10~1 Clear + Pleasant – was at our church Mg + Evg – wife + mother son there in Mg + wife [ ? ] evening- Communion Sabbath – I participated for the first time in the New Ch. – Mrs Jane Shunk + others joined the church. Rev. Mr. Norton made some remarks in morning and preached in Eveng home 9 ½ or 10 and to bed at 10 ½ P.M.
11~2 Clear + Pleasant – I was engaged greater part of day in my offic and jointly with Jno. Roberts Esq. short time on morning before [B. Parke?] Bankrupt Com. – wife M.S.C., son Chas. Self took ride in evening from 6 to 7 ½ p.m. in my Dearbourn. Paid Martin, [(Oslter)?] 12 ½ cts – Major Reynolds one of the Canal Com… + A.B. Stoughton separately called this evening and spent some time – the former till near 9 P.M. after which my wife, M.S.C., Self paid a visit at Mr. Leslie’s home 9 ½ to bed 10 P.M.
12~3 Clear + Pleasant – attended short time before B. Parke (B.C.) to prove my claims on Wlm [Meirly?] who owes me a balance of $627.65, and pd. Sd B. Parke for making said proof $1.00 – Paid at D.W. [Grop?] for a thermometer $1.25 – Ru of George Ely for the heirs of J.W. Trimble due $4.00 on a/c of the 2rs. sent to become due by him 1 Octr next.- took ride on my horse from 6 to 7 ½ P.M. 7 or 8 miles.- Geo. Hain Mrs. Garman her daughter Mrs.Milleisen at my office when I got home about estate of Mrs Garman – to bed at 10 P.M.
July 13, 1842 Wednesday
13~4 Clear + Pleasant – Pd for marketing got Mother C. 24 Cts. – Spent day at home till evg [wlk?] side in evening from 6 to 7 ¾ P.M. 7 or 8 miles – had invitation to tea with my wife [anohr?] S.C. to Mrs. Leslies. They went – I did not. Pd for crackers + sundries for my wife, Mother C. + self at the Felix’s 25 Cts. At 9 P.M. to bed at 10 P.M.
14~5 Clear + Cloudy – Rain in eveng at 6. I took ride on Horseback from 8 to 9 ¾ A.M. about 8 miles. Paid D.W. Rawn $6.00 advanced by him the 3rd Ultimo for 1 B bl wheat – Flour got for me in my absence from Jn. Houser and sud of him $5.00 advanced by me to Mother + Juliann the 5th inst. Recd of Mary Scott Clendenin $32.50 in full for 13 Weeks Boarding at $2..50 per week from the 1st of April last to the 1st inst. + paid her at same time $12..00 borowed of her by my wife for household purposes during my late absence between the 26 May and 8th inst. which with $10 handed her the day before I left makes $22 laid out in my absence- Spent evening in my office + house to bed at 9 ½ PM COMd using the inhaler recommended by Dr Sharpless with a teaspoonful of the Zinc of Hemlock and 5 drops of Iodyne Inhaled for an hour or more.
15~6 Clear + Pleasant – Cooler – Fine air- Paid Brandon Thomas for Cutting my hair 12 ½ cts for liquorice last evening 6 ¼ cts Wrote to Christn Buck shoemaker No4 [?] Phila in relation to $5 he was ere this to have sent me in a letter (v. 3 ultimo) Also wrote letter to H.C./Hickok Esq New Bloomfield Perry Pa referring to his mem. letter recd 8 inst and to my letter to him of 1 inst (v. mem back by Sd letter)- wife, Son Charles + self took ride in Dearborn in Evg from 4 ¾ to 6 ¼ P.M. Paid [Jp lins Oster?] 6 ¼ for alcohol + crackers 16 ¼ amt 4 items 41 ¼ cts. – to bed at 9 ½ P.M.
16~7 Rain – Clear + Cloudy in eveng – pd for marketing got by mother C + Martin the Ostter 5 cts amt – 55 Cts – Paid 7 [lace? or face?]$1.06 ¼ for an [ice firkin?] got of him 26th May which is entered as pd of that day but which entry was made in anticipation of paying him when he wd bring it and I did not get to see him. Took ride on horseback from 6 ½ to 7 ½ P.M. 5 or 6 miles. Spent evening at home and to bed at 10 P.M. [Text
bloocked off which says…] JCR=JCR
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