The Day Book of Charles Rawn, 1833
The Journal
January 1st 1833 | ||
About time of Inauguration and also comes months previous recd, Stock of Shuler and Stock of Leinau towards my Fees for appearing in Marseilles and Martin and Shuler in Dauphin Com Pleas to August 1. 1832 no – said Stocks are worth $3.00 therefore recd | Fees $3.00 | |
Changed one of said Stocks at Millers store & gave "to Boot" | $1.00 | |
Paid Jacob Walters on account ________________________ | $.12½ | |
Lent St. Eberle – player - | $1.00 | |
Paid Expenses my share at Wallaces on my promotion and Election to 1st Lieut of "Hg." Greys" McGowan made 2nd in my place | $1.12½ | |
Paid Expenses at same Bar in Evening for Peter Buckler Stambaugh & self | $.18¾ | |
Postage on Letter Recd from F.P.C. "Lebanon "Jan" 1. 1833" | $.06¼ | |
1/2 | Recd of Eberle money lent him on 1st | $1.00 |
1/2 | Paid Toll and going to and returning from Lebanon | $1.00 |
1/3 | Expenses at Krause’s in Lebanon | $1.00 |
Do at Fox’s dining F.P.C. and self in Hummelstown | $.31¼ | |
Paid Black Geo. At Wallace’s | $.25 | |
1/4 | Paid Randall (Taylor) on acct of a Bal. Of $1.25 due him vide date in this Book 26 Dec 1832 | $.50 |
Recd from Wm A. Atlee on a[-t] | Fee $2.50 | |
1/5 | Paid Jacob Walters (valet) | $.06¼ |
1/7 | Recd of Sheriff Wolpersberger the Principal and Interest of money Lent to him at Wallace’s on 27 May 1831 | $2.25 |
Paid for Sundries at Buckley [name smudged] and self | $.18¾ | |
1/8 | Paid for Celebration Dinner at Mrs Friedleys. Jackson Democratic Party | $1.00 |
1/9 | Paid for Wafers at Peacock | $.12½ |
Recd in Peter Karthouse v Morgan Malone No 130. Jan1. 1833 vide suit in my docket________ | Fee $15.00 | |
1/10 | Paid for Candles at Ducks | $.25 |
1/11 | Paid Wallace’s Dutch Jacob making fire [---] and [sw--] | $.06¼ |
Recd note from M.J. Clarke of Huntingdon present Nathl Henrie for services to him once Habeas Corpus yesterday. payable in 10 days | Fee $10.00 | |
1/13 | At Wallace’s. Karthaus and self | $.12½ |
1/14 | Paid Jonathan Chandler vide his Receipt on acct of Office rent | $15.00 |
1/15 | Recd from Middletown [C]oley. Note for additional | Fee $5.00 |
1/14 | Recd from Wm A Atlee note for additional | Fee $7.50 |
1/15 | Paid for Law Books bought at sale of S B Wood, Esqr. Decd. Law Library on 13th inst. This day pd in full vide Bill Rec. | $2.88¾ |
Postage Letter Mr. A. Weidman. Lebanon on Jan 13. 1833 | $.06 | |
Recd from M. Coley on ast of note of this day | $1.00 | |
1/16 | Paid at Chesters for Oysters and present [two illegible names] | $.15 |
1/17 | Paid Mrs. Curzon for her son Edwin vide Bill and Receipt in full for 1 Quarters washing beginning on the 1st Oct. 1832 | $4.50 |
1/19 | Paid Toll going to High Spire | $.06¼ |
Paid for Segars | $.06¼ | |
Paid L.H. Randall- (Taylor) Bal. in full vide Entry of Jan 4th | $.75 | |
1/20 | Paid at Rev. [---] Church | $.06¼ |
1/21 | Recd in NO 18 of Jan. 1. 1833 – Judgt Fee $3.00 and from Platffs | $2.00- acct Fee |
At same time pd Keller amt of my Subscription at Hensy on 1 Jan. 1833 for a Bass Drum for Harrisburg Greys | $3.00 | |
[Note in margin: Paid in settlement of my Fee] | ||
1/25 | Paid Jacob Walters | $.06¼ |
Postage on Letter from F W Hubbell Esqr "Phil" Jan 24. 1833" | $.12½ | |
2/2 | At Lockmans Church Concert for "Poor" | $.12½ |
2/5 | Paid Jacob Walters (valet) | $.12½ |
Paid for Charcoal | $.40 | |
2/6 | Paid for "Blank" Memorandum Book" and ½ quire of Letter paper at Lieut McGowans | $.50 |
2/7 | Paid for Box Keysers Pills and boy to bring them | $.18¾ |
2/9 | Paid W.H. Parsons vide Bill and Receipt in full of all accounts | $.50 |
Sundries at Chesters and Bucklers | $.25 | |
2/11 | Do __ at Chesters | $/16 |
2/12 | Recd Judgt note of Lewis Platt and Lewis Williams payable in 10 days without stay of Execution for | $32.10 |
2/14 | Recd from Wm. A. Atlee – Insolvent Debtor on his discharge this day. Bal. of | Fee $5.00 |
Paid Mr. Gilbert Burns in full for office chair | $.80 | |
Thos Wallace Dr for my Services and advice this day obtaining his discharge under the Insolvent Laws____ | My Fee $10.00 | |
[Note in margin: Paid vide to my next page Boarding account] | ||
Paid for 1 pair Black Silk Stockings at Major Geo Gallaghers cash to boy in my office | $1.12½ | |
2/15 | Recd from Amos Clemson on Note to McClure and self in Suits No 84 to 89 of Nov 1. 1825 | Fee $25.00 |
2/16 | Paid M. Corklen for Geo Hopple Bal. in full of money collected for him from Jno. Lemer? In a Suit no 170 oh Aug 1. 1825 | $40.00 |
same time recd additional (having before recd $20 on the payment to the said Corklin of $105) | Fee $4.66 | |
same time recd of M. Corklin adms of John Mussleman for services in obtaining an order of sale of said Decd’s property in Paxon Townp Dauphin County | Fee $5.00 | |
For Sundries at Chesters last evening | $.16 | |
2/18 | For wine at meeting of Officers at [Alters] | $.25 |
2/19 | Recd of Mary King admt of Jno King. Decd vide ante- on his note of "Aug 18. 1832" for $25. | Fee $15.00 |
Recd of Thomas Wallace for services to him lately in taking Benefit of Insolvent Laws in full | Fee $5.00 | |
same time Paid Thos Wallace on acct. of Boarding vide receipt | $10.00 | |
2/21 | Paid Thos Wallace at his Bar to make change for Sheriff of Northampton County present Jas Bigger. Gate keeper_____ | $1.75 |
2/22 | Paid George Wallaces Black Boy | $.12½ |
Same day – Do – ostler and Boot black | $.12½ | |
Same day Do – Breakfast girls. | $.12½ | |
Same day Do Do Do | $.12½ | |
Expenses at Hill on Parade, Caspar Shunk and Walle Jacobs | $.06¼ | |
Paid for dinner at Lee’s (Bigler Old Stand [---]) | $.50 | |
Paid Sergeant Gross for Powder for Greys | $.25 | |
present Parsons (Taylor and some other Persons) | ||
2/23 | Paid Toll Harrisburg Bridge F.P.C. and self | $.12½ |
Recd from Jas Peacock Esqr in Farm business | Fee $2.00 | |
2/26 | Paid for Sundries at Chesters | $.16 |
3/1 | Toll on "Sleighing party" to Hummelstown | $.18¾ |
Expenses each ones Bill at Fox’s at said place – 9 Gentlemen- paying $6.00 to Geo Kelly fiddler | $2.00 | |
3/2 | Paid Ellen (girl) for getting my breakfast at 9 o clock | $.06¼ |
Paid for [-ellons] Practice to Shunk by his wife present- Ms. Clendenen, he having bought some books a S B Woods sale for same | $2.00 | |
3/7 | Recd of Mary Roark by Esqr Davis in Suit Fisher vs Roark No 183 of Jan. 1. 1833 ~ | Fee $5.00 |
3/11 | Paid Saml Murray?. Livery Man in full of all demands including $3.00 for late Sleighing party to Hummelstown. Vide Bill and receipt | $4.50 |
3/17 | Paid Barber for Shaving and cutting Hair | $.18¾ |
3/19 | Paid Bill at Geo Gallaghers of 11th. 1832 in full vide receipt | $5.75 |
Bought at same time and place 13/8 yds. Black Cloth for Frock Coat at $8 ¼ pr yd | $19.59 | |
[note in margin: Paid this in full October 1. 1834 to Andw Grayson agent Vide receipt] | $.21 | |
Paid cash for candles and candy at Ducks | $.31¼ | |
3/21 | Paid John Chandler on act of office Rent for year 1832-3. Per his Bill bought at my sale of Chas. Cox’s property vide recpt. | $5.13 |
3/20 | Paid for 7 vols. of Books (named in my daily Memorandum Book) at my sale of Charles Cox property on Dom. Attachment | $5.40 |
3/21 | Paid Jos Knox (Black Man) for wheeling Boxes etc. | $.15½ |
3/23 | Sent by Letter to Elam Bliss Book seller New York City witness McClure | $30.00 |
Retained in the above case of Elam Bliss v Solomon Schoyer | Fees $33.00 | |
also in same case Judgment | Fee $4.25 | |
3/25 | Paid for Pair Gloves at Capps that Mere good for nothing. [---] him [scribble] | $.50 |
3/26 | Paid for paper at Peacocks | $.12½ |
3/27 | Paid Bill of Trimmings at Espy and Johnsons store for Black Frock Coat {note in margin: Vide Bill and R} | $4.00 |
Paid Wards (Barber) in full in my office for shaving to this date | $.18¾ | |
3/28 | Postage Letter Elam Bliss New York 26 inst | $.18¾ |
Paid Jacob (boy) for sweeping my office | $.04 | |
Paid Thos G McCullok at Capitol present blackson in full for Box [J] Ring brought by him from Phila for me | $5.00 | |
At Buchlers with [Shunk?] Esq | $.12½ | |
Paid for Tooth Brush at Shells | $.15 | |
4/6 | Lent Wm. Ayres Esqr | $2.00 |
Do Do on 21st March last | $.50 | |
Sold Stock to Wm Ayres Esqr for his son Bucher for which he is yet to pay | $1.50 | |
(Note in margin: July 20, 1833 Recd on amount $3.00. Nov. 8. 1833 Bal. [---?] by $1. Since last pd in full) | ||
Paid Quarterly payment to Company of Harrisburg Greys and resigned my office of 1st Lieut from and after todays parade | $.25 | |
4/9 | Paid Postage on Letter and solution to Edition of "Saturday Visiter" Baltimore Mds. | $.10 |
Recd of Simeon Westfall to present his petition on for Tavern License at apl [---?] | Fee $1.00 | |
4/11 | Paid "Cook Eve" at Wallaces and Knepleys | $.06¼ |
4/10 | Began Boarding with Cor(or n)ad Knepley at $2.00 per week by agreement – being same I paid Wallace and am not to pay when I may be away one week or more at a time | |
4/11 | Toll today in Buggy to Middletown | $.37½ |
Paid Mrs. Curzon in full for 1 Quarters washing ending 1 April 1833 (Note in margin: Vide Bill and Receipt | $4.00 | |
4/12 | Paid Store Bill in full at Peter Kellers of Dec 18. 1832. Vide Bill and Receipt | $9.47½ |
Borrowed of Wm McClure Esqr {Note in margin: Paid apl 29th} | $10.00 | |
4/17 | Recd from Jno Markley in assault and Battery cases____ | Fee $5.00 |
4/15 | Recd from Jno Stocker Insolvent Debtor who yet owes me 50 cts_ | Fee $2.50 |
4/20 | Paid W.H. Parsons (Taylor) on account of making Black Frock Coat – Vide rect | $3.00 |
4/23 | Paid for Blank Book at Peacocks | $.31¼ |
Paid Jonathan Chandler on asst of Office Rent vide Receipt | $10.00 | |
Paid for Segars | $.12½ | |
4/24 | Paid for Segars at Wilsons. Weidman and self | $.06¼ |
4/27 | Paid Dorsey (Barber) in full for Henry (his boy) cutting my hair and shaving me some 10 days or 2 weeks since in my office | $.25 |
Bought at Geo. Gallaghers Store Black cassimere and vide Bill not pd | $10.81½ | |
Recd note under Seal payable at 3 mo. after date from Jno McCormick present his daughter Jane for counsel and services ~ | Fee $10.00 | |
(note in margin: vide Bill not paid Oct. 1 1834 Paid to A. Grayson agent vide Receipt ~) | ||
Paid John Johnson. (Espys Store) vide receipt, by means of the amt of his Bill at sale of Charles Cox’s property on Dom. Attachment. This day on my Store Bill account | $8.50 | |
4/26 | Postage on letter recd from J.B. Ellison Phila April 25. 1833 | $.12½ |
Postage Letter Thos Wallace. "Paoli Apl 26. 1833 | $.10 | |
Expenses. Burns. Clendenen and Self at Cox’s Town | $.18¾ | |
4/29 | Paid Wm. McClure in full of money Borrowed of him on the 12th inst | $10.00 |
Recd from Isaac Hovis in full for a Yankee Clock sold to him which clock was | Fee l$12.00 | |
Recd as auditor in Fed desk off and will | Fee $1.00 | |
Paid for paper | $.25 | |
4/30 | Recd from Philip Newbeker. by his paying it to Esqr Carpenter for Henry Woods vide Carpenters receipt to philip in my possession | Fee $10.00 |
5/1 | Paid for pair of Gloves at Millers store | $1.00 |
Paid for Do mourning Gloves S.A. Weidmans funeral______ | $.75 | |
5/2 | Paid Thos Wallace in full for Boarding to the 9 Apl 1833 inclusive vide his Receipt | $15.97 |
Paid Jacob Shell and Co in full of the last named amount on account of Thos Wallace. They allowing me a discount thereupon of | $5.31 | |
(note in margin: cash cleared $5.31) | ||
5/1 | Paid F.R. Shunk Esqr in full for my Boarding with him whilst I was a student at Law. Vide due Bill and Receipt thereupon among my receipts____________________ | $19.00 |
Borrowed from F.R. Shunk Esqr and gave him my note payable in 1 year from said date with interest. The last named $19 making the full amount over and above his check now recd for $281. | $300.00 | |
(note in margin: pd in full of principal and int. $313.75. March 31. 1836. Note [?] and among my Receipts | ||
5/2 | Paid Jona Chandler in full of office Rent to 1st April 1833 | $9.87 |
5/3 | Paid W.H. Parsons, Taylor. Balance in full for making Black Frock coat and of all demands vide Bill and Receipt | $4.37½ |
5/4 | Deposited in Harrisburg Bank vide Bank Book | $100.00 |
Paid passage in Stage for tomorrow to Lancaster__________ | $2.00 | |
5/5 | Paid Supper and Bed in Lancaster and Segars King Findlay and Self | $.65 |
Paid continuation passage from Lancaster to West Chester | $2.25 | |
5/6 | Paid Breakfast 11 miles from Lancaster | $.25 |
Paid Maginniss for Gig David and Self from West Chester to Harrisburg and back | $.50 | |
5/8 | Paid passage from West Chester to Phila on Rail Road to Hickman James. | $1.25 |
Paid Ellison S.E. corner of Second and Market Streets. (cloth store) in full of Bill for Black Cloth about 1 year since vide receipt | $35.00 | |
5/8 | Paid [---?] J Co vide Chas H Cheyneys receipts for Astral Lamp and Box recd by me at Harrisburg on the 29 Oct 1832 in full | $14.37½ |
Paid for stockings. 3 pair n Chestnut Street | $.50 | |
5/11 | Paid passage in "Ohio" new Boat "Peoples Line" to Chester and Breakfast | $1.00 |
Recd from Robt E. Hannum Esqr payment of money due on account of Saml Hardys mortgage. | $50.07 | |
Recd of Robs E Hannum Esqr. payment of money due on accounts of Goldsborough Warners mortgage | $62.59 | |
(note in margin: vide copies of my receipts to R.E.H. among my receipts) | ||
Paid passage back from Chester in same Boat in Afternoon | $.50 | |
5/11 | Paid for Wedding Gloves | $1.00 |
Also for 2 Wedding Stocks | $4.00 | |
5/13 | Paid for Wedding Boots and shoes at Miles (Boot Maker 4th Phila) in full | $9.50 |
Paid for Suspenders on Chesnut Street | $1.25 | |
Recd of Saml Warner (coloured man) at the office of Smith Esqr S. Fifth St. Phila $250.62 ½ principal. $29.57 ½ [?] Interest and $3. For surveying his purchase pd by D.W. Rawn to Isaac Thomas making the whole amt this day recd by me of him: including an order on his Brother Goldborough? Warner of this same date for $18. of said "whole amount | $283.20 | |
5/13 | Paid Grigg and Elliott (Booksellers) 5th St Phila for 17 vol of SJK. Reports 3 do of Rawles Reports and 2 do of Penrose and Walts Penna Rep and 50 cts for packing Box | $110.50 |
Recd of said firm discount for cash on said payment made in full | $5.20 | |
Paid for White Satin Shoes for Miss F.P.C. to G.W. Rawn who pd boy | $1.75 | |
5/14 | Paid additional on wedding Stocks for improvement. 50 cts on White and 75 cts on Black making -- -- | $1.25 |
5/14 | Paid for plain Black Stock at Willis (?) in Chesnut St. Same Stock on 15 inst presented to D.W. Rawn at Mothers in West Chester | $1.25 |
Paid Geo W. Rawn in full for new Wedding Hat and 25 cts box vide his Receipt at same time for Hat for Jno Jos Clendenen to G.W.R. also and 25cts for box. Vide receipt $5. of this was Jno Joseph’s own money given to me before I left Harrisburg for this purpose | $5.95 | |
Paid Rob and Winebrenner (merchant Taylor, Chesnut Street Phila) in full for new Suit of Blue Cloth, Viz Coat and pants and for 2 vests vide Bill and Receipt | $67.95 | |
Recd from Rob and W’s a discount of 5 pr. Ct for cash the Bill having been $71.50 dis. | $3.55 | |
Paid passage at Stage office to West Chester by Rail Road | $1.25 | |
Paid Bill since Wednesday last at Wades Hotel up to after dinner vide Bill and Receipt and deduct altogether 56 ¼ cts | $6.62½ | |
Paid Levon (my waiter at Wades) | $.31¼ | |
Paid Henry (porter) in West Chester for wheeling my Trunk etc from end of Rail Road to mothers | $.12½ | |
5/15 | Paid D.W. Rawn vise his Receipt. Money pd to Isaac Thomas for Surveying land of C.C. Rawn to sd Warner –Warner pd this money to me –C.C.Rawn | $3.00 |
Paid for Salts, Seideltz power, [?] | $.06¼ | |
5/16 | Recd of G. Warner amount of order in full by S. Warner given to me in Phila on the 13 inst | $18.00 |
Paid Fredk Fairlamb in full for 1 years Interest vide his wifes receipt | $18.00 | |
Paid D.W. Rawn for Maginnis’ Sulkey to go to Del. County [illegible] | $1.00 | |
Paid Hickman James at West Chester Cars House carriage on box Containing Wedding suit from Rob and Winebrenner | $.25 | |
5/17 | Paid William Williamson Esqr in Full of my note to Abram Sharpliss for $100 Dated 5 Mar 1831 at 90 days vide note and receipt thereon and [---] D.W. Rawn. | $112.00 |
Paid at Beaumonts Tavern West Chester passage for today to Lancaster | $2.25 | |
Deposited for mother in her name and of her own money in the Chester County Bank | $400.00 | |
5/18 | Paid at Bath House in Lancaster | $.25 |
Paid Cryer of [S?] Court at Lancaster on my admission this day on motion of W.McClure | $2.00 | |
Paid at Barbers this morning | $.06¼ | |
Paid my Bill at Packers Hotel Lan. | $1.25 | |
Paid Stage Fare to Harrisburg | $2.00 | |
Paid for Supper at Mt. Joy | $.31¼ | |
5.10 | Paid Woodward and Spagg receipts for subscriptions and payments to me as agent for their paper the Saturday Courier | $41.00 |
Recd discount for collection 15 pr. Ct on said forty one dollars and my paper | $6.15 | |
(note in margin; This ought to have been entered sooner, vide their Receipt in Book where Subscriptions are entered) | ||
5/20 | Paid Quarterly Postage Bill to 1 Apl 1833 including in it $1.02 pd for P.A. Karthous and 80 cts for Amos Clemson vide P. Masters Bills and Receipt | $3.34 |
Deposited in Harrisburg Bank ~ vide B.B. | $100.00 | |
5/21 | Paid Mrs Curzons On account of Shirts | $5.00 |
Paid for Mineral Water at Lockmans Misses Clendenens McCullock | $.25 | |
Gave Miss M.S. Clendenen to buy silk handkerchief for me | $2.00 | |
Paid Jas Peacock Esqr for State Seal for PN. Smith Esqr of West Chester paid Smiths money | $1.00 | |
5/22 | Paid Hale and Snyders livery Bill in full to this date vide Bill and receipt | $10.62½ |
Recd discount on the same | $1.87½ | |
Deducted Saty Courier and drew check on Harrisburg Bank to Hale and Snyder for | $8.62½ | |
Recd of Thos Brown admt of Mary Bell Decd for Andrew Chesnut her Brother and heir- $50 cash and said Thos Brown’s note at 90 days for $64.42 ~ being the Bal. remaining in his hands as admr of said Mary Bell and making in all | $114.42 | |
{note in margin: Oct 9. Recd $65 in full prime and Int} Deduct before paying over my | Fee $14.42 | |
5/22 | Paid Stimmel at stage office for porterage on Sunday | $.12½ |
Paid Jacob Walters by paying for his fish | $.12½ | |
5/23 | Paid Bill at Jones Store for Brown Stoll and 6 yds for Drawers and Trimming | $2.12½ |
5/24 | Drew Check on Harrisburg Bank in favour of self and drew the money | $100.00 |
Paid for a pair of Gloves at Espys store | $.75 | |
Paid or Blank Book at McGowans | $.10 | |
5/25 | Paid Black Boys at Knepleys each 6 ¼ | $.12½ |
Paid Rev. Wm. R. DeWitt for performing my marriage ceremony –pd by King Findley Esq my first groomsman | $10.00 | |
Paid Briggs (Barber) | $.50 | |
5/27 | Paid sundries at Laumans Middletown | $.37½ |
Paid Sundries at Esqr. Blattenberes – Bainbridge | $1.00 | |
Paid dinner Bill of Suite at Jeffries’ Hotel on Front St. in Columbia | $8.00 | |
5/28 | Paid Bill at Mrs Hubleys – Lancaster city –whole suite | $22.00 |
Paid bill at Kendricks 21 miles from Lancaster | $1.25 | |
5/28 | Paid Toll for 2 Horse Carriage at 7 gates from Lancaster to Downingstown today | $1.18¾ |
Paid Drink for Isaac (driver) | $.12½ | |
5/29 | Paid (Isaac) Driver of Hales Carriage to pay his toll etc from West Chester to Harrisburg | $5.00 |
5/31 | Paid David W Rawn for 1 qt wine at Reeds | $.37½ |
Paid do do for Horses Standing last night at Reeds | $.62½ | |
6/2 | Paid Maginnis (West Chester) carriage Hire from there to West Town School | $.75 |
6/4 | Paid Black Henry (Porter) for wheeling trunks to Rail Road House | $.12½ |
Paid Fare for Frances and self on Rail Road from W Chester to Philadelphia | $2.50 | |
6/5 | Paid for letter paper | $.12½ |
Paid for Frances and self Exhibition of painting of Adam and Eve Masonic Hall Phila | $.50 | |
Paid for Frances and self at Academy of Fine Arts and for Index | $.62½ | |
6/6 | Paid for Box Tickets to "Cooper Benefit" for Monday Evening next | $4.00 |
6/7 | Paid for shoes for Frances at Cherry | $1.50 |
6/8 | Paid Barber at United States Hotel and one in Sixth St. –2 shaves | $.18¾ |
Paid at Swaims Baths | $.25 | |
Handed to Frances to buy Bonnets for herself and M.S. Clendenens | $20.00 | |
6/9 | Paid for shaving | $.06¼ |
6/11 | Paid for Frances and self to mint in "Omnibus" | $.25 |
Paid for Sundries Shunk girls and Frances at Fairmount | $.18¾ | |
Paid at Baldwin and Co. livery Stable for carriage ½ a day | $4.00 | |
6/12 | Paid Frances and self to see Panorama of Mexico at City Hall | $.50 |
6/12 | Paid at Aquilla Marshalls for Frances for Belt for Mrs. E. Peacock | $.75 |
also for same for Bead Bag for Jms Peacock | $2.50 | |
Paid for Parasol for Frances | $4.25 | |
6/13 | Recd check from "Mr J Wm Buckler" on "Penna Bank" for and drew | $50.00 |
Drew check in favour of "Mr. Wm. "Buckler" on "Harrisburg Bank" in place of their check for the same amt on "Penna Bank" for | $50.00 | |
Paid my Bill for Frances and self 9 days Boarding with private suite at United States Hotel –vide Bill and receipt | $48.39 | |
Paid Bill our waiter | $.50 | |
Paid for large Band Box for Frances | $.75 | |
Paid for Segars | $.12½ | |
Paid for Hack 1 hour | $1.00 | |
Paid for Isaac Shunk and self being shaved | $.12½ | |
Recd from FR Shunk paid by me at Academy of Fine Arts a week since etc | $1.00 | |
6/15 | Paid passage for Frances and self on board Carroll from Frenchtown to Baltimore 70 miles. Capt [Chaytor?]- including our dinner | $3.00 |
Paid at "Cathedral" in Baltimore for Frances and self | $.50 | |
Paid for Frances and self at "Washington’ monument | $.25 | |
Paid Hackman for Trip this afternoon FR Shunk paying the same | $.62½ | |
Paid Fellow at Bar of "Robt Morris" to deliver letter from me to Mrs. Isaac Shunk | $.06¼ | |
6/16 | Paid our bill at Beltzhoovers Hotel $6.25 my share being | $2.50 |
Paid passage for Frances and myself "Union Line from Baltimore to Phila including our Breakfasts and dinners | $6.00 | |
Paid on Board Steam Boat for Shaving | $.12½ | |
6/17 | $1.50 Paid for Cards and case for Frances | $.87½ |
Paid for Black Silk Stocking for same | $1.37½ | |
Paid for "Anthons Blackstone" at Grgg Elliotts" | ||
Paid for 2 pair short stockings for self | $.50 | |
6/18 | Paid at Tomlinsons stage office passage for Frances and self to West Chester tomorrow | $2.50 |
Paid Mrs Dietrick for washing she had done for me | $.31¼ | |
Paid postage on letter sent to Robb and Winebrenner from Phila | $.06¼ | |
6/19 | Paid Black Henry Porter in West Chester for Wheeling Baggage | $.25 |
6/25 | Paid Gig hire to Maginniss W. Chester David Rawn and self to see Hendersons Station | $.50 |
Paid Sulkey Hire to Maginness for self to "Yellow Spirngs" to see "Matchlep" | $.50 | |
6/26 | Paid Edd E. Collins Gig Hire David Rawn and self to take "Flora" to Hendersons Station | |
6/28 | Paid carriage Hire to David W Rawn for Collins Carriage David, Frances and self going today to Chester Creek | $1.00 |
7/1 | Recd of Mother (E. Rawn) money paid by me as Interest money to Wm Williamson Esqr. on the 17th May last for Abram Sharpliss and [?] by Abram to mother | $12.00 |
Paid DW Rawn pasture money in full for "Floras" pasture at P. Sharpliss vide accnt | $3.87 | |
Paid passage for Frances and myself from West Chester to Lancaster | ||
Paid for shaving at Simmons in Lancaster | ||
7/2 | Paid for warm Bath in Lancaster | |
Paid Bill at Packers Hotel | ||
Paid passage for Frances and self from Lancaster to Harrisburg | ||
Paid for supper Frances and self a [illegible] 12 miles from Harrisburg | ||
Paid for Sundries at Wilsons | ||
Paid for wheeling baggage to Mrs. Clendenen | ||
7/3 | Paid Dorsey (Barber) for shaving | |
Paid postage on various letters this day recd | ||
Recd from Wm. McClure Esqr as my share of Fee from assignees of Amos Clemson of Lancaster Co Fee | ||
Recd in letter from W.S. Wilber dated "Lenox June 7. 1833" Fee | ||
Paid at Committee meeting at Kelkers | ||
7/4 | Paid at Democratic Celebration today | |
7/5 | Paid Jacob Shell for 1 quarters office Rent ending 1 July inst vide recpt and recd transfer before Jas. Leslie Treasurer and certificate [g—d?] vide | |
7/9 | Paid Rudolph Williams (apothecary) for his share in "Harrisburg Library Association" and recd transfer before Jas. Leslie Treasurer and certificate [g-d?] vide | $5.00 |
7/11 | Paid Daniel Stine Collector in full of my borough Tax for 1833 - vide Recpt | $1.20 |
Handed Frances to buy Frock at Rhoads | $3.00 | |
7/12 | Paid Mr. Solomon Scourerd for cleaning Black Coat. present J.J. Clendenen | $1.00 |
7/14 | Paid Jacob Walters. for cleaning boots who began of 6th inst at 50 cts pr month | $.12½ |
7/18 | Paid my postage in full from 1st of April last to first of July in full vide receipt | $2.88 |
7/19 | Paid Dorsey (Barber) in full for selling Razers | $.25 |
Paid for Segars at Wilsons | $.06¼ | |
7/20 | Recd of Wm. Ayres Esqr in part of $400 which he owes me | $3.00 |
Paid Jacob Walters | $.12½ | |
Paid postage on Letter Jno A Weidman Lebanon July 21. 1833 | ||
7/22 | Paid Conrad Knepley of "Harrisburg" Hotel" in full for 4 weeks and 4 days Boarding vide Receipt | $9.00 |
7/23 | Paid for paper at Mcgowans | $.25 |
Paid Gottlieb Ditmire Poor man [illegible] | $.12½ | |
(Note in margin: I wrote petition) | ||
Paid at Circus by Hewzys | $.25 | |
7/24 | Pd Postage on Letter from R.J. Brent Esqr, Hagerstown Maryland | $.10 |
7/27 | Paid Jacob Walters | $.12½ |
Pais pos. Letter DW Rawn West Chester July 24, 1833 | $.10 | |
7/29 | Handed "Frances" to buy shoes | $2.50 |
7/30 | Paid for Segars | $.06¼ |
Postage on letter Dr. Geo H. Benghaus "Williamsport Maryland July 27 –1833 | $.12½ | |
7/31 | Handed to "Frances" | $.25 |
Paid Wm. Grayson for notary public seal to power of atty to Dr. Geo G Benghaus from myself to collect money from Dr. Jno M McKinney | $.50 | |
8/2 | Paid Mr Curzon (my washerwoman) in full for making shirts, washing and Bill at Rhoads – vide Bills and Receipts – Balance | $6.71½ |
Recd from Jno Roberts – Prosr on account of my fees as prosecutor last April court [?] in 4 cases viz-vi Grundy- Meunch, Lentz and Lollinger | Fees $12.00 | |
(note in margin Deputy Atty Genl fees) | ||
Paid man at Smalls Kitchen office for scouring Blue pantaloons | $.50 | |
Paid for Powder and shot at Mr. Smalls | $.62½ | |
Paid for Percushon Caps at Wier and Gross- | $.25 | |
Paid for Segars | $.12½ | |
Paid for Shaving at Dorseys | $.06¼ | |
8/5 | Paid for dinner at Dr. [J-kes?] Bloomfields | $.25 |
8/7 | Paid my Bill for Boarding at "Perry Springs" from Friday morning last to this morning- | $2.79 |
Paid Josiah the Black Man at "Perry Springs" | $.25 | |
Paid for Sundries at same place | $.12½ | |
Paid my share of Bill dinner etc at "[s-erielts?] Gap" – Shunk, Caero, and Waspard | $.87½ | |
Paid apples and drink Shunk at Whartons Tavern | $.12½ | |
Recd Check on "Maryland Bank" of Washington Co. drawn by the cashier therof. It being money owe me on a note drawn by Dr. Jno W McKinney in favour of JH Shegog for $18.50 for which note I paid Shegog $8.50 and recd his endorsement of it. I now recd after suit the amt and interest | $19.25 | |
Made cash on the above note including expenses of postage | Fee $10.75 | |
Paid pos. letter Dr. Benghaus Wmspt Md Aug 2. 1833 enclosing check for last mentioned sums | $.25 | |
8/8 | Paid Jacob Walters – (black man) | $.10 |
Paid out of the $15 recd of Woodbury S. Wilber on the 3rd of July last, this morning to the State Treasurer for a warrant to survey 30 acres and Retained the Bal. in part pay | Fee $12.50 | |
8/11 | Postage letter J.B. Alexander Esqr Greensburgh Westd Co. Aug. 10-1833 | $.37½ |
Recd in said letter | Fee $5.00 | |
8/12 | Paid out of said money for paper requested by Alexander at Land Office | $1.00 |
Gave Frances at the Warm Springs on Wednesday last to pay her Bill | $6.00 | |
Mr. Peacock pd it for her on Saturday she giving him $5. he paid | $5.25 | |
8/12 | Paid Bill for Inauguration Ball of last winter vide Bill and Receipt | $5.00 |
8/13 | Paid for paper at Mcgowans | $.25 |
8/14 | Recd from Michl Cocklin admt of John Mussleman Decd Fee $2.50 postage letter Mr Hipple Warm Springs Perry Co. dated Aug 13- 1833 | $.06 |
8/15 | Recd in Comwlth vs Jas. Martin Jr. legal fee – | Fee $1.50 |
Handed to Frances to by stuff for Satchel | $.50 | |
Paid for 1 Pair snuffers at Graysons | $.18¾ | |
8/16 | Paid Jacob Walters | $.12½ |
8/17 | Recd from George Hain brought to my office by Jacob Shell Storekeeper | Fee $5.00 |
8/19 | Recd from Isaac C. Kauffman Fee | $5.00 |
8/20 | Drew check on Harrisburg Bank in favor of Philip Newbeker on Deborah Waldron and her husband order for {note in margin: [?] Dec 7. 1832 and my loose receipts Dec ¾} | $50.00 |
Paid Deborah Waldron and Husband on account of a note by me to her for $93 dated Dec 7-1832 | $50.00 | |
Deposited in the Harrisburg Bank | $20.00 | |
Paid William Colder Party stage to and Fro for Perry Springs several times for myself. C. Reynolds. Mrs Wharten and Jas. | ||
Peacock in full vide Receipt | $14.62½ | |
Paid my share of expenses at said trip | $4.34 | |
Handed Frances to buy lining for Quilt | $1.25 | |
Recd from Mr. Stekley of "Bears Gap" in Dauphin County to pay for License {note in margin: note that $9 of said 12 is to be paid for his license next spring} | $12.00 | |
Recd of said Stekley out of the said $12 | Fee $3.00 | |
8/24 | Paid Jacob Walters | $.12½ |
8/29 | Paid Expenses up the river today with J. Weidman | $.25 |
8/30 | Paid Nat. Henrie in Henrie vs Woodride out of $20 left in my hands by [---] son | $15.00 |
8/31 | Paid Jacob Walters (my valet) | $.12½ |
Paid Expenses drink Shunk and self yesterday | $.12½ | |
9/2 | Paid Geo. J. Kemble (Taylor) vide Bill and receipt in full | $5.00 |
Paid for a shot pouch | $.87½ | |
9/4 | Paid for Paper at McGowans | $.37½ |
9/6 | Drew check in favour of self on Harrisburg Bank for | $18.00 |
9/6 | Handed to "Frances" to pay her mother on account of Boarding | $15.00 |
9/7 | Paid Jacob Walters (my Valet) | $.12½ |
Paid for Camomile Flowers | $.06¼ | |
Paid for Mineral Water Frances and self evening before last | $.12½ | |
9/9 | Postage letter H W Van Amringe Esqr "West Chester Sep 6. 1833" | $.10 |
Recd from Richd S. Leach County Treasr on County order to Nancy Baltos for which I gave her $6.00 | $6.20 | |
Handed "Frances" to buy Camomile Flowers | $.50 | |
9/10 | Paid Heisley at Ebermans corner for mending parasol for "Frances" in full present 3 boys | $.12½ |
9/11 | Paid for Hoar Hound Candy at Ducks | $.06¼ |
9/12 | Paid for sharpening 3 pair scissors for Frances, M.S.C. and their mother at Watsons | $.18¾ |
Paid for 4 silk Buttons at Espys | $.13 | |
9/13 | Handed "Frances" to buy calico Frock for herself at Gallaghers | $2.00 |
Postage letters Saml Warner Phil Sep 13. 1833and F.E. Brewster Esqr Phila Sep 11. 1833 each 12 ½ | $.25 | |
9/14 | Paid Jacob Walters my valet | $.12½ |
Recd of Mary King admt of Ms. King decd a Balance in full on a note of $25 dated 18th Aug. 1832 given y Jno King to me | Fee $10.00 | |
9/16 | Paid for Peaches and Cream at "Ferry House" Polly [---?], Mrs. C. Mr P. and Frances and MS.C. along | $.50 |
Post letter D.W. Rawn "West Chester Sep. 12. 1833" | $.20 | |
Do 3 Newspapers recd from him West Chester [?] | $.03 | |
9/19 | Recd letter and paid Pos. Isaac Rogers Northd Co Pa Sep 17. 1833 | $.10 |
9/20 | Post letter H.H. Van Amringe West Chester "Septr 16. 1833" | $.10 |
9/21 | Paid Jacob Walters (my valet) | $.12½ |
9/23 | Recd of Mr John P. Miller. merchant of Lebanon son of Recorder of Berks Co. for advice and making assignment --- | Fee $5.00 |
9/24 | Recd letter John Buffington Mifflin Township Lykens Valley Sepr 16. 1833 and pd pos. | $.06 |
9/25 | Paid Jacob Walters (my valet) | $.03 |
9/26 | Paid at "menagerie" M.S. Clendenen and self | $.50 |
9/27 | Paid Mr. Wm. Waldron on acct of my note to his wife Deborah Rhawn. vide recpt | $15.00 |
9.28 | Borrowed of D. Krause Esqr as I was going up country in a hurry {note in margin: Vide 7/32 Aug 20/33 pd Oct 3.} | $4.00 |
Paid Toll for going to and coming from Halifax | $.26 | |
Paid the ostler at Judge Greens [---?] | $.60 | |
9/29 | Paid my Bill at Shaffers and the ostler | $.75 |
Paid Ostler at Millersburg ("Bears Gap") | $.12½ | |
9/30 | Paid my Bill at Michael Shaffers | $.37½ |
Paid my Bill at Jacob Dietricks 7 miles down Rail Road from "Bear Gap" | $.75 | |
Paid Bill for dinner and horse in "Gratz" | $.37½ | |
Paid the Ostler | $.06¼ | |
Paid at Bowmans in "Hellens Town" | $.06¼ | |
Paid for drink wine Millersburg | $.06¼ | |
10/1 | Paid for Drink Port wine at "Greens" | $.06¼ |
10/1 | Postage on Letter from Mrs "R Gemmel | $.18¾ |
Do in do F E Brewster Esqr Phila | $.12½ | |
10/2 | Paid Jacob Walters (my valet) | $.12½ |
10/3 | Paid my Quarters postage to 1 Oct. 1833 vide rect | $5.35 |
Paid D Krause Esqr in full of money borrowed on the 28th Sepr last | $4.00 | |
Borrowed of Wm. McClure to pay in 1 week {note in margin: Paid Oct .9 vide} | $30.00 | |
Paid Jacob Shell in full for one Quarters office Rent up to 1 Oct. 1833 | $11.25 | |
10/2 | Paid for 1 hundred Box of Segars at Krauses | $1.00 |
10/3 | Handed to Frances to pay her mother on account of boarding | $15.00 |
10/4 | Postage on letter J.K. Findley Esqr Lancaster "City Oct 3. 1833" | $.10 |
10/4 | Postage on letter WW. Staley Esqr Phila City Oct 1. 1833 | $.12½ |
Recd in Said letter of W.W. Staly – | Fee $5.00 | |
Handed Frances to buy Muslin for me | $1.00 | |
10/3 | Recd from Danl Koons sent to pay for Writ | $1.00 |
10/5 | Paid Sophia Prime cold woman for cleaning my office today | $.25 |
Paid for Soap and Stove blacking the latter got by Jacob Walters a few days since at Shells | $.12½ | |
10/6 | Paid at DeWitts church for Sunday schools | $.06¼ |
10/5 | Paid Bill at Millers Store in full of all demands- vide Bill and receipt | $.44 |
10/7 | Paid Jacob Walters (my valet) | $.12½ |
and a Black boy helped with stove | $.03 | |
10/9 | Recd of Thos Brown in full of a note taken for Andrew Chesnuts money on the 22 of May last- principal and Interest | $65.00 |
Paid Wm. McClure Esqr in full of money borrowed of him on the 3rd Oct vide rect | $30.00 | |
Paid Hale and Snyder on act of me Livery bill | $10.00 | |
Handed Frances to pay her mother on acct. of our Boarding at $2 each for week | $15.00 | |
10/10 | Recd from Geo Hain (client) | Fee $5.00 |
Paid Dubbs constable militial fine for 1833 vide receipt | $1.00 | |
Handed Frances for her own use | $2.00 | |
Recd from Pet. Arn. Karthaus in part to pay postage on his paper and part | Fee $5.00 | |
10/12 | Paid Jacob (my valet) | $.12½ |
Paid Peter Sanders (shoemaker) for a note of $22.34 in his favour against Bengn Geoff shoemaker now of Cumberland Co. and took assignment of sd note | $3.00 | |
Postage letter Chas. B. Penrose Esqr Carlisle Pa "Oct 11. 1833" | $.06 | |
Postage letter Ashbel Green Cola Lan Co.y Oct 11. 1833" | $.06 | |
10/14 | Do Isaac Rogers Fredericktown Md. Oct. 11. 1833 | $.12½ |
10/14 | Recd from [Urith?] Phillips alias Ann Fisher and A Fishers Miss. | Fee $5.00 |
Paid Jacob (my valet) for wheeling coal from Mrs Clendenens to my office | $.07½ | |
10/15 | Paid for Cammomile Flowers at Gross’ | $.12½ |
Paid for a tooth Brush at Houghs | $.25 | |
10/16 | Handed "Frances" | $1.00 |
Paid Postage letter FR Shunk Esqr "Chambersburg Oct" 15. 1833 | $.10 | |
Recd from Jno Davies Esqr vide Judgment on his docket against R. Kelly Wm Bell, vide Judt against R Kelly April [?]. 1833 --Dauphin-- costs and | Fee $11.84 | |
10/17 | Postage on letters David S Stassinger Esqr Phila Oct 16. 1833 and George Liebold Gratztown Oct 14. 1833 | $.22½ |
10/18 | Paid for 1 Barrel and a box of Charcoal | $.22½ |
10/19 | Postage letter Geo W Soland Phila Oct 17- ’33 and Isaac Rogers Baltimore Md Oct 17- ’33 | $.22½ |
Paid Jacob (my valet) | $.12½ | |
Paid Yellets (the Barber) cutting my hair | $.12½ | |
10/23 | Paid for ½ yd black [man---?] and 10 large and small buttons at Jones | $.50 |
Paid Jacob (my valet) | $.06¼ | |
10/25 | Paid for drink at [Gleams?] for Jacob Shoemaker and self | $.12½ |
10/26 | Paid Jacob (my valet) | $.12½ |
10/28 | Handed Frances in my office for her own use | $5.00 |
10/29 | Paid John Weidman and self drinks at Wilsons | $.12½ |
10/30 | Paid for Sundries | $.12½ |
Paid Parsons (Taylor) cash as a subscription for furnishings at Henzys tomorrow a cold collection to "Phalanx Artillerists of Phila | $1.00 | |
11/1 | Paid Geo W. Rhawn of Phila by sending it by Isaac Shunk in full for money advanced by him for a Silk Stock and 2 Pair Silk Stockings for me last May | $6.00 |
Postage on letter recd from Julia Ann Rawn "West Chester Oct. 27. 1833" | $.10 | |
11/2 | Paid for Buttons and rings at Espys | $.22 |
Paid Jacob (my valet) | $.12½ | |
11/3 | Recd from Wm McClure Esqr my half on ten dollars pd to him by Mrs Stickland to assist in prosecution | Fee $5.00 |
Paid for a pair of Gloves at Rhoads and Rank | $.50 | |
11/5 | Paid passage in 2 horse stage to Carlisle | $1.00 |
11/6 | Paid Bill at Aughenbaughs in Carlisle | $.87½ |
and Shaving in said Town | $.12½ | |
11/7 | Paid my own. M S Clendenen’s and E. Peacock’s passage in stage from Carlisle to Harrisburg | $3.75 |
11/8 | Recd of William Ayres Esqr in full of money loaned to him | $2.00 |
Recd of Jacob Seiler by hands of Herman Shunk Esqr Debt and Interest in full to this day in a suit 105 Jan 1. 1832. R. Gemmel b. Jacob Seiler [?] | $167.67 | |
Deposited in Harrisburg Bank entered in my Bank Book (as if deposited) tomorrow | $150.00 | |
11/7 | Paid (Porter) for wheeling Mary S.C. and E. Peacocks trunks from stage office | $.12½ |
11/8 | Paid for strong Beer for dinner | $.12½ |
11/9 | Paid Jacob (my valet) | $.06¼ |
11/11 | Paid for Calico frock at Kellers for "Frances" | $2.06¼ |
11/12 | Paid H H Parsons (Taylor) in full of all demands to this day vide his receipt | $1.75 |
Handed to "Frances" to pay her mother on account of our Boarding | $15.00 | |
Paid for 2 lbs candles at Ducks--cash before they were brought to my office by boy | $.25 | |
11/13 | Paid for 1 barrel charcoal | $.20 |
Pale Hale and Snyder livery men on account vide Hale’s Receipt | $10.00 | |
Loaned Capt Lewis [W-slar--name smudged] of Columbia to pay costs {note in margin: Pd Dec 19 vide) | $20.00 | |
11/14 | Drew check on Harrisburg Bank in favour of self for | $20.00 |
11/14 | Recd of Jno Yelletts Insolvent Debtor | Fee $5.00 |
Postage on Letter Geo. W. Rhawn Phila Nov 12. 1833 | $.12½ | |
Paid for Sundries at Wier and Gross | $.18¾ | |
11/15 | Paid for Quills at McGowans | $.31¼ |
11/16 | Handed "Frances" for her own use | $1.00 |
Paid Jacob (my Valet) | $.12½ | |
11/18 | Recd from Peter Garverick | Fee $1.00 |
Recd from Mack McMannimy my share of paid to McClure by me directions | Fee $2.50 | |
11/19 | Paid at Peter Davis for oysters and Beer | $.31¼ |
11/25 | Paid Jacob (my valet) | $.12½ |
11/26 | Pos. Letter Pet. Arn. Karthaus "Karthaus Clearfield Co Nov 23. 1833" with written check for | Fee $.12½ |
Check as last above for | Fee $5.00 | |
11/27 | Lent Greene E. Briggs (Barber) vide his note and payble 1 Jan. 1834~ | $11.00 |
Recd from Greene E. Briggs | Fee $1.00 | |
Pos. letter FE. Brewster Esqr Phila Nov 23. 1833 | $.12½ | |
Paid for oysters at Davis | $.15 | |
Paid for Hoar hound Candy at Shock’s | $.06 | |
11/28 | Paid for a small Sheet Iron Stove for Frances’ chamber at Small and Co’s | $5.50 |
11/30 | Paid Jacob (my valet) | $.06¼ |
Paid at {Shrovis?] for tin for stove [---?] hole | $.12½ | |
Deposited in Harrisburg Bank vide Bank Book and memorandum | $80.00 | |
12/2 | Paid postage letters Mrs R. Gemmel Blairsville Nov 28th 1833 | $.18¾ |
Drew on my check from "Harrisburg Bank" | $69.00 | |
Recd from Jno Hoves for collecting money ($79.60) due him from Jno. Flecks estate | Fee $10.00 | |
{note in margin: same time pd Jno Hovis cash $69 vide his receipt in rough docket} | ||
Paid at oyster cellar | $.12½ | |
Paid Jno Hovis in full of money recd for him from Flecks estate | $69.00 | |
Recd from Wm. Ayres Esqr for Miss Bidget Seery of Phila raised by him | $80.34 | |
12/4 | Deposited in Harrisburg Bank | $75.00 |
Paid Postage on letter to Ramsey Esqr Erie Pa. | $.18¾ | |
Recd commission on collection of Dr. Rutherford Witness Bill of $6.00 ------------------ | Fee $1.00 | |
12/6 | Drew check on Harrisburg Bank ~ self | $70.00 |
Paid W.B. Hieskill Esqr of Phila by a draft from the cashier of the Harrisburg Bank to the cahier of the United State Bank Dated "Dec 6. 1833" Bridget Seerys money in full recd from Wm. Ayres Esqr. Deducting my Fee | $70.00 | |
Recd for collecting from Wm Ayres Esqr Bridget Seerys money as above ($80.34) | Fee $10.34 | |
Paid collector for "The Pennsylvanian" (Mrs. Poole) for 6 months Subscription ending Dec 5. 1833 to sd paper {note in margin: vide receipt in full} | $2.00 | |
Recd from John Zimmerman of Cumberland Co. to attend arbitration for him tomorrow | Fee $5.00 | |
12/7 | Paid for a load of Hickory Wood for our chamber at home | $2.50 |
Paid for 1 Barrel of Charcoal | $.21 | |
Paid Jacob (my valet) | $.12½ | |
Toll at Harrisburg Bridge Walking | $.06 | |
12/9 | Handed "Frances" to buy Black silk | $1.50 |
Paid Jacob (my valet) | $.06¼ | |
12/12 | Paid for paper at Mr Peacocks | $.12½ |
12/13 | Paid for oysters by my office | $.06¼ |
12/14 | Paid Jacob (my valet) | $.12½ |
Postage letter Mrs R. Gemmel Blairesville Dec 9. 1833 | $.18¾ | |
12/16 | Paid Jacob (my valet) | $.06¼ |
Paid for oysters and etc at Davis’ | $.15 | |
12/17 | Postage letter A.C. Ramsey "Erie Dec 11. 1833" | $.18¾ |
12/18 | Paid for a stock at Ladies "Episcopal Fare" | $1.15 |
Entrance money to same Fare | $.12½ | |
Do for Frances and self in Evening | $.25 | |
Paid for Sundries for Frances and self at Fare | $.70¼ | |
12/19 | Postage Letter Mr K Findlay Esqr "Lancaster Dec 18. 1833" | $.10 |
Recd from Lewis Wisler of Colba by the hands of John Swartz which was loaned to him on the 13th of November last to pay cost | $20.00 | |
{note in margin: vide 13th Nov} | ||
12/19 | Handed to "Frances" to pay her mother on account of our Boarding | $15.00 |
Paid this Evening for Frances and self at "Ep. Fare" | $.62½ | |
12/20 | Paid Wenrich in full for sawing wood for me – pd in my office this day | $.75 |
Paid this Evening at Episcopal Fare | $.12½ | |
12/21 | Recd from Thos [C?] raighead in no 213 of Nov Term 1833, Dauphin Common Pleas Judgt | Fee $3.00 |
Paid Jacob (my valet) | $.12½ | |
12/23 | Drew check on Harrisburg Bank ~ self for | $90.00 |
Paid ‘James Stuart European Agent by a draft from the cashier of the Harrisburg Bank on the "Mechanics Bank Phila" a Balance in full of A Chesnuts money recd of Thos Brown admt of Mary Bell Decd on the 22nd May last | $90.00 | |
Recd from Andrew Chesnut by retaining in my hands additional | Fee $10.00 | |
{note in margin: vide 22nd May last} | ||
Recd of Jas. Stuart Eu. Agent for Mrs McDowell and 2 children of Ireland ~ | Fee $5.00 | |
12/24 | Paid at O[b?]es Store for ¼ yd. Blue black velvet andskein silk to make a stock | $.56¼ |
{in full~} Paid Hale and Snyder Livery Bill Balance in full of all demands vide Bill and Receipt | $10.00 | |
Drew Check on Harrisburg Bank in favour of Wm. Ayres Esqr for | $20.00 | |
Lent Wm. Ayres Esqr – Due Bill | $20.00 | |
{note in margin: Paid Jan 2nd 1834} | ||
Recd of Philip Newbeker admr of Jacob and also of Peter Newbeker for Serviced Rendd Estates | Fee $10.00 | |
And at same time for same his NOTE. For | Fee $47.00 | |
12/25 | Paid Jacob (my valet)` | $.05 |
12/26 | Paid for oysters at Davis’ | $.18¾ |
12/30 | Paid Jacob (my valet) | $.08¼ |
Borrowed and recd from Wm McClure Esqr to be paid in Six days after date | $100.00 | |
12/31 | Deposited in the Harrisburg Bank | $100.00 |
12/31 | Drew Check on Harrisburg Bank in favour of Self for | $125.00 |
Recd in Nos. 14. 16. 17. Of Aug Is. 1833 and in Nos. 16.7. Nov. Is. 1833 of Jno Roberts Proty | Fees $7.50 |
Totals of Various Expenses
Barbers/shaving – 2.36 ¼
Board – 131.76
Books – 117.08 ¾
Deposited in Harrisburg Bank – 525.00
Fees – 489.96
Food and dinner out – 6.95 (nothing specifically related to groceries is ever mentioned)
Livery – 47.11 ¾
Miscellaneous expenses (not labeled "sundries") – 225.09 ¼
Miscellaneous outlays – 346.00
Money borrowed – 444.00
Money loaned people – 54.50
Money Received – 282.92
Money Received for other people (this money apparently did not leave his hands as there are no records to indicate it did) – 584.20
Office Rent – 62.50
Postage – 17.28 ¾
Segars – 1.87 ½
Stage – 26.23
"Sundries" – 50.85 ½
"Taylors" and clothes – 90.34
Tolls – 3.25 ¾
Travel and Hotels – 34.13 ½
Jacob Walters (his valet) – 4.91 ¾
Washing – 21.52 ¾
Wedding Expenses (clothes, honeymoon, etc.) – 240.10 ¼
Withdrawn from Bank – 512.00
These totals add up to $1428.82 spent, with $1801.08 coming into his hands.
List of Names Mentioned
- Academy of Fine Arts - Philadelphia, visited on honeymoon
- Alexander, J. B., Esqr. - Greensburgh
- Atlee, William A.
- Aughenbaughs - Carlisle
- Ayres, William, Esqr.
- Baldwin and Co. - Livery in Philadelphia
- Baltimore - Second stop on honeymoon
- Baltos, Nancy
- Bath House - Lancaster
- Bears Gapp - Also Millersburg
- Beaumonts Tavern - West Chester, paid for stage to Lancaster
- Bell, Mary
- Bell, William
- Benghaus, Dr. George H. - Williamsport, MD
- Bigger, James
- "Black George"
- "Black Henry" - Porter
- Bliss, Elam - New York bookseller
- Bliss v. Schoyer
- Bowmans
- Brent, R. J., Esqr. - From Hagerstown, MD
- Brewster, F. E., Esqr. - Philadelphia
- Briggs, Greene E. - Barber
- Brown, Thomas
- Buckler, John - Of Buckler’s Hotel
- Buckleys - Sundries
- Buffington, John
- Burns, Gilbert
- Cameron - [no mention of a first name]
- Carlisle
- Carpenter, Esqr.
- Chandler, Johnathon
- Chestnut, Andrew - Mary Bell’s brother
- Chester County Bank - Deposited mother’s money there
- Chester - Sundries
- Clemson, Amos
- Clendenin, Frances – F. P. C., Rawn’s wife
- Clendenin, M. S. - Mary S. C.
- Cocklin, Michael
- Colder, William
- Collins, Edward E.
- Corklen, M.
- Cox, Charles
- Curzons, Mrs. Mary - Laundry woman
- Davies, Jno, Esqr.
- Davis, Peter
- Dietrick, Jacob
- Dietrick, Mrs.
- Dewitts Church
- Dewitt, Rev. William R. - Performed his marriage
- Dorsey - Barber
- Dubbs - Constable
- Ducks - Candle maker
- Eberle
- Ellison, J. B.
- Espy, James
- Espy’s Store
- Espy and Johnson’s Store
- Eve - A cook
- Ferry House
- Fisher v. Roark
- Fairlamb, Frederick - Rawn borrowed money from him
- Findley, J. K., Esqr. - Lancaster
- "Flora" - A horse
- Foxes
- "Frenchtown"
- Friedley, Mrs.
- Gallagher, Major George
- Gallaghers - Store
- Garverick, Peter
- Gemmel, Mrs. R. - Of Blairsville
- Geoff, Benjamin - Shoemaker
- Grayson, William
- Green, Ashble - Of Philadelphia
- Green, Judge
- Grigg and Elliot - Booksellers in Philadelphia
- Gross, Daniel W. - Druggest
- Gross, Sergeant
- Hain, George
- Hale and Snyder - Livery
- Halifax
- Hannum, Robert, Esqr.
- Hardy, Samuel - Client
- Harrisburg Bank
- Harrisburg Bridge
- Harrisburg Greys
- Harrisburg Hotel
- Harrisburg Library Association
- Hellenstown
- Hendersons Station
- Henrie, Nathaniel - Henrie v. Woodride
- Henry - "Dorsey’s boy"
- Henry - Porter in West Chester
- Hensy
- Highspire
- Hocker, Jno
- Hopple, George
- Hovis, Isaac
- Hubbell, F. W., Esqr. - Philadelphia
- Hubbleys, Mr. - Lancaster
- Hummelstown
- Isaac - Drove Rawn and wife to West Chester after marriage
- Jeffries Hotel - Front St., Columbia
- Johnson, John
- Jones Store
- Josiah - Black man at Perry Springs
- Karthaus, Peter A.
- Kauffman, Isaac
- Keller, Peter
- Kelley, George - Fiddler
- Kelly, R.
- Kemble, George - Tailor
- Kendricks - "21 miles from Lancaster"
- King, Mary - Rawn settled her husband’s estate
- Knepley, Conrad
- Knox, Joseph
- Koons, Daniel
- Krauses - Lebanon
- Krause, D., Esqr.
- Laumans - In Middletown
- Leach, Richard
- Leslie, James - Treasurer of Harrisburg Library Association
- Levon - Waiter at Wades
- Liebold, George - Of Gratztown
- Lockman’s Church
- Lockman’s - Store
- Maginnis - Carriages in West Chester
- Malone, Morgan
- Mapleman, John
- Markley, Jno
- Marshall, Aquilla
- Martin, James, Jr.
- Masonic Hall - Philadelphia, visited on honeymoon
- Masters, P.
- McCormick, Jane
- McCormick, Jno
- McCullock, Thomas G.
- McGowans - Store
- McKinney, Dr. Thomas
- McMannimy, Mack
- McMlure, William, Esqr.
- Miller’s store
- Miller, John P. - Client from West Chester
- Millersburg - Also "Bears Gap"
- Morris, Robert
- Murray, Samuel - Livery
- Mussleman, Johnathon
- Newbeker, Philip
- "The Ohio" - A boat in Philadelphia
- Packers Hotel - Lancaster
- Parsons, W. H.
- Parsons – Taylor (tailor)
- Peacock, E.
- Peacock, James, Esqr.
- Penrose, Charles B., Esqr. - Carlisle
- Perry Springs
- Phalanx Artillerists of Philadelphia
- Phillips, Urith [?] - Alias Ann Fisher (Cot 14)
- Platt, Lewis
- Prime, Sophia - Colored woman
- Randall – Taylor (tailor)
- Rawn, David W.
- Rawn, E. - Mother
- Rawn, George W.
- Rawn, Julia Ann
- Reynolds, C.
- Rhoads and Rank
- Roark, Mary
- Rogers, Isaac - Fredericktown, MD
- Rutherford, W. W. - Physician
- Sanders, Peter
- Saturday Visitor
- Schoyer, Solomon
- Serry, Bridget - Of Phila.
- Shaffers, Michael
- Sharpless, Abram
- Shegog, J. H.
- Shell, Jacob - Storekeeper, Rawn paid him his office rent
- Shock’s - Bought some candy
- Shoemaker, Jacob
- Shumplys, Abram
- Shunk, Caspar
- Shunk, F. R., Esqr. - Rawn’s mentor
- Shunk, Herman, Esqr.
- Shunk, Isaac
- Simmons - Shaving in Lancaster
- Small and Co.’s
- Smalls - Sold Rawn gun powder
- Smith, P. N., Esqr. - Of West Chester
- Soland, George W.
- Solomon, Mr.
- Spagg, William J. - Agent for Saturday Courier
- Staley, W. W., Esqr. - Philadelphia
- Stambaugh, Peter Buchler
- Stassinger, David S., Esqr.
- Steckley, Mr.
- Stimmel - From stage office
- Stine, Daniel - Tax collector
- Strickland, Mrs.
- Swaim’s Baths
- Thomas, Isaac - Seller of Samuel Warner (to D. W. Rawn)
- Tomlinson’s Stage - From Baltimore to Philadelphia
- United States Hotel - Philadelphia
- Van Amringe, H. H. - Of West Chester
- Wade’s Hotel - Rawn stayed there on trip to Philadelphia
- Waldron, Deborah
- Waldron, Mr. Wm.
- Wallace, Dr. Thomas
- Wallace’s - Tavern
- Walters, Jacob - Valet
- Wards - Barber
- Warner, Goldsborough
- Watsons - Store
- Weidman, Jno. - John
- Weidman, S. A.
- Westfall, Simeon
- Wharton’s Tavern
- Wier and Gross
- William, Lewis
- Williams, Rudolph - Apothecary
- Williamson, William, Esqr.
- Wilson’s - Sundries
- Winebrenner, Robert J. - Tailor in Philadelphia
- Wolber, W. S.
- Wolfersberger, Sheriff - George
- Woods, Harry
- Wood, S. B., Esqr.
- Yellets - Barber
- Yellets, Jno.
- Yellow Springs
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