18 – 1 Clear, dry & warmer. I & all our family (Mother C, Frances, Mary & Joseph were at Episcopal Church this morning where Mary Scott Clendenin & Elizabeth Peacock "Communed" for the First time in their lives. –Dr from Pittsburg preached. afternoon & Evening Frances, her mother & Self went to De-Witts church –
19 – 2 Clear & dry. Geo Shott served a true copy of a Rule & notice to take Depositions in Scott vs McCord No. 111 of Aug T, 1832, on the 24th May ultimo at Judge McKinney’s between 8 & 10 A.M. this morning before & hear [?] 8 A.M. on Isaac McCord personally & for thurth [?] qualified to the Service & immediately therafter I left the original with Judge McKinney at his office. I was at S. Ct. all morning. Borrowed Book (2 beseys [?] Ripe [?]) of Thos. Elder Esqr for C Justice Gibson & handed it to him at my office. Paid Andrew Murray $1.62 in full of my State & County Tax for Year 1834 vide Receipt. Wrote to Canal Commissioner Jno. Mitchell (Present) upon the subject of appointing D W Rawn to an office on Columbia Rail Road Recd. letter Hannah Davis "Baltimore May 14 1834" relative to her Husband being Married to another woman named Ann Thomas in this town – handed to me by boy 16 or 17 years of age.
20 – 3 Clear & dry, & warm. Wrote to Jno. Forsman late Sup. Del. Div. of Pa. Ca. at Easton in answer to his letter of the 14th ultimo, also to Dr. Jas. Fitzpatrick – Wmsport Md," in answer to his letter of the 7th ultimo Paid Jacob (my valet) 6 ¼ -- Paid for sundries at letter shop opposite Jail 5 cts. Recd. letters from Canal Comr. Mitchell (Present) "Canal Comr. Room May 20 1834" also from Jno. Stitzer "Lower Mahantongo [?] Schuylkill Co. May 12 – 1834" –
21 – 4 Clear, dry & warm. Wrote to Jno. Stitzer of Schuylkill Co in answer to his letter recd. yesterday & sent him a Subpoena for witnesses to come to his care 7th June ensuing. Recd. letters Jno Wister Senr.? Germantown Phila Co. 5 Mo. 20th 1834" & also from FW Hubbell Esqr Phila 20 May ’34 & pd Pos on last 12 ½ cts Paid for sundries at Loshmans [?] 3 cts –
May 22nd 1834 Thursday
day Mo –
22 – 5 Clear, dry & warm. Wrote to Jno. Wister sd. [?] of Germantown in answer to his of yesterday Recd. S. Court adjd at 5 P.M. to day till Monday next – I paid for Ice Cream this Evening at Ebermans with Jno. Joseph Clendenin, Mary S.C., Ele Peacock & "Frances" 25 cts. Before which we (Tarne [?] party) went rowing in a Boat in the river.
23 – 6 Clear, dry & warm. Recd. letter from Brother D. W. Rawn "Phila. May 21/’34" enclosing a Petition to the Canal Commr. in favour of said David to be appointed "Weigh Master" at Phila on the Rail Road & same day enclosed Said Petition to James Clark Prest of the Board of Canal Commr. in a short letter favourable to its object – Recd. in No 289 of Aug. T, 1832 Continued in No 15 January Term 1834 Joseph Dyre vs Isaac McCord & Joseph Dyre vs Nathl. Henrie Bail of Isaac McCord from the said Plaintiff on money made this day in full (To wit - $99.81) Fee $21.65 also in Same Attys legal Fees $11.25 also $3.00 Paid by me in oct. 1832 to the Arbitration, & Sent Nathl. Henrie Witness Jno. Fox sheriff $100 ride vide his Judgt. Bond this day Entered up in Dauphin Common [?] Pleas No. 87 to Augt. T, 1834. Recd. letters from J.G. Clarkson Esqr Phila. (May 22/34) & pd Pos. 12 ½ on E. P. Hughes Business also from Danl. Koons Gratz May 21/34 with a Power of Atty enclosed & also $10 in two five dollar notes vide letter & Power & pd. Pos 40 cts. called with Frances, Mary C. & E.le. P. after tea at Wm Messgraves, Leslies, & Walter S. Franklin.
24 – 7 Clear, dry, & very warm. Court to day for Distribution of Duncans money. Chambers & Denny [?] here from Chambersburg. Paid Jacob (my valet) 8 cts & for segars last Evening 12 ½. Recd. in No 18 apl. T. 1834 Attys Docket Fee $3.00 credited to me in my acct with Proty. Roberts. Recd. from Christian Seiler Clk of the Orphans Court $3. Fees for setting as an Auditor on Ludwig Dagans Estate. Recd. of E P Hughes Pos. Piad yesterday above 12 ½ cts Paid Mother Clendenin Boarding Frances & Self $15. present –
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