The Journal of Charles Rawn
April 15, 1865 to April 23, 1865 (Book 28)

Edited by Rebecca Jean Hershner

This section of the journals covers the return of Abraham Lincoln’s remains through Harrisburg enroute to Illinois in April, 1865. Rawn is too sickly to view the funeral train. He writes, "Cannon are Firing and bells are tolling – solemn, solemn, scene!! But God makes and directs and this solemn death is a part of his mysterious ways past our finding out - We bow in strong Faith."

The Journal

Transcriptions for this section of the journal begin April 15, 1865 and end April 23, 1865. Click on a date to begin reading.

List of Names Mentioned

A list of names for this section of the journal has not yet been compiled.

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