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The Journal of Charles Rawn
November 4, 1836 to January 4, 1837 (Book 8)
Edited by Raymond P. Chrobak
In this excerpt, dating from November 4, 1836 to January 4, 1837, Rawn discusses the election of 1836 and how Harrisburg, Pennsylvania’s state capital, participated in the electoral votes after the election. A loyal Democrat, he voted for Van Buren in the general election. He mentions writing a letter to the Honorable James Buchanan, the future President , on December 9, 1836. Throughout the entries, Rawn also discusses his acquaintance with various members of the state House of Representatives and the Senate.
Rawn mentions several times that he received hired help from several black workers and disclosed the amount of money he paid them for their services. Rawn would identify these workers by their first names only and usually indicate that they were "black." One black woman, Mary, was discussed several times. Rawn seemed to be bothered by the fact that one day she left: "Our Black woman Mary went off the night before last & did not return" (December 8, 1836).
On December 13, 1836, Rawn discusses with his pastor the question of slavery, showing his own attitude and the presence of the topic in Harrisburg:
Rev M. De Witt an clergyman came in at 7 ½ P.M. Spent Evening. He talked of Slavery & Speculations on the [?] my opinion that Slavery ought to be abolished in the District of Columbia by [?] which opinion De Witt so[said] he was pleased to hear. I am decidedly in favor of discussing the question of the Abolition of Slavery & by Moral influence argument going it away if possible.
Another attorney, George Washington Harris, asserted many years later that Rawn was not an abolitionist.
At the end of the year he took the train to Philadelphia, to do business and visit his mother.
The Journal
Transcriptions for this section of the journal begin November 4, 1836 and end January 4, 1837. Click on a date to begin reading.
List of Names Mentioned
- Altee, Mrs. A.
- Anderson, Jacob - Coal yard owner
- Baily, [?] Joel
- Ban, W.
- Barrett, O., Esq.
- Barrwik, [?] Philip
- Bell, Mr.
- Benshaws
- Binney, Horrace, Jr., Esq.
- Birch, Rev.
- Blanchard, Rev.
- Boervizer, [?] C.
- Boyar, [?] Jacob
- Boyer
- Brewster, F. E., Esq.
- Brown, Michael
- Brown, P. P., Esq.
- Bryant, Alderman
- Bryant, T. J., Esq.
- Buchanan, Hon. J.
- Buchen, [?] C.
- Bucks, [?] C.
- Buehler
- Buffington, A.
- Bull, Mr. [?]
- Bundsale, [?] Mills
- Burke, C.
- Burke, Rev. R.
- Burnes, Rev. A.
- Butten
- Buzzard, Mr. [?]
- Caldwell
- Campbell, Adami [?] W.
- Carfran [?]
- Carson, Ann Ellen
- Carter, D. B.
- Chambers, Esq.
- Chansbey, [?], Esq.
- Cheyney, Chas. H.
- Cheyney, Leo. Chas. H.
- Christian, [?] Horsh [?]
- Clellans, [?] Mr.
- Clendenin, J. [?], Esq.
- Clendenin, Jos.
- Clintock
- Cochran, Sheriff Fox
- Conover, Elisha L.
- Coulters
- Cox
- Crawford, Boroley, Esq.
- Davis, Peter
- DeWitt, Rev. M.
- Doerwachter, [? ] J.
- Dole, W. H.
- Duck
- Duncan
- Elizabeth
- Ellisons, J. B.
- English
- Ennis
- Evans, Esq.
- Eve
- Fahnestock, [?] Adam
- Finks
- Fisk
- Fostes, [?] Mr. M.
- Fox, M. P., Esq.
- Frank, Mrs.
- Franklin
- Gamen, Thos. [?]
- Gant, [?] Wilson
- Garrison
- Gibbons
- Gilmore, Esq.
- Godey, [?] S. A.
- Goimishaw, [?] H.
- Goodman
- Gramshaw, [?] H.
- Gratz, Mr.
- Graves, J.
- Grayoons, [?] Mr.
- Gresimens, [?] Jonah
- Gresimers, Ellisons
- Griffith, Jas. W.
- Grimitaus, [?]
- Grimshaw, Ja.
- Griscom, Geo., Esq.
- Griseone, [?] Geo., Esq.
- Guandrain, [?] Baily [?]
- Halderman, G. M.
- Harris
- Jefferson, Tho. [?] Harris
- Harrison, Mr.
- Heintzleman, Alderman
- Heitzerman
- Hildeburn, Lans.
- Hinckle, Mr.
- Hinkson, Esq.
- Hugh
- Hughes, E. P.
- Huink, [?] Francis
- Hunts
- Jones, Philip
- Kauffman, Da [?]
- Kelly, [?] Geo.
- Killey, Jerry
- Kinneys, Mr.
- Kline
- Kline, Mrs., Esq.
- Kline, Mr. Kinney, Esq.
- Knicken, [?] Mr.
- Langer, [?] Jacob
- Lee, Esq.
- Linus, Mrs.
- Lyne, [?] Mr. - Attorney
- Mahon, A., Esq.
- Mary
- Matson, Morris
- McCulloh, [?] Tho. G., Esq.
- McGowan
- Merrich, Peter
- Miller, D.
- Mills
- Mitz, Mr.
- Moallinter, [?] Capt. C.
- Myens, [?] Judge
- Nancy
- Neal, Dr.
- Newbeken, Philip
- Newbeken, Mrs. Philip
- Peacock
- Ran, [?] Mrs.
- Rand
- Rawle, Mrs. [?], Esq.
- Rawn, D. W.
- Rawn, Frances
- Rawn, Julia
- Ray, Sam
- Reader, Michael, Tracy, John
- Rhawn, Aunt Hannah
- Rhawn, Uncle Sam
- Rhein, [?] Esq.
- Roberts, Col.
- Robinson, Bery[?]
- Rouch, [?] eary
- Ruff
- Ruh, M.
- Scott [?]
- Sedjrik, [?] P. C.
- Sewellen, [?]
- Shinn, [?] J. M.
- Shitz, Mr.
- Shrew, David
- Shunk
- Shunk, F. R.
- Shunk, Frances H.
- Shunk, Robinson
- Shunk, [?] Sam [?]
- Simmons, Lieut.
- Smith, Mrs.
- Snevily, [?] Mr.
- Soier, [?] Mrs.
- Spring, Arthur
- Stembaugh, Col.
- Stewart, Stephen
- Stine, A., Esq.
- Stine
- Stinn, Esq.
- Stockton, Col. R.
- Stone, H., Jr.
- Tait, Abigail
- Taylor
- Taylor, Ben. A.
- Thos, Boyd M.
- Toby
- Trimble, R.
- Wallace
- Walters, Dinah
- Watson, Hildeburn [?]
- Weidman, A.
- Wharton, Misgrave [?]
- Wilson, Mrs. [?]
- Wister, Mr. [?], Jr.,
- Witmore, Lansing [?], Esq.
- Witt, Dr.
- Zarmon, [?] Frances B.
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