Thursday, December 1, 1864 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

Dec 1-5 cloudy mild – met Board of Enrollment morning and afternoon.

Rec’d of Fanny Hyatts 1 mos rent$6.00
Rec’d of Ott & Leger 1 mos rent due this day13.50
Rec’d of Jeremiah Henson [new tenant] 2 mos rent20.00

This is [?] [name] of Buehler House who goes into the North Street house from this day til april next – Mrs Jones having left – [?]

Spent evening at home and to bed 9 ½ to 10 pm

Friday, December 2, 1864 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

Dec 2-6 cloudy mild Rev. Dr. Hay and Rev. Mr. Liesmann called at my office this morning on the subject of the latter being drafted.

Met Board of Enrollment morning and afternoon

Rec’d of M. Brownold 1 mo [?] room rent – [?]$35.00
Paid him bill for pants and vest for Master Calvin$18.00
Paid him bill for pair new cloth buckskin gloves [?]2.00

[?]…….of [?] $15 cash for his boy Nathan being [?]

Handed [?].48
Handed Mrs. Rawn for [?]1.00
Handed Mrs. Rawn 2 chords cotton 25 2 lbs soap 30.55

Have not felt very well today. Though continue with Board all day

Spent evening chiefly at home. Rain in[?] to [?]

Saturday, December 3, 1864 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

Dec 3 – 7 Cloudy some rain mild - Mrs Rawn market [?]

4 lbs beef & sausage 80 2 lbs butter 1.00$1.80
Onions 20, ½ peck apples 20, celery 10, 3 chickens 80 bread 101.40
I paid 1 qt M. Mine[?] 1.50 12t old rye 1.00 $2.50
I paid [name?] [?] my old book – in full.60
Paid [?] [?].25
Handed [Master?] Calvin [change].50

Mrs. Rawn to pay coloring[?] cloth of coat of son [?] to make Basque[?] for herself [?] $6.35

Wrote to Wm. L Ritter [?] Columbia Union [?] about buying and sending me by canal 2 [?] apples and 4 [?] potatoes –

Met Board of Enrollment morning and afternoon. Spent evening chiefly at home and to bed 9 ½ pm

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