The Journal of Charles Rawn
September 25, 1833 to January 2, 1834 (Book 4)

Edited by Cecelia Eastman

The transcription which follows is taken from fifty-five pages of the daily journal of Charles C. Rawn, identified as "#4 continuation, Harrisburg, February 6 A.D. 1832" in ink along the leather backing of the spine. It measures approximately 6 ¼" x8" x1/2" and is made of thick cardboard covered in green marbled paper.1 According to Tim Yoder, who has studied Rawn’s account books, the blank book was likely purchased on February 6, 1833 for the price of 50 cents. The dates of the entire journal are from February 6, 1833, to February 23, 1834, although the book is actually divided into two sections: February 6 to May 25, 1833 and September 25, 1833 to February 23, 1834. The "missing link" from May 25, 1833, the day Rawn married Frances Clendenin, to September 25, 1833 is noted in the center of the journal as being in a "small book"2 kept as an addendum to the larger journal with the intention of it being added later. What is transcribed here in this project is September 25, 1833, when the "small book" is noted, to January 2, 1834, giving us a glimpse one hundred days long into the 19th century life of a young Harrisburg attorney.

What is remarkable is that Rawn is so disciplined and dedicated to writing in his journal that there is no date without an entry. The entries range in length from two lines to thirty-four lines; in general, the entries on Sundays are the shortest. Whether Rawn considered his writing a chore or joy, a duty or outlet, we will never know.

Each entry diligently begins with the date and day. In Rawn’s shorthand, the date of the month (1 – 31) is followed by a second number, referring to the day of the week (1 – 7, Sunday through Saturday). For example, 25-4 means the 25th of the month, a Wednesday. Following the date is invariably a reference to the weather conditions. The writing style is very matter-of-fact, with little description, poetry, or emotion, with a few rare exceptions. But in the context of the times, this is totally appropriate, for Rawn’s journals were used for keeping a record of his business dealings and social engagements. It must be remembered that this journal is written in the first third of the 19th century, before the influence of flowery Victorian language or Freudian psychology.

To put Rawn’s text into context, it is important to know what was taking place in American culture. In 1833, the year of Book #4, Andrew Jackson was President, and C.C. Rawn counted himself among the Democrats, a young party. George Wolf, a friend of Rawn’s, had been re-elected for a second term as governor, and was dedicated to the philosophy of universal education.3 Artist George Catlin was midway through his project of sketching the Great Plains4 and Thomas Cole was popularizing the painted landscapes of the Hudson Valley.5 European music was still the greatest influence in America: American music had not yet come into its own, although the seeds of American minstrelsy had already been planted.6 Neoclassical Greek Revival architecture with its huge columns and pediments was in fashion in Pennsylvania.8 "Camillus, or the Self-Exiled Patriot" opened in February in Philadelphia8 and plans to produce Shakespeare’s "Hamlet" were underway.9 Voluminous leg-o-mutton, or balloon, sleeves on women’s dresses were all the rage, and men looked handsome in their pinched-waist coats, trousers and tall hats10

Having set the stage we can examine Rawn’s life within this setting by describing his 100 days. Due to his education, his spelling and grammar are excellent, and he has chosen to underline the names of most people and the exchanges of money (these are also underlined in the transcription to maintain the integrity of the emphasis). Because he was a lawyer, C.C. Rawn’s journal is not surprisingly filled with references to writs, subpoenas, arbitrations, depositions and real estate matters. Often he uses the terms "ultimo,"11 "vide,"12 or "viz."13 Even his correspondence mentioned in his journal is related to his law practice: bills, power of attorney, accounts settlement, etc.14 It is amazing how hard Rawn worked, for nearly every account states he worked after tea or supper until 8:00, 9:00, or even 10:00 P.M. There are, however, only two brief statements where Rawn indicates even the slightest complaint.15 For the most part then, his legal work is unglamorous, with the exception of one popular murder trial. Rawn was the prosecuting attorney in the trial of Michael Trusty (sp.?) for the murder of William Strickland16, for which a manslaughter conviction was won.17

Second to Rawn’s references to his law practice are his references to politics, be it local, county, state or federal. He was apparently very interested and active in political life, attended Democratic Party meetings and refers frequently to top politicos. He used his influence to plead for appointments for friends and self alike, winning his own commission as Deputy Attorney General of Dauphin County. Interestingly, one of his few emotional outbursts demonstrated in the journal is relative to this appointment. A Mr. Parke was also vying for the position, but did not win. Rawn wrote, "Mr. Parkes sly exertions to supplant me in this [Deputy Attorney General] office satisfies me of his contract mean spirit & make this early receipt of my commission matter of exultations."18

Rawn expresses his interest in local business by describing his hurried trip to the coal mines at Bear Gap, which he explored with an adventurous, candle-toting teen-ager, Peter Shaffer.19 There seemed to be a party-atmosphere at the coal mines, probably due to the new technology railroad being built. Rawn was also, he tells us, a stockholder in the Harrisburg Library, a partner in Harrisburg Savings Institution,20 and was supportive of Dickinson College.21 And proving further that he was community-minded, Rawn served on the Canal Commission and was interested in steamboat navigation.22

Despite the fact that Rawn maintained another meticulous accounting book, he also mentions in his journal what he paid for everything. It is noted when he gave his wife Frances money "for her own purposes," and how much he paid for rent at his mother-on-law’s house and for his office. His valet, Jacob, and a cleaning lady are mentioned not only for the services they performed, but also because of the outlay of money. Tolls, fees, horses, loans and drinks all had their price, but what is mentioned on nearly a daily basis is what Rawn paid for postage.

Purchases for the necessities of life are detailed, telling us what was important: cammomile flowers,23 a toothbrush and mended boots (not new ones). Because he was an avid writer, he purchased quills; because he wrote, studied and worked at night, he bought 2 lbs. of candles. Feeling the chill of November air, an investment in an Iron Stove and tin stove pipe was made. This necessitated a barrel of coal and a load of hickory wood to provide heat. On the shopping list for clothing were silk stockings, black crepe,24 gloves and a calico frock for Frances, with all the needed buttons and rings.

In these few months of Book #4, Rawn does not travel far from home. But the modes of transportation he mentions are by horse (Gray mare, Sorrel Bob-Tail), sulkey, mule-drawn car, sleigh and stage. Rawn attended a wedding in Carlisle, which was "Large, Magnificent and altogether the most splendid party"25 he had ever seen; on the return trip he and some friends were impressed that the stage in which they rode back to Harrisburg gave them the speediest drive in two hours.

Rawn’s life included drinking, dining, or having tea with various friends. Other than tea, the drinks he imbibed were beer (sometimes strong), wine and brandy. In December he enjoyed mulled cider. There are only a few references to food, but apparently what he consumed often were oysters from Davis.’ On December 25 he had a nice chop dinner, but no reference is made to this being a special Christmas feast. Later in that week he was lucky enough to be invited for a mince pie, and he even admits to buying some candy.

What did this incredibly social man do for recreation? Rawn has left plenty of clues. A faithful churchgoer,26 who admired a good sermon, he did allow himself to smoke "segars" and visit the local taverns, Wilson’s or Alter’s. Most days included a visit to Peacock’s and a walk with Frances and her sister, Mary Scott. It was here that he purchased gifts for his mother and sister, a cap guard chain and a puzzle purse. When the York Volunteers and the Harrisburg Volunteers got together, it was great fun, and the visit by the Phalanx Artillerists was especially thrilling.

It is no surprise that Rawn read the Bible or newspapers, but he also tells us of his other bookish interests. He read "Spurzheim on Insanity and the Same on Education,"27 and "Stuarts 3 Years in North America 2 vols"28 all of which are very current, newly published works. He also read Questions without Answers, which is identifiable only as a "small book."

Rawn does not appear from his journal to be much of a gossip, but he does mention two incidents that probably had local tongues wagging. He writes that "at Bank, Whiteside resigned & Alward was turned out – has made great excitement."29 And without passing judgment, at least not in the journal, we are told that after the Episcopal Fair, a baby was born out of wedlock to Eliza McKinney, with the father said to be a Mr. Waugh, from Washington County.30

The meticulous writings of Charles Coatesworth Rawn give us the chance to become immersed in 19th century life. They are invaluable slices of local history allowing this "Back to the Future" experience to teach us what the everyday-everyman life was like for a well-respected, middle-class man and his social circle. Enough is written about the larger-than-life actors, such as Andrew Jackson, but it is the very personal work of people like Rawn that makes the unspectacular become spectacular. An exciting murder trial, an illegitimate child, a fancy wedding, some political influence peddling—these were the high points of Rawn’s life at the time.


1 - Chambers, Anne, The Practical Guide to Marbling Paper (London: Thames & Hudson, 1986), pp. 14, 16. The marbling style used on Rawn’s journal is "Antique Spot," much used as end & siding papers in late 18th and 19th century, traditionally made by floating water colors on the surface of a bath, then carefully dipping the paper.

2 - Noted on Sept. 25, 1833 in an entry explaining the lapse in time. The small book was never transcribed into the large.

3 - Pennsylvania: A Guide to the Keystone State. Writers Program, WPA-PA, 1940. p115.

4 - Novak, Barbara. Nineteenth Century American Paintings. New York: Verdome Press. 1986.

5 - Novak. American Paintings.

6 - Sanjek, Russell. American Popular Music and its Business: the First 400 Years. Vol. II, 1790-1909. New York: Oxford University Press. 1988.

7 - Pierson, William. The Colonial and Neoclassical Styles. Garden City, NY: Doubleday. 1970. p435.

8 - According to Arthur Quinn in A History of the American Drama from the Beginning to the Civil War, New York: F S Crofts, 1943, "Camillus," written J.B. Phillips, was a popular melodrama that opened Feb. 8, 1833 at the Arch Theater in Philadelphia.

9 - Quinn. American Drama.

10 - Laver, James. The Concise History of Costume and Fashion. New York: Scribner’s Sons. 1969, p164.

11 - Meaning "in or of the day or month preceding."

12 - From the Latin "to see," to refer the reader to part of a text.

13 - An abbreviation for the Latin "videlicet," meaning "that is to say" or "namely."

14 - On a personal basis, Rawn frequently corresponded with his sister Julia Ann, in West Chester, PA.

15 - On November 18 and 19 Rawn says, "I am very busy" and "was very busy all day."

16 - William Strickland was the architect who designed the Second Bank of the United States, Philadelphia, 1818, the first truly Greek Revival building in America.

17 - The trial of Trusty lasted from Nov. 21 to Nov. 24, 1833, with Shoch and Fisher defending.

18 - Entry on October 16, 1833.

19 - At Bear Gap, near Millersburg, an opening in Big Lick Mountain exposed coal on both sides of Bear Creek. Sixteen miles of railroad were constructed from the mines to Millersburg, according to Daniel Rupp’s The History and Topography of Dauphin, Cumberland, Franklin, Bedford, Adams and Perry Counties; when Rawn visited, only two miles were constructed.

20 - Rawn and his lawyer friends Herman Alricks, William Ayres and James McCormick were investors in the Harrisburg Savings Institution, which later changed its name to Dauphin Deposit Bank, as stated by Gerald Eggert in Harrisburg Industrializes: The Coming of Factories to an American Community.

21 - Located in Carlisle, Dickinson closed briefly and re-emerged under Methodist affiliation in 1832.

22 - In September of 1833 a large meeting was held in Harrisburg to consider opening a steamboat and sloop communication between the Chesapeake Bay and the Lakes. Resolutions were passed declaring the project national in importance, but were never acted on, according to Annals of Harrisburg by William Shirley Iscrupe, 1987.

23 - Purchased from the druggist, most likely for medicinal purposes.

24 - Probably bought for Adam Orth’s funeral, a good friend who died Oct. 15, 1833.

25 - The wedding was of Judge Gibson’s daughter Margaretta to Col. McClure, Nov. 5, 1833.

26 - Rawn usually attended DeWitt’s Presbyterian Church on 2nd St.

27 - By Johann Spurzheim, 1776-1832, Observations on the Deranged Manifestations of the Mind, or Insanity. 1832. Also, A View of the Elementary Principles of Education, Founded on the Study of the Nature of Man by Spurzheim. 1832

28 - Written by James Stuart, 1755-1849, of Edinburgh, Scotland in 1833.

29 - This took place at the Harrisburg Bank, November 26, 1833.

30 - The birth occurred December 19, 1833.

The Journal

Transcriptions for this section of the journal begin September 25, 1833 and end January 2, 1834. Click on a date to begin reading.

List of Names Mentioned

  • Age/Ege, Henrietta - Of Carlisle, Rawn called on her with Lt. Rhodes
  • Agnew, Mrs. Holmes
  • Allen, N. O. - Of Lockport, Niagara Co., NY
  • Alrick, Herman - Attorney-at-law, of 2nd St. near Nagle’s Hotel
  • Alrick, James - Friend of Rawn, died Oct. 28, 1833
  • Anderson, Samuel - Of Delaware Co., PA
  • Annstrough, Mr. - A speaker at the hall of the Baptist church, Front St. between Walnut & Locust
  • Anti-Masonic Party - Centered in New York, had some followers in Mid-Atlantic states; the major opposition party to the Jacksonians
  • Atlee, William - Of High Spire, a correspondent regarding business
  • Aughenbaugh’s - Hotel or boarding house in Carlisle where Rawn stayed
  • Ayres, William - Attorney-at-law, of Market between 3rd and 4th,fellow investor in the Harrisburg Savings Institution, member of Town Council
  • Bailey, Mayor - Of Harrisburg, perhaps Joel, of Locust between 2nd & 3rd
  • Baker - A shoemaker, of Harrisburg
  • Barclay, William - Of the House of Representatives
  • Bariack, Mr. - Wished to be doorkeeper in the House of Representatives
  • Bartholomew, Benjamin - Of Red Lion Hotel on Broadway, Philadelphia
  • Beade, Col.
  • Bell, Mary - Deceased, whose estate was administered by Thomas Brown
  • Bell, William
  • Berrier, Mipshipman - To whom Rawn bid goodbye at Aughenbaugh’s, Carlisle
  • Bickel, Tobias - Nominated for Vice President of the Democratic National Convention
  • Biegler, Mr. - A cobbler, repaired Rawn’s boots
  • Boas, Frederick - Attorney-at-law with office near the Court House, resided at Prince Hotel, Walnut Street, requested Rawn as a witness
  • Bower, R.
  • Boyd, Dr.
  • Brewster, F. E. - Frequently corresponded with Rawn, of Philadelphia
  • Briggs, Greene E. - Barber, of Market opposite Wilson’s Hotel
  • Brisban, Mrs.
  • Brooks, Esq. - Perhaps John Brooks, of Front between Market & Walnut
  • Brown, John
  • Brown, Thomas - Administered the estate of Mary Bell
  • Bryson, Mr. - For whom Rawn ordered copies of the Saturday Courier
  • Buehler, Henry - Owned Spread Eagle Hotel, corner of 2nd & Market, elected clerk of Senate, 1833
  • Bull, Rev. Levi - Guest preacher at Episcopal Church, of Chester Co.
  • Cameron, General - A visitor to Rawn’s office
  • Campbell
  • Carson’s - Where Frances and Mother Clendenin attended a sewing party
  • Caves, James
  • Chandler - A blacksmith
  • Chestnut, Andrew - Corresponded with Rawn from Ireland
  • Chritzman - Not supported by Rawn for appointment to office by Gov. Wolf
  • Church, Robert - An arbitrator
  • Clendenin, Mary Scott - Sister-in-law of Rawn, sister of Rawn’s wife, Frances, referred to as "M.S.C."
  • Clendenin, Elizabeth - Mother-in-law of Rawn, widow of Joseph Clendenin, referred "Mother Clendenin," Rawn and Frances boarded with her in this time period
  • Clendenin, Frances - Married Rawn on May 25, 1833
  • Clendenin, John Joseph - Brother-in-law of Rawn, a lieutenant in the army, married a Miss King
  • Clive, Isaac - Of the House of Representatives, of Danville, Co., PA
  • Collon, Mr. - Of Bristol, a fine speaker, guest preacher at Episcopal Church
  • Cowden, Matthew B.
  • Cox, Mrs. - Borrowed "by jovial request" a tin tea kettle from Rawn
  • Craighead, Thomas - Of Carlisle, Cumberland County, perhaps a Reverend
  • Cuthbert, Mr. - Secretary of Council, State of MD
  • Dallas, George M. - Appointed attorney general, 1833, in Philadelphia; later U. S. Vice-President
  • Davis Cellar - Where Rawn purchased oysters
  • DeWitt, William - Reverend of the Presbyterian Church attended by Rawn, performed Rawn’s marriage ceremony, of 2nd St.
  • Dickinson College - In Carlisle, Rawn was in favor of establishing this college
  • Dietrich, Jacob - Innkeeper in Millersburg, Dauphin Co., PA
  • Diezel, Henry - Of Hummelstown, Dauphin Co., PA
  • Dubbs, Jacob - Local constable
  • Duck, William - Owner of candle factory and grocery, from whom Rawn purchased 2 lbs. of candles, on Market Street
  • Dwyer, J. H. - A teacher of elocution
  • Ennis, Joseph
  • Earnest, Jacob - Nominated for Vice President of Democratic National Convention
  • Eshelman, Mr. - Of Fishing Creek Valley
  • Espy’s - Shop owned by James Espy where Frances purchased rings and buttons
  • Fahnestock, Matilda – A friend whose family owned a hardware store near the Spread Eagle hotel, west corner of Market Square
  • Farling, Jacob - Of High Spire
  • Findley, James - Of Westmoreland Co., elected Speaker of the House
  • Findley, John K. - Of Lancaster City
  • Finney, Washington - Purchased P. Newbeker’s house, Halifax, Dauphin Co., PA
  • Fisher, J. A. - Attorney-at-law, unsuccessfully defended Michael Misty in a murder trial
  • Fisher, Ann and Betty - Friends of Frances and Mary Scott Clendenin
  • Fisher, Juliann - A friend
  • Fisher, R. J. - Of York, York Co., PA
  • Fleck, John – A laborer, corner of 2nd & Pine Streets
  • Forbes, Ellen - Of New Haven, Connecticut, a client
  • Forester, Thomas
  • Forster, John - Nominated for secretary of Democratic National Convention
  • Franklin, Walter S. - A captain, elected Clerk of the House of Representatives in Washington
  • Freeman, Mr. J. W. L. - Of Philadelphia
  • Friedley’s - Site of the Democratic Meeting, Jan. 2, 1834
  • Friedman
  • Fulton, Richard
  • Galbraith, B. - A client
  • Gallagher, Mrs. - Also spelled "Gallaugher"
  • Garveich, Peter
  • Gemmel, Rebecca - Of Blairsville, Indiana Co., PA, frequent correspondent and client
  • Gibson, Judge - Of Carlisle, Rawn was a guest at his daughter’s wedding
  • Gibson, Margaretta - Friend and daughter of Judge, whose wedding to Col. McClure Rawn attended, of Carlisle
  • Gladdens, Mr. - A property owner
  • Gleim’s - The Shakespeare Hotel, owned by Charles Gleim of Locust between 2nd & 3rd
  • Gorgas, William - An arbitrator
  • Gratz
  • Graydon, William, Alexander, or Andrew - A friend; William was a bookstore owner; Alexander was the first prothonotary of Dauphin Co.
  • Green, Ashbel - An attorney-at-law, of Columbia, Lancaster County
  • Green, Judge
  • Grim, Peter - A brickmaker, of #60 Apple Street, Philadelphia
  • Groff, Benjamin - From whom Rawn purchased sundries
  • Gross’s - A drug and hardware shop owned by D. W. Gross, on Market between Front & 2nd
  • Grub, Ned - A friend
  • Hain, Mr. - A client
  • Haldeman, Sarah - Friend of Rawn and Frances
  • Hale and Snyder’s - A livery stable, of Harrisburg
  • Haly, W. W. - Of Philadelphia
  • Hamilton, A. B. - A friend, of 2nd St., a few doors below Mulberry
  • Hare, David - Operated grocery store on Market Street
  • Hare, Rev. Mr. - Episcopal minister, of Carlisle
  • Harris, Mr.
  • Harrisburg Bank - Located in Market Square
  • Harrisburg Volunteers - Volunteer fire department from Harrisburg
  • Harter, Thomas - Speaker at a Temperance meeting attended by Rawn
  • Hassinger, David - Of Philadelphia
  • Henries, Nathanial - Rawn often rode his horses, especially a bob tail
  • Heston, Mr.
  • Hetzel, Dr. Newton I. - Of Halifax, Dauphin Co., PA
  • Hews, Mr. - Of Lancaster, a messenger for Benjamin Witmer
  • Hieskell, W. B. - Of 46 South 6th Street, Phila., corresponded with Rawn
  • Hitner, Mr. - Dined with Rawn in Carlisle
  • Hobart, N. - Read Governor’s Message to the House of Representatives on Dec. 4, 1833
  • Holbrook, Esq.- Died Oct. 12, 1833, of Chestnut between Front & 2nd
  • Holcomb, Chauncey - A friend
  • Hovis, Isaac - Operated a boarding house on 2nd St. between State & North
  • Howard vs. Hain - Rawn took deposition for this case at McKinney’s
  • Hubbell, F. H. - Of Philadelphia, corresponded with Rawn
  • Jacoby, Daniel - Of Montgomery Co.
  • Johnson, John - A barber
  • Johns, A. J. - A shop
  • Jones, [Female] - A Black girl, 6 years old, who came to live with the Rawn family
  • Karthaus, Peter Arn - A Karthaus, Clearfield Co., PA
  • Keller’s - Mercantile where Frances purchased calico
  • Kelly, R.
  • King, George - Of Bellefonte, Centre County, PA, corresponded with Rawn
  • Knepley’s - Site of Democratic meeting
  • Knox’s - A Harrisburg boarding house?
  • Koons, Daniel
  • Krause’s - Tobacconist
  • Krause, D. - Attorney-at-law, of corner of Market & 3rd
  • Leery, Bridget - A client of Rawn’s, for whom he had power of attorney and handled accounts
  • Lerrington, Mr. - A guest preacher at the Episcopal church
  • Lewis, Ellis - Attorney general, appointed judge in Chapman’s district
  • Lewis, Rebecca - Innkeeper in Cumberland Co., PA
  • Liebold, George - Of Gratztown, Dauphin Co., PA
  • Loland, George - Of Philadelphia
  • Mahon, Alexander
  • Martin, Joseph
  • Martin, Rudy - Visited Rawn’s office on Jan. 1, 1834
  • Masonics Hall - Concert hall in Harrisburg, frequented by Rawn; also site for the Young Men’s Debating Society
  • Matson, Mr. - Writing master
  • McCammon, Mrs. and Miss - Mother and sister of J. McCammon, of Ireland
  • McCammon, Dr. J. - Of Ireland
  • McClure, Col. - Groom of Judge Gibson’s daughter Margaretta
  • McClure, William - Of Market between 3rd & 4th
  • McCord, Isaac - Had been arrested in 1833, Dauphin Co., had a proceeding against him
  • McCullock, Thomas G. - Of Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA
  • McDowel, Crawford - Of Frankling Co.
  • McDowell, Mrs. H - Of Antrium Co., Ireland, a widow with 2 children for whom Rawn had power of attorney
  • McClean, Dr. Samuel - Of Chester Co., PA
  • McGowan’s - Store where Rawn bought quills
  • McKean, Samuel - Friend, a general and Secretary of the Commonwealth, was elected U.S. senator
  • McKinney, Eliza - Had a child out of wedlock, father said to be Mr. Waugh of Washington Co.
  • McKinney, M. - Rawn supported his appointment for Notary by Gov. Wolf
  • McKinney, Mrs. - Operated a comfortable boarding house in Harrisburg
  • McKissisk, Mrs. - Of Columbia, Lancaster County, PA
  • McManning, Mark
  • Meder, Dr.
  • Merchants Bank - Of Philadelphia
  • Miles, M. - Reverend, of West Chester, Chester Co., PA, sent letters informing Rawn of the welfare of his mother and sister
  • Miller - Congressman-elect of Perry County
  • Mowry, Thomas
  • Muensch, Charles - A bookbinder, of Market between 4th & 5th
  • Mumma, Christian - Visited Rawn’s office on Jan. 1, 1834
  • Musgrave, Mrs. - Social friend
  • Neale - A prisoner, wrote to George Dallas regarding his case
  • Newbeker, Jacob and Peter - For whom Rawn acted as real estate agent, of Halifax, PA
  • Officer, Alexander - An arbitrator
  • Orth, Adam - A good friend, died Oct. 15, 1833, Rawn attended the funeral
  • Orth, Elizabeth - Widow of Adam Orth
  • Oves Store - Owned by Abraham Oves, of 2nd between Market and Walnut, where Frances purchased velvet fabric and a skein of silk
  • Parke, B. - Wanted Rawn’s appointment as deputy attorney general, described by Rawn as underhanded and sly
  • Parker, Misses - Friends, of Carlisle
  • Patterson, Mr. - Of Washington, candidate for Speaker of the House
  • Peacock, Elizabeth - Close friend of Frances and Rawn, daughter of James Peacock, of East side, Market Square
  • Peacock, James - Post Master and friend, of East side Market Square, visited many evenings by Rawn
  • Pearson, Mr. - Of Lebanon Co., PA
  • Pennsylvania Reporter - newspaper published in Harrisburg 1792 - 1866
  • Pennsylvanian, The - Philadelphia newspaper published 3 times per week, 1832 - 1855
  • Penrose, Charles - State senator from Cumberland Co., PA
  • Petrikin, H. - Of Centre Co., PA
  • Phalanx Artillerants - Marching unit, quartered at Wilson’s Hotel
  • Plitt, George - Of Philadelphia
  • Pool, Samuel - Nominated for president of Democratic National Convention
  • Poole, John - Rawn’s candidate for transcribing clerk
  • Poole, Thomas - Collector for The Pennsylvanian
  • Prime, Sophia - A black cleaning lady
  • Ramerer, Henry
  • Ramsey, A. C. - Of Erie, PA
  • Ramsey, Robert - Attorney-at-law, near the court house, from Lake Erie Co.
  • Rank, Amos - Partner in Rhoads and Rank, a shop
  • Rawn, David - Brother of Rawn, of Delaware County
  • Rawn, Elizabeth - Mother of Charles Rawn
  • Rawn, Julia Ann - Older sister of Rawn, frequently corresponded from West Chester, Chester Co., PA
  • Reed, David B. - Of West Chester, Chester Co., PA
  • Reed, Judge - Of Carlisle, Rawn examined his house under construction
  • Rehrer, Thomas - Nominated for secretary of Democratic National Convention, a clerk
  • Thomas, Reissinger
  • Resch
  • Rhawn, Aunt - Widow of Samuel Rhawn
  • Rhawn, Caspar - Of Halifax, Dauphin Co., PA
  • Rhawn, Deborah - Wife of Mr. Waldron’s son
  • Rhawn, George W. - Of Philadelphia
  • Rhawn, James - Shoes Rawn’s horse
  • Rhoads and Rank - Shop where Rawn purchased a pair of gloves, Harrisburg
  • Rhodes, Lewis - A lieutenant in the Navy
  • Roberts, Dr. James
  • Roberts, John - Deputy Attorney General, of Chestnut between 2nd & 3rd
  • Rogers, Isaac - Of Fredericktown and Baltimore, MD
  • Rush, Jacob - Of Harrisburg
  • Rutten, D. L. - An acquaintance, a captain
  • St. Clair, Matthew - Not elected Clk of the House of Representatives, 117 to 110, 1833
  • Sanders, Peter
  • Saturday Courier - Literary journal of Philadelphia which published authors as E.A. Poe
  • Schrader, Mr. - Rawn’s new German instructor
  • Schreiner, Henry
  • Seiler, Jacob - A grocer, lived on Chestnut between 2nd & 3rd, not supported by Rawn for appointment to office by Gov. Wolf, was on Town Council and was at one time a sheriff
  • Shaffers - Inn operated by Capt. Shaffer, had 16 year old son Peter
  • Shannon, R. H. - Of 3rd St. between Market & Chestnut, worked as clerk in land office, son-in-law of Mr. Spayd
  • Shaw, Mr.
  • Shell, Jacob - Landlord of Rawn’s office, also a supplier of groceries, whiskey, & dry goods, corner of Market & 3rd
  • Shoch, Samuel - Social friend, of Front, a few doors from Market
  • Shoemaker, Jacob - Of 2nd between Market & Walnut
  • Shrom’s - Where Rawn purchased tin for his stove pipe, owned by Jacob Shrom, of Chestnut St. between Front & 2nd
  • Shuman, Esther
  • Shunk, Francis - Attorney-at-law, mentor and relative of Rawn, of Front between Market & Walnut
  • Sibhart, Jacob - Of Marietta
  • Slough’s - A store
  • Small & Co. - Where Rawn purchased a Small sheet iron stove
  • Smith, J. S. - Of Philadelphia
  • Snyder, C. A. - Rawn supported his appointment as Justice of the Peace by Gov. Wolf
  • Snyder, Henry - Of corner of 2nd & Walnut
  • Spayd, Mr. - Daughter married R. H. Shannon
  • Spragg, Mr. - Editor of the Saturday Courier
  • Stain, George
  • Stern, N. - Episcopal minister, provided service at Adam Orth’s funeral
  • Stine, Daniel - Rawn supported his appointment as Justice of the Peace by Gov. Wolf
  • Stover, John
  • Strickland, Mr.
  • Strickland, William - Murdered in January, 1833 by Michael Misty, and architect of the US capitol
  • Strohm, Mr. - Of the House of Representatives
  • Stuart, James - Of Pittsburgh, PA, a European agent
  • Sturgeon, Dr. - Daniel or James, of Nagle’s Hotel, corner of 2nd & Market Square
  • Swartz, John - A friend
  • Tagert
  • Taylor, Parson
  • Thomas, Abraham - A client, of Wilkes-Barre, PA
  • Thompson
  • Trusty, Michael - On trial for the murder of William Strickland, prosecuted by Rawn, found guilty and sentenced to 3 years
  • Unger, Andrew
  • United States Bank
  • Van Amringe, H. H. - Of West Chester, Chester Co., PA
  • Waldron, Mr.
  • Walker, Mr. - A musician, of Harrisburg
  • Wallace, Thomas
  • Walters, Henry - Storage merchant, made cashier of Harrisburg Bank in Market Square
  • Walters, Jacob - Rawn’s valet
  • Waugh, Mr. - Said to be the father of Eliza McKinney’s child, of Washington Co.
  • Weidman, M. - Friend of Rawn with whom he smoked "segars"
  • Weidman, John - Of Lebanon Co., PA
  • Weiser, Peter - Was discharged from the court, although Rawn was opposed to this action
  • Welsh, Henry - Editor of Pennsylvania Reporter, friend whom Frances visited for a quilting party
  • Welsh, Mr. - Of York, York Co., PA
  • Wenrick, Mr. - Sawed wood for Rawn
  • Wharton, Mrs.
  • White, Elisha - A widower
  • Whiteside, Mr. - Resigned from Harrisburg Bank in 1833
  • Wilson’s Hotel - Operated by Matthew Wilson, corner of Market & 3rd
  • Wisler, John - Wrote to Rawn from Germantown, PA
  • Wisler, Lewis - Of Columbia, Lancaster Co.
  • Witmer, Benjamin - Of Lancaster, corresponded with Rawn regarding his property in Perry Co., PA
  • Wolf, George - Governor of PA, friend of Rawn
  • Woods, John - Of Halifax, Dauphin Co., father-in-law of Hannah Rhawn
  • Woodside, Mr.
  • Woodward, Mr. - Editor of the Saturday Courier
  • Worleman, General
  • Worthington, Dr. Wilson - Of West Chester, Chester Co., PA
  • Wright, H. B. - Of Wilkes-Barre, PA
  • Wyeth, F. - Had bookstore and printing office
  • Wyeth, Lewis
  • Wyeth, S. - Speaker at a Temperance meeting attended by Rawn
  • Yellets, John - Rawn’s barber and client
  • Young Men’s Debating Society - Rawn enjoyed Jos. Clendenin’s speech at Masonic Hall
  • York Volunteers - Volunteer fire department from York
  • Zacharias, Mr. - Reverend at Adam Orth’s funeral
  • Zimmerman, John - Innkeeper, Cumberland Co., PA

Works Consulted

Barney, William. The Passage of the Republic: An Interdisciplinary History of Nineteenth Century America. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath, 1987.

Chambers, Anne. The Practical Guide to Marbling Paper. London: Thames & Hudson, 1986.

Eggert, Gerald G. Harrisburg Industrializes: The Coming of Factories To An American Community. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1993.

Egle, William Henry. Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Chambersburg, PA: J.M. Runk and Company, 1896.

Fletcher, Stevenson. Pennsylvania Agriculture and Country Life: 1640 – 1840. Harrisburg, PA: Pennsylvania Historic and Museum Commission, 1950.

Iscrupe, W. and S. Annals of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Laughlintown, PA: S.W.Pennsylvania Genealogical Services, 1987.

Kelker, Luther R. The History of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania with Genealogical Memoirs. New York: Lewish Publishing Co., 1907.

Laver, James. The Concise History of Costume and Fashion. New York: Scribner’s Sons, 1969.

Linn, John B. The History of Centre and Clinton Counties, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1883.

Morgan, George. History of Dauphin County: 1785 – 1876. Harrisburg, PA: Telegraph Steam Book & Job Printing, 1877.

Napey, H. The Harrisburg Business Directory. January 8, 1842.

Novak, Barbara. Nineteenth Century American Paintings. New York: Verdome Press, 1986.

Pennsylvania: A Guide to the Keystone State. Writers’ Program. WPA-PA., 1940.

Pierson, William H. American Buildings and Their Architects: The Colonial and Neoclassical Styles. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1970.

Quinn, Arthur. A History of the American Drama from the Beginning to the Civil War. New York: F.S. Crofts & Co., 1943.

Rupp, I. Daniel. The History and Topography of Dauphin, Cumberland, Franklin, Bedford, Adams, and Perry Counties. Lancaster, PA: Gilbert Hills, 1846.

Sanjek, Russel. American Popular Music and its Business: the First 400 Years, vol. II, 1790-1909. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.

Spoffard, J. A. The Harrisburg Directory, 1843.

Sturtevant, P. The Harrisburg Directory, August 1, 1839.

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