The Journal of Charles Rawn
October 1, 1864 to October 31, 1864 (Book 28)

Edited by Sarah Buehler

Charles Rawn lived a very routine life in the month of October 1864. His days consisted of meeting with the Board of Enrollment, walking 2 or 3 miles, going to the market, going to church and consistently going to bed around the same time every night. Rawn would start out the entry with commenting on the weather and at the end of the entry he would state the time he went go to bed. The only uncertainty was what happened during each day. He spent most of his days in meetings for the Board of Enrollment; there were some days when he would write only a couple of sentences and other days he wrote half a page. Rawn only mentions his wife when she went to the market or to a social function. One might wonder if they had much interaction together. Like his wife, he only mentions his daughter one or two times. He does mention every time he received a letter from his two sons, John Calvin and Charles.

During October he does not mention his practice as a lawyer. At this time, he seemed more concerned with his involvement with the Board of Enrollment, drafting men to serve in the Union Army, and the election. He was extremely dedicated to the board; he would often work when he didn't have to or he would be the only one who showed up. He also attended a couple of speeches by General Cameron, General Grant and Union speakers such as Dan Dougherty. When the election came, he voted a straight Union ticket. He mentioned Copperheads several times and was pleased when they lost the election. His son, John Calvin, was also serving in the Union Army, and Rawn would correspond with him through letters almost every week.

Charles Rawn was also active physically. He walked almost everyday at least 2 to 3 miles and sometimes with his two dogs Jack and Jim. He also liked to ride horseback, and his first entry was about how he had intended to buy two horses but there was an oversight with payment so he could only get one horse. Rawn would attend social functions with his wife and a few other friends. He attended a wedding of D.D. Boas and John Mister. Rawn was also a reliable person in the community. He went out searching for Dr. Charlton when he didn't show up at home for two days. He found Dr. Charlton in a hotel, and although Rawn doesn't mention why Dr. Charlton was there, one might wonder if there were troubles at home. There was one interesting incident where Rawn got into a tiff with Mrs. Sims, who called Rawn a tyrant, and he described her as a pretentious vixen because she was controlling her husband.

Almost every entry had his wife or him going to the market. They spent anywhere from two to ten dollars on food. They brought the same items, such as beefsteak, apples, bread, sugar, eggs and coffee. You get an idea of what his diet was. He also is a landlord and receives rent ranging from eight to 35 dollars depending on the residence. Rawn has a steady income coming in once a month from his renters so he seems to live fairly well.

The Journal

Transcriptions for this section of the journal begin October 1, 1864 and end October 31, 1864. Click on a date to begin reading.

List of Names Mentioned

  • Barrett, S. S.
  • Boa, Miss Sallie
  • Boas, D. D.
  • Brownold, Mr. - Renter
  • Burnside, Mrs.
  • Calvin, Jno
  • Cameron, Gen.
  • Cameron, Jane
  • Cameron, Jeannie
  • Cameron, Mrs.
  • Cameron, Maggie
  • Carpenter, Mr.
  • Char, Mister
  • Charlton, Mr.
  • Charlton, Mrs.
  • Charlton, Paul - Son of Dr. Charlton
  • Clark, Miss Addie
  • Clement, Capt.
  • Copperhead, Mr.
  • Daugherty, Dan - Orator
  • Divery, Lamen
  • Edwards, [Norm]
  • Espy, Mrs. Josiah
  • Fagen, H.
  • Fleming, David
  • Forester
  • Fryalts, Fanny - Renter
  • Grant, Mr. (General)
  • Groff - Shoemaker
  • Hamilton, Sno - Renter
  • Hamlin, Hannibal
  • Heming, D.
  • Hickok, Mrs. Alice
  • Hoellis, Mr.
  • Hummel, G. N. - Counselor
  • Hunt, Capt.
  • Hunt, Capt. G. C.
  • Jones, Mrs. - Renter
  • Kellogg, Mr.
  • Kennedy, Rev. Mr.
  • Killinger, Hummel
  • Lahmer, K.
  • Lahner, R.
  • Lewis, Edward
  • Lomer
  • Lyne, Miss
  • Mann, Misses
  • Mans, Norman
  • McClure, Capt.
  • McCo, Jas.
  • McCommick Jr., Jas.
  • Mitchell, Mr. - Preacher
  • Nietzel, Clark
  • Olvis, Geo - Renter
  • Peacock, Mr. Gibson
  • Peacock, Mr. James
  • Poter, Mrs.
  • Ratciffe, Jake
  • Rawn, Charles
  • [Rawn], Fannie
  • Rawn, Mrs.
  • Ritter
  • Sautler, Sno - Renter
  • Seger, Olt - Renter
  • Sherlock, Mrs.
  • Sherlock, Dr. Husley
  • Sherwood
  • Simon, Mrs.
  • Simon, Mr.
  • Sims, Miss
  • Smith, Rev. Mr.
  • Warford, Mrs.
  • Williams, Miss
  • Witt, Capt. and Mrs. Rofs
  • Wolf, Jno - Renter
  • York, Capt.

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