Sunday, February 28, 1864 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

28 -1 Clear and Cloudy, fresh but agreeable. Some little rain in evening at 6 ½ to 7. I walked through day 2 ½ miles chiefly in evening before church. Rev. Mr. Harris of Princeton N.J. preached in our church morning and evening. He is a young man of fine appearance some 27 to 30 years of age, good voice, loud and distinct enunciation and is altogether one of the most taking of the preachers we have had of the young men. He, like nearly all young man who unite and commit their sermon, lacks that kindling up of the feelings that earnest sentiment and [?], manifestation of deep interest in his subject which it seems to me, almost all preachers lack who merely speak speeches committed to memory or closely read off even well arranged and beautifully written sermons. Nevertheless taking this young gentlemen all in all I was pleased with him though not raised up to that deep and earnest interest in the speaker and his subject, which I like to enjoy and sometimes feel. I walked after tea and before church 2 miles or so. Home from church in Eve 8 ¾, to bed 9 ½ to 10.

Monday, February 29, 1864 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

29 - 2 Cloudy, fresh, agreeable. Recd. letter from Jno Hirst Ergs atty at law Phil Feby 27 enclosing Lert. Fi.Fa against S.S. Sanford in favour of Francis Collin [?] & wife was md [mailed] same day and copy kept. Recd. per sister Juliana of Fanny Wyatts on rent a/c $9.00. Called at "Jones House" Room no 56. Together with my colleagues of the Board of Enrollment Sr. Charlton "Capt." Clement to see. Mr. Fitzgerald and sr. Letterman latter [?]. U. S. A who have been appointed by the authorities at Washington a commission to visit Union Coy to investigate certain matters of complaint against our Board by some disappointed person or persons of that Coy " Mix Cum Heraus or Nichts Kom Heraus. that is nothing can come out of it. He found them quite agreeable and promised them all the aid in our power to resolute the whole subject fully & thoroughly. In the evening at 7 p.m. I joined a large procession with a Band of music at the court House to [?] sr. Lt. Clair newly elected state senator from Indiana and [?] counties under special election to supply the place of senator White who is a Prisoner at Richmond, from U.S. Hotel to the Capitol. He took his seat, was sworn in and then the lock in the senate of 16 to 16 that is of 16 loyal men against 16 "copperheads" (democrats) was Unlocked and business proceeded with 17 loyal men against said 16 copperhead Democrats. Mrs. Rawn, Fanny, Mrs. Charlton & her sister Elly Porter up at Senate Chamber from 6 ½ or 7 to 8 ¾ p.m. when he came away. To bed 9 ½ to 10.

Tuesday, March 1, 1864 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

March 1-3 Snow – Fine Snow falling at 7am or so and countin all day without inter mission – softnet – laid on Fences 3 to 4 In deep at night – weather rather Mild – I walked through day chiefly to and from Hopple lot, looking after the filling up, 2 to 3 miles – at – Rooms Bd of Enrollmt short time – Introduced Nm L. Ritter

March 1-3 ContdNm. L. Ritter [illegible] Pro. Mar. Union Corp to Nd Dr. Letterman and Mr. Fitzgerald at "Jones House"

Paid Edmin King agent for 6 Members of "National Portrait Gallery" of Eminent Americans (V. Dec 9-63)

" R. Book $1.50

Paid Nm Stephen for Milk and Cream from Nov 6 63 to this day $8.80

Paid do – do Service of Stud horse Young "Black Hawk" to Mare I owned in 1862 sold to Crum in full, $8.00

It was agreed when she was put to the horse that if she should have a colt I was to pay $10 – she had a colt after I sold her being Known to be with foal when I sold her but as the price seemed high he Moderated it to $8.

Paid Benja Groff per J. Calvin Rawn in full mending my boots .25

spent Evening at home and to bed 9 ½ to 10.

Wednesday, March 2, 1864 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

2 – 4 Clear – soft – slushy- snow 5 In. deep on fence – Melting off very fast from early Morning –

wife at Market – & paid 5 ½ lbs Meat – 85, 1 lb butter 40, 2 ½ lbs Veal 20,$1.45
Twist Bread 10, Fish 25, Cabbage 3.38
4 lbs Brown Sugar 64, 2 lbs White Sugar 36, 1 lb coffee 40.1.40
5 lbs Coffee Beans 40, Inedible Ink & Glass Pen 50 .90

Rec of Mr. Brownold Mos. Rent for My Store Room one unit $30.00

Paid ½ Macaronies 25, Handed daughter – ^Presbyterian Fair Fanny to go to N.S. 25 .50

walked through day about town to Hopple lot and other places. walking extremely bad. Mr. Jno. Minninger of St Paul, Minnesota and his brother in a low Mr Kermp called and spent and hour or so with us about 7 ½ P.M.

spent Evening at home and to bed 9 ½ to 10.

Thursday, March 3, 1864 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

3-5 Clear – hard Frozen in morning – so [illegible] through day – Jno. Calvin Rawn & Self went to Brenner and to all our State Street houses about Noon – He Brenner and self examined wall over premises and I notified wall over not to move Boards out of stables and to the Meat house where they have torn [illegible] off and to mend floor of said Meat shop – He said he would replace [illegible] he complained that the floor may rotten therefore broke – He has his wood Rite on and chop his wood in there and [illegible] it was at his risk thus out of the common way to use a bad floor.

Rec. of the fp. Nm W. Jennings on Lent Fi – from Phila. [illegible] Collinsburg and wife in light, or Saml S. Sanford (V. 29 ult) Debt $196.32
Inherit .39
$196. 41
Phila Carts 12.61

Rec of M.F. Brenner on new base from 1 Apl next to 1 Apl ’65, for the premises next to where he now lives. What those now occupied by Saml Wallover 1 Mos. Rent in advance $20.00

also one half of Revenue stamp on said [illegible] .25

He is to pay another Mos. Rent of $20 the last day of this Mo. Deposited in Dauphin Deposit Bank $25.00

walked through day about the town 2 ½ to 3 ½ Miles. Paid 2 lbs Lenton Cracker’s at Bryer & [illegible] .25

spent evening at home and to bed 9 ½ PM

Friday, March 4, 1864 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

4 - 6 Clear & Fine in the morning – Froze slightly in last night – softening through the day – cloudy & damp in afternoon and evening – I walked between 9 ½ and 11 A.M. 3 to 4 miles – saw Mr. Hetrick grape vine trimmer in Henry Shellenberger’s yard on front St. and spoke to him to trim my vines – Met Mayor Rumfort and Police officer Barney Campbell there. My next door Neighbor Mr Mann of the Jones House had his Grape Vines trimmed to day by me Mr. Fox, in the yard, formerly David Hummels. Now Andy Jones’ – at Board of Enrollment Rooms, a short time to day – spent Evening home wrote to Jno. Flint Esq Phil (v 29 ult and 3 inst) and Kept copy – that I have paid money – To bed 9 ½.

Saturday, March 5, 1864 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

5 – 7 Clear – Cloudy and Rain by 10 AM. Soft – no freezing last night.

wife at Market Pd Meat 1.40, 2 lbs butter 80, Calfs Pluck 15= $2.35
twistbread 10, 2 qts dried apples 18, smearcase & Rolls 8 .36
1 qt. molasses 20 2 [illegible] Needles 1 lb .36

Paid Richard Jones Cold [colored?] Man in full for hauling 42 loads of Filling on to my Hopple and Cunkle lots $3.36

Mch 5-7 Contd wrote to [illegible] Blasiers Brothers 1006 Chestnut St. Phila & kept copy Rec? letter from Jno. Flint Esq Phil Mch 4 at Rooms of Board of Enrollment short time before this

Rec. of Jno. Wolf 1 Mos. rent in advance on his new lease from 1 Apl ’64 to 1 Apl ’65 $8.50

Rent of Jno Hamilton 1 Mos. rent in full to 1 Apl next on his present lease ending at that time 7.50

also Rec. of [illegible] his ½ of Revenue Stamp on our New from Ap 4-64 to Ap 4-65 – .25

I walked between 5 and 6 P.M. 2 Miles or so about town and in all through day 3 to 4 Miles – wife and her Sister Mrs Beatty went up to Mrs. Seneca G. Simmons in the upper end of town – Returned 10 ½ to 11P.M. Spent Evening at home to bed 10 ¼.

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