July 16-3 Clear and cloudy. Pleasant. Rose at 5 am. Breakfast at 6. Pd. My Bill $1.25. Pollack and Etter each paid same and left in a special Hack [?] at 6:35 am driven by a young man named William Geyer for Martinsburg, VA about 18 to 20 miles from Hagerstown. Stopped awhile at Williams first only [?] on the way and examined late [?] positions of Cap. Doubleday’s batteries there forded the Potomac which is there about 300 yds will and at deepest where we forded about 2 feet. We were accompanied by two gentleman named W.R. Simon of Newville, Cumberland County, PA, and W.L. Elliott now of same place who especially wined us in the engagement of Mt. Hack at $1/4 per piece for the fine from H. to Martinsburg. We examined the places of late fights on the round such as the Toll House where chimney shot away by Doubleday. Larger creek now crossed [?] by our troops. Leave towne [?] on his confederates fired on them from it also the Porterfield farm some 6 miles more. Morning ride where horse [?] pierced shells, balls, and barn burned. Arrived at Martinsburg at 10 ½ to 11 am. Met some 75 to 100 loaded army wagons on the road taking stones back to H. to send by way of Chesapeake which came to Harper’s Ferry also stuck [?] some 25 to 40 things [?] going to Martinsburg. Stones 20 to a town to Hagerstown. Had to have pass from Col. Yohe of Easton, PA to be admitted into the town of Martinsburg. We had ascertained before we got here that this army some 25,000 strong under Gen’l Patterson had moved on towards Manchester yesterday morning. We drove to the United States sight [?] kept by one where we got out and questioned.
I sat down immediately and wrote letter of trip and incidents this far to my wife at Harrisburg. Etter and Pollack also sincerely wrote to their wives. We dined 1 PM. Met Capt. Eyster and many other gentlemen and some acquaintances and were introduced to many—also met James Brooke of Del. Boy examined immense destruction by rebels of some 40 to 50 first class locomotives at this place—also of the beautiful bridge—I wished to follow on some 10 to 11 miles towards Winchester after the army this afternoon but was overruled. We [?] Etter and Pollack backed by Capt Eyster’s and other suggestions. We had a delightful afternoon to have met Gen’l Rowe and a friend of his first came to town who also go on after the army to Browne [?]. Walked around town to sending places in afternoon and made up this memorandum at 4 to 5 PM. Name of one Ernie William Geyer. Met Capt. J.M. Rydic [?] Sundry [?] of our acquaintances of his company New Cameron friends [?]. Witnessed admirable drill at 6 to 7 PM. To bed 10 to 10 ½.
17-4 Clear. Fine. Pleasant…up 3 to 4 am. Pd. For [?] and [?] 25 cts before breakfast to take with Chas in camp. With Capt. Eysters quarters about 5 am before he and Lieut. Burd [?] were up but rented them—We made arrangements to leave for Bunker Hill 11 miles off where army is—met Gen’l Rowe formerly of law offices this friend a Mr. McClanahan at Martinsburg. We paid on several bills to $1.67 each that is Pollack, Etters, and self at Martinsburg Henry Strammell’s [?].
July 18-5 Warm. Unposing [?] and [?]. We had our boys into to breakfast and dinner with us today—to write my son Chas. Edwin Pollack and Eugene Snyder—The breakfast did us well but the dinner was soup and [?] and then not much beyond half as much either in quantity and quality from the unexpected crowd and piercing [?] upon on things in the establishment. We visited fronts of the encampment after breakfast and 2 or 3 other times through the day. We settled with our carriageman [?] this morning up to this time and we each paid him $5.75 for his [?] carriage. Money today and yesterday; he paying his own way for himself and horses. That was $17.25 to hire him two days. Mr. Pollack and Etters arranged with him to remain over here to catch [?] and run away to Hagerstown to M [?] and agreed to pay him $5 and the proper fare at about 6 cts a mile to Hagerstown. I do not expect to return with them but shall probably remain with the army here or where it may go for a few days and go to Northampton city before going home. Col Yohe, Jordan , adj. Hablary [?], Capt. Eyster and the military gentleman called a low query today—also adj. Gen’l Awl. These men made up their few at about 5 PM. Spent Ev. [talking] around among officers gentry [?] to work for Gen’l Rering [?] –we were at Gen’l Millieur’s in the morning—did not meet [?] him but we spent an hour or so at Gen’l Rerring’s abou 9 PM. To bed 10 to 11.
19-6 Clear. Fine. Very warm. Very hot, hum. Up at 4 am. I pd Bill for Etters, Pollack, and self and extra meals from camp. To write my son [?]. Mr. E. Snyder and Ed. Pollack lending C. R. [?] the $8.00 being $2. Which was refunded to me. (Etters and Pol. Severally at Harper’s Ferry when we got there today by me [?] from each of $2.50 uphill [?]. The Loud called it 1 ¾ days since supper [?]. Ev. To after breakfast this morning. I paid old Rge [?] for small bottle 25 cts. Handed M. Chey. $3.00 m---[?] with $2 I gave him yesterday $5.00. Also gave him service [?] papers and Envelopes. Figs [?] and he left—Chestertown in our earnings at about 7 ½ am. Mr. R. [?] in another Awomperry’s [?] carriage for Harper’s Ferry some score [?] miles. Arrived at Harper’s Ferry about 10am, parked round on the boundary natural to the river [?] of the place, not the least of which is the harried [?] destruction of [?] by the rebels when they invaded the plain at Harper’s Ferry. I paid one carriage man Henry Geyer $1.00 for my ride to that place this morning and parted with Mr. Etters and Mr. Pollack after each of their paying me $2.50 as share of bill pd by me in Charlestown this morning. They came on in carriage at about 11 to 11 ½ am, on carriage I rented ¾ mile down the river to a place called Land Shark [?] Bukwain [?] 5 cts for carrying trunk—Pd by M. Barnhart for Bullet makes 15 cts—that he said he was taken [?]. Pd. Browne cartridge box about my taken [?]. We saw the Engine House in which old Brown† and his men were fortified and where they had made holes in the walls to fire out. Where his men were. Where his people fired from at the Engine House‡, and we forded the river in our carriage allowed somewhat difficulty to cross [?] aground comprehend [?] of M.S. Ralph [?] where time 3 mos. Is int. and who left Charlestown this morning for home also forded the River by mending s[?] with H[?] off river r[?] up home Ev. I paid fare to Riley House from Sand [?] Herk [?] 70 miles $2.55 left South [?] 1:25PM in am[?]—Met H. P[?] of Lochiel Megs [?] at 5 PM. Short round old Relic of H. Ferry from here. Pd Fare Riley House lot parking $1.25-—arrived 6 ½ to 7 PM. Paid boy carrying valise 16 cts. Stopped at Natural H[?] Burke hurried in 2 ag. Met Col. Ceverly. Theo Evenawalt Milo[?] on Avenue and bed at 10 to 11 PM.
20-7 Clear. Fine. Very warm. Very hot sun. Started after breakfast to call at Gen’l Camerons.† Met Judge Carey in the Street not far from Cameron’s residence. Called at Cameron’s was informed that he had gone into Virginia and would not be home till tomorrow. Then called at Ordinance department of the war department to see of U. Winehammer and found him very pleasantly situated at Main’s in Room 47. He was very glad to see me. I wrote two letters while there between 9 and 11 ¾ am wrote one to my wife at Harrisburg, and one to my son Charles with Gen Patterson’s division of the army at Charlestown, VA. I then got into an omnibus and rode to the capitol and paid 6 cts. House of Reps. Not in session—Senate was. Mr. Lathan [?] of California commenced a speech even after I went in on a special order being a joint resolution approving of the President’s course in the war measures pursued by him before meeting of congress. Mr. L a very graceful and interesting speaker of considerable vigour of hyte [?] and argument. Galleries well-filled but Senators seats not, there being only some 20 to 25 Senators present. Met Riley at Capitol—returned at 3 PM to Hotel for my dinner, made up my mind to leave hotel this Ev on account of annoyance by house guests [?]ing [?] last night. We had to fight and fend against them all night with only partial success. I had called on my return to dinner from capitol at a Wm. Fitzgerald’s next door to the Cl[?]y Hotel and about two squares nearer the capitol than the "national" where I had understood Mr. Bartuk[?] was in the habit of mapping and inquiries of her if she had accommodations for me. Said she had one simple room I could get and showed it to me. Found it equally as snug and comfortable as that at National. And she charged $1.00 a day. Told her I would come this evening to tea. I paid [?] bill $3 ½ for one day at National and left at 6 PM. A black boy of Mrs. F’s house named "Ben" carrying my luggage fumed [?] into no. 20, looked round for mosquitos, saw only one or two. Mrs. F. had told me she believed they were not troubled with them and had asked one of the boarders in my presence who had son he was not. There are some 30 persons Ladies’ and gentlemen at this House—I met Richard Mallister sep[?] Clark and Riley after ten in wine [?] of Ev. Riley walked with me to the post office. I paid for a "Press" and "New York Herald" of today 5 cts. To bed at 9 ¾ to 10 ¼.
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