Saturday, August 27, 1831 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

Daily Memorandum

August the 27th Continued from of this description ending with August 26, 1831


augst--27 - 7 Clear and Pleasant, I wrote a Power of Attorney for Jos. Jefferson I sent for his Daughter Mrs. Elizabeth Chapman to do business for him in Phila. I was at a meeting to Elect delegates this evening at the house of Mr. Kelker and was chosen Secretary // after which I was at Gov.Wolfs, Mrs. Murray's [?] Mysis Ross and in company with Hamilton Alrick, Esqr. and afterwards I was at Mrs.[?ink smudge] Peacocks

Editor's Note: At the beginning of the journal was a list of legal definitions, including the following: Treason, Homicide of various kinds (Excusable, Felonious), Mayhem, Assault, Battery, False Imprisonment, Rape, A forcible or fraudulent Procurement of Marriage, Polygamy or Bigamy, Sodomy, Burglary, Larceny and Robbery, Piracy, Cheats and Larcenies, Forgery, False Impersonating, and Arson.

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