The Journal of Charles Rawn
February 24, 1834 to May 31, 1834 (Book 5)
Edited by Jennifer A. Barr-Osteen
In this portion of the journal, Charles Rawn shows his involvement in both state and federal politics. He becomes the Deputy Attorney General of Dauphin County, is acquainted with Governor George Wolf, is a supporter of the Democratic Party, attends Temperance Society Meetings, and talks about his support of President Andrew Jackson and his opposition to the Whig party and the Bank of the United States. Besides politics, Rawn is also interested in the local business community. He makes many references to the Pennsylvania Canal Commission, the railroad, and the Harrisburg Bank.
On the personal side, Rawn makes daily reference to his wife Frances, his family and relatives (Peacocks, Shunks, Clendenins, and Rawns), and his close friends. He mentions his supper and tea with his family, drinking wine or "hot punch" in a social gathering, smoking "segars" (cigars), eating oysters with his friends, attending dancing parties, and the Menagerie that came to town. He faithfully attends church, usually DeWitt’s,1 and makes many comments about different preachers. He takes frequent walks and writes often to his sister, Julia Ann Rawn, and to his brother, David W. Rawn.
The most touching part in this section of Rawn’s journal is the death of his first daughter on March 1, 1834. He describes in great detail her burial and the pain that he is feeling. Rawn also mentions the toll that his daughter’s death took on Frances, who is bedridden for a significant amount of time. Rawn also cares about the misfortune of others. He refers to the death of some of his acquaintances, a fire in town that destroyed many homes, the child that was born out of wedlock, and the separation of husbands and wives. If we thought he was without emotion, this section corrects that misconception.
1 - Presbyterian Church on 2nd St.
The Journal
Transcriptions for this section of the journal begin February 24, 1834 and end May 31, 1834. Click on a date to begin reading.
List of Names Mentioned
- Agnews & Brisbans, Dr.
- Alricks, Hamilton - Attorney and friend
- Alward, Henry - Banker
- Badger, T.
- Barr, W. - Harrisburg constable
- Beryhaus, Dr. George Charles L.
- Bowen, William
- Bradly, Jonathan
- Brenrite, F. E. - Attorney
- Brewster, F. E. - Attorney
- Briggs - Barber
- Brooks, Rebecca - Friend
- Buehler, Henry - Clerk of the Senate and friend
- Buel, Dr. William P.
- Bulkley, Mr.
- Burnside, Jas. - Attorney
- Carter, Ezekiel - Deceased black man who owned property in town
- Cheyney, David R.
- Clendenin, Elizabeth - Mother-in-law of Rawn
- Clendenin, Jonathan Joseph - Brother-in-law
- Clendenin, Joseph - Deceased father-in-law
- Clendenin, Mary Scott - Sister-in-law. Frances’ sister. Also referred to as M.S.C.
- Clendenin, Samuel - Schoolmate of Rawn, Frances’ cousin
- Cook, Joel
- Crawford, T. Hartley - Attorney
- Cross/Crofs, Mr. - Teacher
- Curran, Father
- Dallas, George M. - Friend, Attorney General of Philadelphia; later U. S. Vice President
- Darlington, Dr. - Delegate from Chester Co.
- Davis, Hannah - Client
- Dean, Dr. A. T. - Attends to Frances
- Duck, William - Whose house Rawn lived in
- Duffield, Rev. Mr. - Preached at De Witts
- Elder, Thomas - Friend and attorney
- Evans, Ms. - Client James Fitzpatrick
- Evans & Meitzel [?] - Bar keepers
- Eveson, Joshua - Keeping Rawn’s mare Flora
- Findlay, Jas. - Secretary of the Commonwealth and friend
- Forsman, John - Supervisor of the Delaware Division of the Pennsylvania Canal
- Forster, John - Banker
- Fox, Jonathan - Sheriff
- Franklin, Walter
- Frazier, Reah - Attorney
- Gallaugher, Mrs. - Friend
- Gibson, Chief Justice
- Green, Ashbel - Attorney
- Green, H.
- Greist [?], Aialin
- Grim, Peter Jr. - Brick maker
- Gripwald, Alfred
- Hain, George - Client
- Haldeman, J. M. - Bought property
- Hamilton, James
- Hamor, Mrs. Ann
- Hamor, Dr. J.
- Harnile [?], Robert - In case against William Young
- Hayes, William P. - Cabinetmaker
- Henrie, Nathanial - Owned horses
- Henzy/Hewly [Henry?], Joseph B. - Attorney who owes Rawn money
- Hine [?], Jacob
- Hoopes, Abner - Formerly lived with Rawn
- Hubbell, F. W. - Attorney
- Hummel, Joseph
- Irvine, Attorney
- Jacoby, Daniel - Montgomery County
- "James" - Thomas Elder’s "yellow" man
- Jnoh [?], Jedediah - Chairman of canal committee
- Johnson, John - In case against Thomas Elder
- Karthaus, Peter Arn - Attorney
- Kauffman, Isaac C. - Client
- Kelley, Peter - Whose house Rawn now lives in
- Kline, William - Attorney
- Leland [?], Reuben - Crazy man who writes to Judge Gibson
- Levy, Dr. Abraham
- Lowman, Jonathan
- Lunis [Tunis?], Lachauah - Prisoner
- Mahon, Alexander - State Treasurer
- Marsh, Rev. Mr. - Of Philadelphia; preached at De Witt’s church
- McCall, Robert - Merchant
- McClure, Mrs. - Judge Gibson’s daughter
- McCormick, James - Attorney
- McCulloh, Nancy - Friend of Rawn and Frances
- McKinney, Mordecai - Attorney and friend
- Meden, Mary - Client
- Meder, David - Subpoenaed by Rawn in Meder case
- Megernd, Mr. - Of Philadelphia; spoke at DeWitt’s church
- Miller, Mrs. Rachel - Nurse that attended to Frances
- Mitchell, Jonathan - Canal Commissioner
- Mumma, Christian - Client
- Newbeker, Jacob - Friend
- Newbeker, Philip - Friend
- Parke, Benjamine B. - Attorney
- Peacock, Elizabeth - Friend of Charles Rawn and Frances
- Peacock, James - Postmaster and friend; Elizabeth’s father
- Philips, Urith
- Proty, Jonathan Roberts
- Rawn, Julia Ann - Sister
- Rawn, Frances Clendenin - Wife
- Roderique, Dr. - Introduced to at party
- Rolea - Dog
- Rutherford, Dr. - Attended to Frances
- Seachmit, Wallerman, & Reinart - Law firm
- Seiler, Jacob - Late Sheriff of Dauphin County
- Seiler, Jacob - Scott case against him by Rawn
- Shades [Shunks], Maria
- Shavely, Jacob - Client
- Shunk, Frances - Cousin and attorney; later Governor
- Scott, Strough [?] - Client
- Snyder
- Strichel, Miss R. - Client
- Stuart, Jas. - European agent
- Swartz, Jonathan
- Wallace, Thomas - Doorkeeper of the House of Representatives
- Wallower, Samuel - Case against him by Rawn’s client Mary Meder
- Walters, Henry - Buried Rawn’s daughter
- Walters, Jacob - Rawn’s valet
- Webster, Jonathan H. - Graduate of Dartmouth College and now practicing law in PA
- Weidman, Jonathan A.
- Wharton, John E. - Banker
- Wise, Jonathan - Constable
- Wisler, Lewis
- Wolf, Governor George - Friend of Woodward and Spragg; editors of the Saturday Courier
- Woodward & Mifflin & Perry - Editors of the Pennsylvanian
- Woodward and Spragg - Editors of the Saturday Courier
- Young, William - Carpenter
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