant of Rawn
- Parker, Mr. B.
- Pearson, Mrs. - Harrisburg resident
- Rawn, Charles - Son, sent letter notifying Rawn of transfer to NY from NM
- Rawn, Debby - Lives in Halifax
- Rawn, Fanny
- Rawn, Hannah - Debby's daughter
- Rawn, Julianna
- Robinson, Rev. J. H.
- Rofs, Lieut.
- Rumfurt, S. L. - Legal client
- Sauch, Geo. - Mill owner
- Shell, Jacob - Harrisburg resident
- Stewart, Mr. - Rawn borrowed his horse for riding; also member of congregation
- Wilson, T. - Harrisburg city treasurer
- Young, Rev. M.
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