Sunday, March 25, 1832 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

25 1 Cloudy- I was at Lochmans Church this evening in company with the two Miss Clendenins and Jas Findlay Esqr and spent Eveng at Peacocks.

Monday, March 26, 1832 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

26 2 Rain. Warm Was at Shunks' this morning with Hamilton Alrichs Wrote to Woodward & Spragg for S. Courier for Lewis Williams, Wrote to Julia Ann Rawn in answer to her letter of Feburary 24th, Made return, to Capt Roberts today of Capp & Hamilton fined by Court of appeal on 24th inst. I was at Peacocks this evening. Rcd. Letter"March 23rd 1832 Chester County, Mrs. Rebecca Gemmel

Tuesday, March 27, 1832 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

27 3 Clear and Colder. I walked over the Harrisburg Bridge including the island this evening in 7 minutes til about 3/4 mile. I met the officers of "Washington "Battalion" this evening at Alters. ------- cont. in another Book of same kind

Note: The following part of the transcription for this date is from a different file.

27 3 This evening at Alters to form and Sign constitution for government or Regulation of “Washington Ballation" Present 10 officers including Geo. Gallaugher, Major Elect Afterwards met Hashnger, Pettit, McCullan, Findlay at Peacocks.

Wednesday, March 28, 1832 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

28 4 Clear and Cool. I there discovered a note at the office of discount and dep[osit for] Pouna Bank at Harrisburg. This day to be paid in 90 days. To wit on the 29th June. Note for Sixty dollars when Discounted + Recd $59.00 ¼ - Jno M. Forster Esqr. Endorse. Paid it to Chandler on acct office Rent for Receipt $30 I was at Peacocks this evening and saw Dunlop and wife Mrs Hahary Shoch AB Hamilton there (new page)

Thursday, March 29, 1832 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

29 5 Clear and Cool, I paid Charles Carson in all Money, Borrowed on 22ndunit $20 on Wednesday evening. pd Thos Wallace on acct Board $10. Party up to Dumeans pd to day. I did not go. Was at “Rag Party" this evening at Camerons, Jno Cameron and Self the only gentlemen who were there throughout the evening. Shoch came in and Run off and S. Wyeth Student came after [Sertercaler] in course of evening. I went home with M.L. Clendenin to see Mys N. McCullough just arrived from Chambersburg retd to party

Friday, March 30, 1832 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

30 6 Cloudy. Clear after Breakfast I Wrote to Dr. J. M. Gemmel. Alexandria Hundington Co to attend to taking of Deposition + Pitched Quoits this afternoon with D. Cameron in court House yard and beat him. This eveng at 6 o clock Captn Armor of “Penna Guards" called at my office with a written offer to me of the adjutancy of the “Washington Battalion" made by Geo Gallaugher Major Elect- I wrote to him in reply that I would answer by 5 o,clock P.M. to-morrrow I was this evening at Peacocks- Findlay McCallough AB. Hamilton + Shoch

Editor's Note: Quoit: A game in which flat rings of iron or rope are pitched at a stake, with points awarded for encircling it. 2. one of the rings used in quoits.

Editor's Note: Adjutant: A staff officer who helps a commanding officer with administrative affairs. 2. an assistant.

Saturday, March 31, 1832 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

31 7 Cloudy in morning. Clear rest of day I had Arbitration. Fought v Musser at T. Wallace’s to day. Town was in company with Nicholas, walked back 2 ½ miles, was at Peacocks in evening. Dunlop, McCullough, Wallace of H. Rep + Findlay there

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