31-1 Clear. Cloudy. Moderate. We had our Daughter Eliz’th Baptised in the "Presbyterian Church" at 11 ¾ A.M. by the Rev. Wm.R. DeWitt (pastor) by the name of "Elizabeth Clendenine" her mother and self stood at the alter. Large congregation present. She behaved to the admiration of all. She was brought down to the church in her little carriage at 11 ½ A.M. after her morning sleep by Doris and Kitty our Col’d girls. Her mother, Misses McCulloh, and M. Clendenine and self having gone to church at usual time. At own church in evening.
February 1-2 Clear. Cold. Sleighing continues first Rate. Rec’d letter from W. Chambers Esqr. "Chambersburg Jan. 31/36" in answer to mine of 29 inst also rec’d letter from Jas. Mehaffey "Marietta Jan. 28 1836" in answer to mine of 27th inst. with a check inclosed for $226.50 in full of [Pair] material (the first being $205.29 and the latter from 8 May 1834 to the 28 Jan. 1836 being $21.21) to be pd by the S. Mehaffey on an agreement entered into May 8, 1834 by himself. J.S. Law and M. Forster by which the two former were to Hazeltine, Haddock, and Co. (V. Suit No.37 Jan. 7, 1836 Dau. Com. Pleas) $205.29. Pd.pos. on his letter 6 cts. I wrote to M. Fryer of firm of "Fryer and Anderson" Phila on subject of Suit No. 38, Jan. 7, 1836 D.Com. Pleas, and Mehaffey’s letter of today. Peacocks are moving today into house in Market Square bought of Miller’s Estate. I attended Large meeting in Court House opposed to the Leg. of PA. Granting a charter to U.S. Bank was on the Com’ter to draft resolutions and made a speech. Went to canal Commissioner Clarks Room at Buehlers Hotel with Shunk where was Ex. Gov. Wolf, Dr. [Aukriser] and others. Bid [Clarke] goodbye.
February 2, 1836
2-3 Clear. Very Cold. I went to the Capitol Library from 10 to 11 ½ A.M. to consult Law Books not in my office. Paid for apples 2 cts. Frances went to a party at [Enfry’s] with Miss Nancy McCulloh. I had time to go. Wrote to Charles Alexander Esqr. Phila Publisher of "The Gent. Vade Museum" in pursuance of a call at my office on Friday last by Robert F. Black and $5. left with me by him to obtain to be sent to Hanover P.O. Dau. Co." for 1 year commencing on 1st of last mo. 2 copies of S. paper and enclosed in my 2nd letter a $5. in full for S. [papers]. I took M. Roberts Esqr. late [propty] into case of Espy v. Duneau adm. on trial lest for this week or [anulment] counsel for Def. Was at my office till 10 P.M.
3-4 Clear. Very Cold. Therm. at about Zero in the morning for some days past. I was at Capitol Library this Evening for Law Books. Took walk 1 ½ miles and back. Went to meeting at door with Frances then had to come to my office to meet a client where I stayed till 9 P.M. or 10 P.M. Then went to [Nelsons] Hotel to see Chambers.
4-5 Clear. Very Cold. Sleighing continues first rate. I was concerned all day till 10 P.M. In the trial of cause No.100 Aug. 1834 in Dauphin Com. Pleas. Espy for Espy v. Judge Dau. Came adm’d Col. Roberts and self for dept. I opened the case for def’t and read and gave one testimony.
5-6 Clear. Very Cold. I was in Court till 10 ½ A.M. Then went to Senate Chamber with Miss Nancy McCulloh and other ladies where there was a discussion till 1 ½ P.M. About U.States Bank. Went to Peacocks at 3 P.M. With Miss N. McCulloh and M.S. Clendenine. Frances to see Misses Deuny Chambers. Then went to court at 3 1/1 P.M. Rec’d letter from M. Fryer "Phila. Feb.3, 1836" in answer to mine of 1st inst. and pd.pos. 12 ½ cts. Pd. Sundries 9 cts. I was at Peacocks this Evening to see Misses Chambers and Denny and went home with our girls. N.McCulloh and M.S. Clendenine, having gone there I think with them. M. Chambers Esqr was there and Jos. [Knon] Esqr. Senate Chamber quite crowded and much interest excited about the Bank Bill. Pd. Mother Clendenine of F’s and my Boarding $20—
February 6, 1836 Saturday
6-7 Clear and Cold. Went to Peacocks this morning at 9 A.M. in Tho. Chambers sleigh with himself and M. Ewing of H.of Rep. And went to the Capitol at 10 A.M. in S. Sleigh with Misses N.McCulloh, E.C. Peacock and M.S. Clendenin. Misses Chambers , Denny and others had gone up the first road. We left for dinner at 1 P.M. Rec’d of M. Chambers Esqr admand of Hon. Tho Duneau du. on acct. of professional services in No.100 Aug. 1834 Dau. Com Pleas $50 Fee, $20 of which I shall hand to my colleague M. Roberts Esqr who I took into S. Cause with me on Tuesday last (only) to which M. Chambers afterwards attended. Took glass of wine at Mison’s Hotel with S. Chambers and [Ruender] W.J. [Wain] of Phila. who went into a Rug. with P. Chambers to get a writ of Error in S. Suit above referred to. [Sequestered] the prop. of the Sup. Court being there also. Chambers and hi sladies left town at 2 P.M. Rec’d of M. Kendig for deed from Detweiler [Ext.] to him (p. orphans C. Darker for Feb. and April 1836) Fee $5. and at same time saw him pay to E.F. Perrypacker Esqr H. of Rep. for A. Fitzwater Bal. of purchase money $235 and $1.80 interest on same from day of sale to 4 May 1835 when he was to have Rec’d a Deed. Transacted in the [Regulating] office at 2 ¼ P.M. Paid for Sundries 12 ½ cts at Mison’s Hotel. Wrote to I. Rawn Jr. (Hummelstown, this Co.) About business of his letter Rec’d 28 Dec. last to choose Arbts. Monday next—I went to Peacocks door with Misses N. McCulloh and M.S. Clendenin and home for evening at 8 ½ P.M.
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