Sunday, July 28, 1861 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

28 – 1 Clear. Pleasant in morning at waking up of yesterday’s men at 8 to 9 am, son John Calvin and self went to Dr. Gurby’s Presbyterian Church at 11 am. Dr. G. preached a good sermon from the text "dost thou believe on the son of God." President Lincoln and his wife were present and sat on the right hand side of the middle isle [sic] as you go in about 3 rows front of where we sat on the left hand side. Consequently, we had a good look at their faces and persons. She is short and tolerable, thick sit[?] wood or rusty [?]. Her side face reminds one strongly of Rev. B. Ross du. Or his sister Hannah. She looks indeed in size, complexion, and shape of face like who [?] and apparently some 45 years of age. He is some 6 ft. 2 to 3 in high, I should think. Black hair and whiskers, long lantern jaws, high cheek bones, large nose, smallish deep sunken eyes, prominence of perceptive features, high and [?]ding forehead, slim in person and narrow, and for the shoulders, his mouth is large and expressive…something like that of old Frank Shuck[?] du. Benevolent firmness, deep thoughts are indicated. I like his appearance very much and am impressed with confidence in his honesty, vigour of thought, firmness, and determined purpose.

In the evening son Calvin and self attended Rev. Dr. Lunderband’s [?] church on 4 /2 St. This is one of the largest churches of any kind I ever was in. Will readily hold I judge 1000 to 1500 people. Fine organ with the choir singing. Much better I think than in Dr. Gurbey’s church. Dr. S. was there but a certain Rev. Mr. Bendington and I understand the same preached a very excellent sermon. Heavy thunder and rain in Ev. Home 9 ¾ and to bed 10 PM.

Monday, July 29, 1861 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

29 – 2 Cloudy. Sultry. Clear and cloudy. Sultry and warm and heavy rain at 3 ½ to 4 ½ PM. Heavy thunder. Hail and rain last evening at about 5 to 6 ½ PM.

I drew check on Dauphin Deposit Bank to the order of Hon. Simon Cameron who cashed it for me at the war Department. I may not want any more money than I yet have on hand, but I think something of going to Fortress Monroe and of remaining here a fundings yet and do not much to run too close. Said check for $25.00.

July 29 – 2 continued Pd. Our hostess Mrs. Fitzgerald on account of Boarding for son Calvin and self $8.00

I am to pay at the rate of $5 per week and he $3 ½ per week or 50 cts per day. I have been here 1 week and 2 days this evening. To [?] since v. inst. And John Calvin since Ev. [?] that is 3 days this Ev. He was present where I paid her and the times were stated as above 8 ½ am. We went to Gen’l Cameron’s house when persons were coming constantly to see him but were tardily admitted or rejected. I met Adm. Harris of Phila who waited with us at the door at least ½ an hour before she got in. She is an adjunct of C. Hilfer with Miss Dix in visiting the wounded and sick at the Hospitals. A Miss or Mrs. Merrill also waited for some time but got out of patience and quit in a rage after inquiry [?]. The Hamp [?] hacked [?] white [?] and sound berating for what she called his impertinence. Mrs. Hanes waited longer than she, but being more amiable accomplished her purpose as she said when she came out. When he came out to get in his carriage at near 10 am to go to the department, he invited myself and John Calvin to get in on the best opportunity to speak with him and we did so and rode to the war department. Once there, he cashed my said check which I had drawn for any boarding H[?]. To speak to him about 12 made of getting to Fortress M[?] and he said of Mr. Scott was in town he might get me a pass. We went to John A. Winebrenner’s room on short time and from there home at about 12 to 1 and then attended by Mr. Shaw’s boy John W. and Charley. We walked to the Navy Yard—where we remained an hour or so. The boys going in to swim in the mean time the government steam ship Pensacola is lying there fitting up. Is a new kind never yet in commission and is to carry some 20 to 30 large guns, 10th Man. Regt., which has just come through in the steamer. JK Spalding also there. We came to quarters at about 2 to 2 ½ PM. Remained at quarters rest of day till after tea, and only walked with John Calvin and JW Shaw to and from P.O. after tea. To bed 9 ½ to 10.

Editor's Note: John A. Garraty, A Short History of the American Nation (New York: Harper Collins, 1993) 183. Dorothea Dix was a renowned Civil War nurse.

Tuesday, July 30, 1861 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]
30 –3 Clear. Fine. Very hot sun. Saw Wm. Strunck[?] and his wife, walked past our quarters after our breakfast on their way I suppose by the basket to the market. I wrote note to Gen’l Cameron and sent to his house by my son Jn. Calvin about passes to go to Arlington and within the lines between there and Alexandria and to witness Monroe.

Handed John Calvin5
Pd. Omnibus ride to War Department6
Pd. Sun Newspaper 2

Met J. Calvin at war Dep. He having been at Camerons. Also he then hailed B.G. Peacock was was crossing the street and came back and talked a while. We also there met Lieut. Frank Davis, who went to Gen’l Camerons to get a furlough to go to Harrisburg. J.C. and self went to Patent office, then to Smithsonian Institute where we met John Shaw and his brother and we all came home to boarding home at 1 PM.

Received letter from my wife date Harrisburg 28 inst. This is my birthday when I am 59 years of age. We spent rest of day at our boarding home till after tea at about 8 PM. We went to the Presidents L(?) which opened at 8 ½ and continues to about 10 ½ PM. There being a considerable crowd there, John Calvin, J.W.Shaw and myself went together. Shaw had never been there before though some 2 mos. Or more in Washington and they are held every Saturday except that they were omitted last day on account of the confusion, disorder and here consequent on the battle of the Sunday before. I met them last night. Mr. Morley the father of Morley who lived in my Hoff[?] House and I introduced him to Prest. Lincoln. Met Gen’l Cameron there also miles lawyer of Huntingdon. Kapp there about all I was acquainted with. Mr. L. very long (tall) and mrs. L. is very short. He was observed by Mr. Shaw before we went there that when we should see them we would see "the long and short of human life."

Editor's Note: According to Harold A. Williams, "In the late 19th Century, Washingtonians depended on Baltimore newspapers for their news…[because] Washington papers [were] mostly party rags." The Baltimore Sun 1837 – 1987 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1987) 269-270. Interestingly, Rawn assimilated to Washington culture. The first three times he mentioned buying a paper, he bought a "Washington Herald." By the end of his visit to Washington, however, he bought a "Baltimore Sun."

Wednesday, July 31, 1861 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

There is no entry for this day. The next entry is on August 2, 1861.

Thursday, August 1, 1861 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

There is no entry for this day. The next entry is on August 2, 1861.

Friday, August 2, 1861 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

Aug 2 – 6 Clear. Very warm. Very hot sun.

Paid Old Rye [?] and Lemonade.25
Pd. Mrs. Fitzgerald in full for self and Jn. Calvin To this afternoon$13.08
This includes $8 pd her
Which includes 30 cts for washing
To [?] 13 days for me at $5 per week$9.28
From 20 July [?] in afternoon
7 days for Jn. Calvin at 50 cts per day from
26 July [?] in Evening$3.50
Paid Rail Road Fare 1 ½ seats for John Calvin and self from Washington to Baltimore$4.45
Omnibus in Baltimore J.C. and self From Camden to Calvert depot.50
Ground nuts and pears in Baltimore.06
Supper and Lemonade J.C. and self, Bal..75
R.Road fare J.C. and self Baltimore to Harrisburg5.20
Paid omnibus son John and self to Gen’l Cameron.12

Who had started this morning early for Harrisburg. We walked around by the unfinished Washington monument and home to our quarters at 10 to 11 am and made arrangements to leave for home this afternoon. Got our dinner at 1 PM. Left for depot 1 ½ PM. Pd. For fare as above J.Calvin and self working to Baltimore where we arrived in 2 hours at 6 ½ PM. Pd. Omnibus as above for driving us from Camden depot to Calvert St. Depot about 1 ½ miles. Slept at Hotel by latter depot. Met Gen James in car and at said Hotel. Also Col. Painter[?] of Westmoreland and T.J. Adams of Harrisburg and Col. Patterson and Mr. Morely in cars—and who came on to Harrisburg. We left Baltimore about 8 to 8 ½ PM and arrived in Harrisburg after a most wearisome slow and continually stopping ride. About an hour to 1 ¼ after midnight. Home and to bed [?].

Saturday, August 3, 1861 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

There is no entry for this day. The next entry is on September 13, 1861.

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