Sunday, February 26, 1865 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

26-1 Clear + Cloudy [ ]- Rain in last night – wife + Mr. Calvin at Church. Morning and evening Fannie [ ] at home [ ] not well enough to go – Son of Geo. W. Craft – young man come 19 yrs old died today to bed 9pm.

Monday, February 27, 1865 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

27-2 Cloudy – Clear + Cloudy – soft – Mild – did not freeze last night – Rec? of Momas Shellehamer ( of East –blamoner [ ] ) for $5.00. " " Benjamin Goff on … $25.00. This an old claim by one Peter Saunders against Goff for wages for shoemaking sold to me by Saunders in 1830 to 1834 Just arrived from time to time so that [ ] debt – Int + [ ] amt to $123.52 [ ] $124.05. I [ ] with Mr. Goff in care of him and by an act of formal [ ] that of he won [ ] Me Half the paid amt. I would give him char [charity?], He paid me [ ] $25 each and I took the note of him and Mr. Denning pay able in 90 days for $30.75. [ ]Benjamin Goff [ ] Calvin for [ ] book for him in full. $8.00 Martin Hoelle for [ ] from 18 May to [ ] $7.90 (this was at 35 ea per week) Per Check. Was at [ ] Board [ ] with Shellehamer – also at [ ] room about My [ ] pay + other matters. Walked around through day mile or so chiefly in morning – spent Evening chiefly at home and to be 9 ½ to 10.

Tuesday, February 28, 1865 page icon [Intro & Addenda] pdf icon [PDF]

28-3 Cloudy – Mild – Damp – chilly – soft – [ ] Bank $100.00

[ ] My check on said Bank to pay it for 3 h.s. [ ] of $500 each being $1500 in all $1503.30

( [ ] $4000 to that time, this makes $5500) Rec? of Mrs. Mary Anne Howe in [ ] of [ ] Street – House to her for [ ] 1 year in advance from [ ] 1 Mos Rent $15.00 also rec? of her one half costs of M.S. Revenue [ ] on lease. (She lives in same house now to [ ] under Col. Chase [Cleckner] )

Paid ½ sugar for cough syrup 15, Paid seed for daughter Fannie 20 .35

Rec? of [ ] Leger by [ ] bal of Month’s rent – due 1 Mar ’65 $6.25

([ ] 1 month in full of their rent [ ] ) to bed 9 ½.

Note: The next transcribed journal entry jumps to April 15, 1865.

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