The Journal of Charles Rawn
November 26, 1835 to February 7, 1836 (Book 7)
Edited by Angela L. Eifert Key
As a lawyer in Harrisburg, Charles Rawn had an impressive work ethic. Throughout most entries, he recorded the hours he spent in the office and in court. He spent many of his mornings in court, and he was usually at the office until 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. While in his office he wrote letters, prepared court documents, and met with clients. Once or twice a week he went to the Capitol and read law books or sat in the House chambers and listened to debates. He was passionate about politics and attended several lectures throughout this time period. The year 1836 was an election year, therefore he frequently reported on the status of the candidates. With a penchant for the public arena, Rawn met many high-ranking public officials. He had extensive contact with scores of lawyers in the Central Pennsylvania area as well as Philadelphia, Maryland, and New York.
Unfortunately, Rawn did not give many details of his personal life. He did have a wife, Frances, and a nine-month old daughter, Elizabeth. At one point he boasted of his daughter’s accelerated growth, which hinted at a proud father. When he mentioned Frances, he reported how much money he gave her "for her own use." On occasion he would list her friends who were at the house for tea. Their house was rented from his mother-in-law, Mrs. Clendenin, who seemed to be a continual presence. Perhaps the reason was because she was a new grandmother.
When Rawn could enjoy an hour or two of leisure time, he often took three- or four-mile walks along the Susquehanna River. He did some light reading, and obtained his books from the McGowan’s circulating library. After a long day of work, he frequently joined colleagues at a local hotel for a glass of wine or ale. Additionally, he attended one or two parties each week. These gatherings were comprised of Harrisburg’s social elite, and Rawn was sure to document any influential person he met there. He conversed with the Governor and Governor-elect, Presidential candidates, the Mayor, members of Congress, and fellow lawyers.
Church membership was important to Rawn. He divided his time between the Episcopal and the Presbyterian churches. He attended church on Sunday mornings and evenings, and sometimes during the mid-week. Elizabeth, his baby girl, was baptized at the "Presbyterian Church." When he shared his pew with members of society, he recorded their names in his journal.
The transcription of Rawn’s journal from November 26, 1835, through February 8, 1836, concludes with tables of personal expenses and an extensive list of every individual mentioned in his journal. When possible, their relationship to Rawn is also given.
The Journal
Transcriptions for this section of the journal begin November 26, 1835 and end February 7, 1836. Click on a date to begin reading.
Personal Expenses
Item | Store or Person Paid | Amount Paid |
Blank book(journal) | Mrs. Graydons | $0.25 |
Oil | $0.50 | |
Cleaning service (office) | Barbara Smith | $0.50 |
112 pounds of beef | Cumberland County butcher | $5.00 |
Boarding | Mrs. Clendenin | $15.00 |
1 pint of brandy | $0.25 | |
1 quart of lamp oil | Smalls Co. | $0.31 & ¼ |
Sundries | Hale’s | $0.05 |
½ cord hickory wood | $2.25 | |
Sawing and stacking service | Darryl Smith | $0.80 |
Sundries | Williams | $0.06 & ¼ |
Sundries | M. Hall | $0.06 & ¼ |
½ peck eating apples | $0.04 | |
Oysters | M.Hall | $0.06 & ¼ |
Green shoes for Frances | Bellman and Jones | $1.75 |
Hair cut | Briggs the Barber | $0.12 |
Sundries | $0.06 & ¼ | |
Sundries | $0.06 & ¼ | |
Sundries | Confections | $0.06 & ¼ |
Fore quarter of beef | York County man | $0.04 per pound |
Belt | Peacock’s | $0.75 |
Jackson’s Losenges | Lutz’s | $0.37 & ½ |
12t molasses | Firks | $0.16 & ¼ |
Wafers | Peacocks | $0.25 |
Boarding | Mother Clendenin | $15.00 |
Medical services | Dr. Rutherford | $10.00 |
Wine | Maron’s Hall | $0.06 & ¼ |
One pound of charcoal | $0.25 | |
Apples | $0.06 & ¼ | |
Wood | Berghaus | $1.50 |
Cabinets | Hays Cabinet Maker | $0.87 & ½ |
Cigars | $0.06 & ¼ | |
Cigars | $0.06 & ¼ | |
One quart of brandy | Firks | $0.25 |
Horse and sleigh ride | N. Henries | $0.12 & ½ |
Horse feed | $0.18 & ¾ | |
Tolls | $0.15 | |
Cigars | Buehlers Hotel | $0.05 |
Apples | $0.02 | |
Sundries | $0.09 | |
Boarding | Mother Clendenin | $20.00 |
Sundries | Mison’s Hotel | $0.12 & ½ |
List of Names Mentioned
- Ahvards, Henry - Client
- Alexander, Charles, Esq., Philadelphia
- Anderson, Mrs. Mary
- Antes, Henry (?)
- Atlee, Wm. - Highspire, Dauphin County
- Aulis, Mrs. A.
- Baker, Geo., Esq.
- Bailey, Joel
- Barker, Adam - Carlisle
- Barmtz, R. J.(?)
- Berghaus, Dr. Geo. H.
- Black, Robert F.
- Bowers, Joseph, Esq.
- Brent, R. J., Esq.
- Brinton, John H., Esq. - West Chester, PA
- Brooks, Esq.
- Bruher, M.C.(?)
- Buchlers, Mrs. Henry
- Cameron, Mr.
- Carter, D. B. - Philadelphia merchant
- Carson, A. E.
- Chambers, W., Esq. - Chambersburg
- Cheyney, Charles A.
- Cheyney, Capt. M. A. - First cousin
- Clarke, James - Canal Commissioner
- Clendenin, Mother - Frances Rawn’s mother
- Cook, Rev. M.
- Coskrey, Rev. M.
- Cox, Mr. and Mrs
- Coy, Genl. M., Esq.
- Crawford, Sally - Chambersburg; daughter of G. Hartley, Esq.
- Cunningham, T. S., Sr. - Senate
- Curtin, Mrs.
- Dallas, Geo. M.
- Darres, M., Esq.
- Davies, M.
- Detweiler, M.
- DeWitt, Rev. Wm. R.
- Dougherty, M.
- Douglass, Miss Elizabeth
- Duck, Jacob - Provost, Dauphin County
- Duneau, Hon. Tho.
- Efferis, (?) Cheyney - Son of W. Jefferson, Chester County
- Elmhauer, (?) N.
- Evans, Tho.
- Ewing, M. - House of Representatives
- Findlay, M. K., Esq.
- Fitzwater, A.
- Forney, David
- Forster, Mr.
- Fryer, M. - Philadelphia
- Gibson, Miss A. B. - Daughter of Chief Justice
- Gibson, Judge - Chief Justice
- Giff, (?) Frances
- Graydon, Mrs.
- Grayson, Esq.
- Grimshaw, Mr. and Mrs.
- Haldeman, Mrs. J. W.
- Hartley, G., Esq.
- Hays, W. P. - Cabinet maker
- Henry, Samuel
- Herslen, (?) Charles
- Hirster, A. O.
- Hovis, M.
- Howell, Miss
- Jamison, A. M.
- Jefferis, Jas. W.
- Johnson - Candidate of vice-presidency
- Johnson, F., Esq. - Dauphin County
- Judd, Rev. M.
- Keating, Mr.
- Kendig, Martin
- Koser, Mr. and Mrs.
- Kunkle, M. - Repairman
- Lackey, Wm., Esq. - Perry County
- Law, J. S.
- Lawrence, Isaac - Philadelphia
- Leach, Richard T., Esq.
- Leslie, Jas.
- Leslie, Mrs.
- Mahany, Mr. and Mrs.
- Maldron, Mr. - Halifax, Dauphin County
- Manly, Cheyney C.
- Martin, Geo., Jr. - Philadelphia County
- Matsare, (?) Rev.
- McBlumchend, Henry
- McClintock, Mrs. Lydia (or Sylvia)
- McCulloh, Nancy - Chambersburg
- McCulloh, Th., Esq.
- Meden, Mary
- Meese, John
- Mehaffey, Jas.
- Middlesworth, Mr. - Speaker of the House of Representatives
- Miles, M.
- Milligan, Thomas - Liverpool, Perry County
- Mitchell, M. - Canal Commissioner
- Morgan, Rev. - President of Western University
- Myers, Isaac - Schuylkill County
- Musgraves, Mrs.
- Newbeker
- Newbold, Mr. - Philadelphia
- Nicole, (?) Wm.
- Oftitzer, M.
- Page, Col.
- Patterson, Mrs. S. D.
- Peacock, Mr. and Mrs.
- Pearson, Edward, Esq. - Lebanon County
- Peffer, Henry - Dauphin County
- Perrypacker, E. F., Esq. - House of Representatives
- Pollock, Jas., Esq. - Milton, PA
- Pomeroy, M. - Client
- Powers, Joseph
- Ramp, Jacob - Hummelstown, PA
- Rawn, D. W. - Philadelphia
- Rawn, Caspar
- Rawn, Elizabeth - Mother
- Rawn, Frances - Wife
- Rawn, Elizabeth - Daughter
- Rawn, Jacob, Jr.
- Rawn, Juliann
- Rawn, I., Jr. - Hummelstown
- Reed, Sam F. - Philadelphia
- Reily, Dr.
- Richards, Matthew S. - Reading, PA
- Ritner, Joseph - Governor-elect
- Roberts, Mr. - Philadelphia, former House of Representatives
- Robinson, Capt. Jos.
- Rutherford, Dr. Wm.
- Ruy, Alexander
- Sackey, William
- Schreiner, Henry, Esq. - Dauphin County
- Scott, Mary S.
- Seiler, Jacob
- Shewell, T. J.
- Shunk, Elizabeth
- Shunk, R., Esq.
- Shoop, Geo., Esq. - Perry County
- Smith, Barbara - Cleaning lady
- Smith, Darryl - Wood chopper
- Smith, Mr. - House of Representatives, Allegheny County
- Snyder, Antes - Son of Governor Snyder
- Sproul, Rev. Mr.
- Stambough, Martin - Sheriff, Perry County
- Stendruk, Tobias
- Stevens, Mr. - Philadelphia
- Stockton, Robert
- Stoddard, Avery, Esq. - Dayton, OH
- Strohm, Mr.
- Strong, H. K.
- Todd, James - Attorney General, Fayette County
- Trimble, Jas.
- Van Buren, Martin - President
- Wain,(?) W. J.
- Wharton, Mrs.
- Williams, Otto, Esq. - Northampton County
- Wilson, Joseph
- Wimble, Mr.
- Wolf, Governor
- Wolf, Mrs. Horace
- Wyeth, Lewis, Esq.
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