February 24th, 1834 Monday
day of mo. day of week.
24 – 2 – Cloudy & Moderate, -- pd. [paid] for this Blank Book at Peacocks Book Store 37 ½ cts. [cents] Recd. [received] of Jacob Seiler late Sheriff of Dauphin County on Saturday last Deputy Attorney Generals Fees in Nos. [numbers] 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 25 of april Sessions 1833 in Nos. 3, 7, 11, 12, & 21 of august SS'33 [sessions 1833]—also prosecutors file in last aforsd. [aforesaid] no of $3.60. also Attorneys Judgment Fee $3 in No. 116 of august Term 1832. Dau. Coun. Pleas. [Dauphin County Court of Pleas] & plaintiffs bill of costs & Attorneys Judgment Fee & Writ in Ex. No. 67 aug. Term 1833 $8.50 being in all Fees $43.60 – recd. said money by order on Philip Newbeker. was at a Large Dancing Party this Evening at "Mrs Gallaughers" was introduced to Dr. Roderique Aum? Beleas? beau
25 – 3 Cloudy & Moderate – party broke up at 2 – A.M. this Morning. I did not rise this morning till 10 ¼ – A-M. – was at "Capitol" in the Afternoon. M S Clendenin, E. Peacock & Miss N McCulloh there. I was at meeting of Temperance Societies this evening at De Witts Church when I heard four speeches Wm Megernd of Phila [Philadelphia] spoke.
February 26 – 1834 Wednesday
26 – 4 Clear & Cold -- Wrote to Geo. M. Dallas Atty Genl [Attorney General] about Horse thief as present in our Jail, & as to his part inquiries about our prison recd. on the 8 ultimo – Paid 25 cts for grinding & sharpening an eight-blade pen knife – took walk in afternoon with Frances & afterwards near 3 Miles by-myself – Jas. Peacock & Daphne Elisth [Elizabeth] & Miss N McCulloh took tea with us this evening –
27 – 5 Clear & Cold – Recd. $10 Fee of Thos. Elder Esqr to attend to the case of the Commonwealth vs John Johnson for an assault & Battery on said Elder. committed in Janr. [January] 1833 & to be tried in our Circuit Court next week. Paid Yesterday Dr. Geo Chas L. Beryhaus $2.62 ½ in full of all demands vide Bill & Receipt – Paid for a likeness of Geo. Wolf Govr. of Penna. $1 & for a glass to frame it 18 ¾ -- Wrote to Danl. Jacoby of Murry [?] Town Montgr. [Montgomery] Co Pa. Mary Meden in my office this evening – Miss Nancy McCulloh at our house took tea & tied [?] all night I am wrong did not take tea at our home
28 – 6 Clear & Cold. Met Hamilton Alricks & Thos. Elder Esqrs in G. Shunk Esqr office at 9 A.M. about asslt & Battery by John Johnson in Janr. 1833 on Mr Elder. I took ride from 4 ¼ to 5 ½ P.M. this afternoon on Nath. Henrie’s Sorrel Horse – pd. at Wilsons for segars [cigars] 6 ¼ cts – Went for Dr. Rutherford for Frances at 9 P.M. & at 11 P.M. – went for Mrs Miller a nurse & brought her to Frances –
March – 1
1 – 7 Clear, Mild & Most Beautiful – large white frost this morning – after a most severe nights labour "Frances" was this morning at 7 ½ -o-clock (while I sat at breakfast with Mary holt Clendenin, Nancy McCulloh & Mrs Miller in presence of her Mother, her aunt Mrs Peacock Dr Rutherford) deld [delivered] of a very fine large daughter which was dead when born – the little thing will be buried at 6 o clock this evening in the Presbyterian Burying Ground. – I wrote to Mother at West Chester Chester County informing her of the above particulars & pd Pos 12 ½ pd. for Medicine at the apothecare’s this morning 25 cts – contd.
March 1 – 1834 – Saturday
1 – 7 Contd. I did not go to bed at all last night but slept some little with my clothes on in the parlor on Sofa – Water let into this Division of "Penna Canal" this morning. I served subpoena on David Meder this morning to attend circuit court next week in Mary Meder vs Saml. Wallower & after handed the subpoena to Jno. Wise constable who is to serve it on Seachmit, Wallerman & Reinard to-day – Recd. of Jno. Fox shiff [sheriff] in No. 14 Novr. [November] SS [Sessions] 1833 Deputy Atty Generals Fee $3. & pltffs Bill of Costs -- $4.91 in all Fee $7.91 – Recd. of Jno. Evans Bond against Jno. Lowman & Jacob Hine for collection & gave him a receipt therefor At 5 ½ P.M. buried our dear little Baby with heavy hearts in the Presbyterian burying ground in this town (along side of the grave of Mrs Snyder consont? of the late Governor Snyder and near the grave of Frances father, Joseph Clendenin? Esqr, who lies next to Mrs Snyder on the right, a small space intervening between their graves where (Mother Clendenin pointed to me this evening & told me she is to be laid, o how did this pointing to her last resting place by my dear affectionate Mother while her heart was sobbing with grief for the "little one" that we had just then committed to its Mother earth, & while no doubt a thousand recollections of her husband & sister were then crowding through her mind.) fill my heart with holy, yes with consecrated anguish, I burst into tears & led her to the carriage – Mrs Peacock – Mother, & myself with Mrs.? Hays who made the coffin for our little baby, in a carriage alone all accompanied this little pledge of love & innocence to the cold, silent tomb. – the evening was calm & still and seemed to mingle with my sorrow – I went home & half carried? My heart in mutune [?] with its mother, was at my office short time this Evening –
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