Sunday, November 12, 1837 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

November 12th, 1837 Thursday

[days in office?]

12~~1, Clear~beautiful~ very mild- I was at our church Morning & Evening with mother. Took walk 3 or 4 miles in afternoon with M. Briggs Esq. Who accidentally fell in with me,- home at 3 ½ P.M. Met Mrs. Fanny Butler at our Church.

Monday, November 13, 1837 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

13~~2, Clear-~beautiful~ very mild. F.R. Shunk Esq. & myself Signed Articles of Agreement of law the Same in hands of [Jasper] Peacock Esq. By which he agrees to sell me his house in Market Square where my office now is for $4,750 and to give me a deed of will On 1 April next. Paid [William] Graydon Esq. $1 & ½ for 3 blank books of which this is one & gave him check on his account for that [amount]. Paid A. Buffington a [?] for 2 Tons of Schuylkill Mt. Stone Coal for my house (vide ante 10th put away by George Kelly & self) $9.50 and $2.25 for ½ Ton of Wilkes-Barre Coal for my office (a Bill of Receipt among my loose receipts) This with 1 Ton of Lykeus Valley Coal got of Philip Cline some days before makes 3 Tons of Coal put away at my house for winter, and the ½ Ton at My office with ½ Ton I got of Lykeus Valley Coal for it last Spring 15 april & of which I burnt some in the Spring and have been burning to [Saturday?] [last?] when the

[days in office?] Nov. 13- 1837

13~~2 [Continued…] ½ Ton of Wilkes-Barre this Morning paid Buffington for was put away. So that I start now with 3 tons at my house & about 5/8 Tons at my office with which I expect to pass the winter plentifully & have coal left, by brining some for the house to the office. Drew Check on [Harrisburg] [Savings] [Institution] in favor of A. Buffington for [said] 2 ½ Tons of coal $ 11.15. Wrote note to Mr. Agg [Hess?] for [Reference] [Concerning?} Present on subject of Claim against him for Mr. F. Webb for the use of Abraham B. Maller? Of Washington city D.C. sent here to F.R. Shunk for collection. Kept Copy of said note. Sq. Agg called at My office at 2 p.m. and in [Evening]. At 7 p.m. when he [paid] Me on [account] of said claim $130.00 for which I gave him a receipt. Kept copy. Was at my office with Shunk till 9 ¼ p.m. there to Peacock’s where my wife went? Home with her.

Tuesday, November 14, 1837 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]


Snowing slightly till 9 or 10 a.m. Snow 2 or 2 ½ inches on the roofs where it had not melted when we got up. This is first snow here this season- Handed Frances for Family purposes 50 cts. Paid [William?] Cattrell $5.34 in full for Wheat flour got 1/8 [?]- 22nd Sept., ¼ cent 29 Sept., ¼ Cent- 13 October, ¼ cent 28 Oct., & 1/8 cent the 9th inst.- also for 3 [quarts] Of lamp oil for the house & my office to 2 ½ cents] In all $5.96 & gave him a Check on [Harrisburg] [Savings] [Institution] for that amount (in pile of Receipts among loose Receipts). A. [Mahon?] Esq. In my office at 4 p.m. Was at my office till 9 p.m.

Wednesday, November 15, 1837 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]


Clear~Cloudy, Ground Frozen Some ice. Paid for Apples & Sausage 25 cts. Paid Nathan G. Henrie for horse & [Tilbury?] 3 October last $2.00. Horse & [Tilbury] 4 October cost $1.25. Horse? & [tilbury?] 5 October last $1.25 in all $4.50, for the use of my Client [William] Ball. J.A. [Shafford?] Constable serve attachments & on witnesses in Cases I was at that time trying for Bale?, drew check on [Harrisburg Savings Institution] in favor of N. [Henrie] in order for said $4.50 (v. Receipt Books) wrote to [Alexander Provost?] Germantown [Philadelphia County]. Kept Copy (v. Feb. 22, 29 1836 for letters from & to him) met at my office after tea till 8 p.m. & home.

Thursday, November 16, 1837 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]


Clear~Pleasant. I walked with others from train to Present depot of "Cumberland Valley [Rail] [Road]" across the River about ½ miles from west end of the [Walnut Street?] Bridge from 9 to 9 ½ A.M. to Join Celebration of the opening of Laid Road through to Chambersburg it having been open to Carlisle some weeks

16~~5 Cont. Nov 16 1837 Thursday

(in pursuance of written Invitation Received by me [Saturday] Last from W. Milner Roberts Ch. Esquire) we left depot at about 10 ½ A.N. with a train of Cars & Locomotive & some 3 to 500 [population?] em [indecipherable] [?] what we took up on the way- arrives in Chambersburg at 3 ½ P.M. after stopping at all the towns on the way Some other places reached witnessing various manifestations of astonishment, wonder [?] from the Thousands of men, women & children who flocked to the road at the Towns & other points To see the great wonder. There was a dinner given by the Management of the Co. at [Culbertson’s?] Hotel," where 300 or more persons happily dined- Toasts were drank & speeches made generally laudatory of "[Nicholas] Biddle," "U.S. Bank" Credit [System?] & "the political complexion of which were not at all in accordance with what the democrats opposed to The Bank of The Bank’s Present credit system had a right to expect from the general character of the occasion & the invitations given to us- a tremendous quantity of champagne & other wines was drunk and no small display of "Uproarious conduct exhibited by many who "professed to be Gentlemen." I visited in the Evening at F.G.W. [Culloh’s?[ George Chambers Esq. A.V. Findlays? Esq. & put into a bed with all my clothes on by my coat & Waistcoat at [Culbertson’s] Hotel at 10 ½ P.M. to get up at midnight or 1 A.M. thereafter. Upon the whole, the Use? & meeting certain very agreeable old & new friends & acquaintances in [Chambers?] Was very agreeable but the Political complexion of some of the Toasts & Speeches was disgusting not today a breach Of that gentlemany faith & curtsey which gentlemen of Contrary political sentiments on the Credit System, U.S. Bank & N. Biddle financiering Who had been invited to attend had a perfect right to expect. But no one need be surprised at this when such Politicans & apostates as [indecipherable] key & Penrose were there with the great Banker? [Nicholas] Biddles Brothers & other Lions of Whigism Bankism & many other "isms" noticeable but honesty & Principle isms.

Friday, November 17, 1837 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

Nov. 17 1837 Friday

17~~6 Clear~ Beautiful~ Frosty- left with the [Locomotive] & train of Cars. Chambersburg At 11:00 A.M. cars crowded on return to Harrisburg- arrived at Depot 1 ½ Miles from Harrisburg at about 7 ½ A.M. from which place we walked to town where I arrived at my own house as they sat at Breakfast. I went to bed after breakfast & took nap till noon. Then shaved [&] At my office in afternoon- Read letter from Julia Ann Rawn [Philadelphia] 19th Nov. 1837 in answer to mine to D.W.R. of 9inst. & also indirectly referring to the receipt of Frances & my letter of 3rd inst. With Box of Meat & sent by [?] Shunk, received package and letter by the hands of F.K. Boas esq. With stock & other small articles & presents to Frances. Home at 7 ¾ P.M.

Saturday, November 18, 1837 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

18~~7 Clear-~Beautiful-~Paid for Marketing & ? 20 [cents]- Paid [William?] Cattrell (in presence of his little girl) in full of all demands for 1 barrel of Flour [delivered] last [Evening] $9.50.- I was at a Democratic meeting of ninth Ward at Mr. [Kelker?] and offered preamble and resolutions (v newspaper next week) I acted As Secretary at said meeting. Home at 8 ½ P.M.

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