Sunday, April 22, 1838 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

22 - 1 Clear - Warm - Frances and self at our church morning Evening Rev. William Wallace preached in morning Rev. M. Morrison in evening

Monday, April 23, 1838 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

23 - 2 Clear - Pleasant - I pruned bushes white washed in my yard from 6 A.M. to breakfast then lite court time 10 A.M. Tried in court for defendant's case of Baldwin vs. Byrne, Provost, No. 212 August - 1830 Thomas Chambers Esq. in my office this evening Thomas G. McCulloh at our house this evening. Paid Jane Johnson black girl or woman who had lived with us one week and left before breakfast - 75 cents her week wages Paid in full.[paid in silver?] [unreadable print between lines which seems to further discuss payment type to Jane Johnson]

Note: The next transcribed journal entry jumps to June 01, 1839.

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