Oct.23 – 2 Clear. Fine. Pleasant. Fresh. Delightful fall weather. I have now entered on a New Book--another volume of my journal. I had attached there 15 or so leaves in the back of Journal no. 28 under the strong impression that any career of journalizing would be closed by my ill health before I would go through with them. I have come to the conclusion, though, now being and feeling extremely bad, just a little more every day, that I have no right to make such calculations on the subject of my end. Now [Nor?] to arrange my general destiny outside of my strongly religious obligations with any special reference to that event. There may be presumption in me to go as far on that subject as I have and therefore I feel corrected in so far that it is my duty to assume that God may in his Providence raise me up from the sickness by blurring the means used for my restoration—so that living unto him for his grace and for a lively and well fitted faith in the plan of salvation and in my complete redemption by and through the righteousness of the Saviour. I shall endeavor cheerfully to await the results in the performance of our timed or known destiny.
Paid for sugar 10, Box Blasking 12, ½ Peck apples 35 = | 0.57 |
Pint molasses and cinnamon… | 0.20 |
5 ¾ yards Flannel of Petticoats for Fannie | $3.75 |
| $4.52 |
I was at Harris’ Red Ware House at 10 ¼ am for apples and bought those above and borrowed basket of Jef. Harris to carry them home. Dr. Blust’s son John called for me at 10 am or so to ride into Cumberland County some 2 miles or more above Fairview to look at his small farm of 2 acres which he wants to sell. He had left his billing on the other side of the River and as I did not feel well to walk over the bridge I had to decline going this morning.† My walk to the lower end of town for the apples and walk was performed with considerable difficulty, and I had to set down 3 or 4 times on my return to get wind and rest. Felt less able to walk then for some time—greater oppression for breath and less ability in the legs. I arranged with Mr. Blust to go over with him on Saturday next and to meet him at the other side of the River if I can get there by 9 ½ am. Next time he is to come over--Spent day and Evening at home except as above said and to bed 9 ½.
Oct.24-3 Clear. Fine. Cold in morning and cool all day after 10 to 11 am. Wrote to James Freeland, Millersburg. Paid at Pollacks Book Store for this Blank Book $1.20
Received letter from M. Calvin Princeton Oct. 22. Wife and self walked in afternoon to Mr. Fraelichs Tailor on 3rd Street above north and took cloth there to make Calvin suit of clothes. We called at Carpet Store of Merily [?] and other places. Ev. at home and to bed 9 ½.
25-4 Clear. Fine Cold in morning and coldish all day. Indian summer appearance. Mr. Rawn at market and paid
1 lb butter 45, ½ lb beef steak 50, ½ Peck S. Pork liver 20 | $1.15 |
1 ½ lbs smoked meat 30, celery 10, bread 5 | .45 |
1 pair chickens of our tenant Golden | .65 |
| $2.25 |
1 rack lamb 35, 3 lb hamburger 51 = | $3.11 |
Received of Fred Krauss on account of his note of April 24-61 for $25 for counsel and liveries | FEE $10.00 |
I got a horse and Rockaway carriage with Calder’s livery at 10 ½ am. And daughter Fanny and self rode around, chiefly around the city till 12 ¾ PM for the benefit of our health. We attended to sundry, small matters of business about Pairing etc. In the morning Mr. Calder called to see me in pursuance of my request to that effect sent him by an hired woman Sophia Brown, and he and I agreed especially that I am to pay only $1 a trip for there [sic] health rides extending generally from 1 ½ to 2 ½ or 3 hours. Present Fanny at making of this agreement. To bed 9 ½.
26-5 Clear and Fine. Fresh and coldish all day. Got some horses and Rockaway from Calders, had yesterday and O’Reilly, Beatty, daughter Fanny and self rode from 9 ¾ or 10 am to 12 ½. pm. Among other places we rode around by the old Paxton Church, by the town of Progress, cemetery, Camp Curtain and several persons. Called in evening to see about renting my home. Mr. Gray, Mr. Mahon and Henry Omit—came in at 7 ¾ pm or there abouts and remained to 9 ¼. I am very unwell. Think I am going home. To bed 9 ½ to 10.
Oct. 27-6 Cloudy: dampish. Received of Jos. Berrizer [?] for a stove… $5.00
This was a broken Girard stove that has been standing in one corner of my kitchen for several years perhaps ten or more. Mr. B took it away to mend—had to spend $7 or so mending and sold it then for $12 and no doubt did very well in making the sale. He did not make 50 cts on the transaction. B, a friend of ours, a very clever fellow and as honest as any man that works in the leather [?].
Last Evening Pd. Henrietta Young colored woman for cleaning home…3/4 day to day .75
Spent day and Ev. chiefly at home and to bed 9 ½
28-7 Hard rain in and chiefly through last night. Clear and cloudy this morning generally cloudy. Mrs. Rawn at market and paid
1 lb butter | .50 |
6 ½ lb beef | $1.13 |
sweet potatoes | .20 |
17 heads of cabbage | .50 = $1.83 |
Herring | 20 |
Bread | 5 |
Cream | 3 |
I paid at Grays ½ paper and set 20, charcoal and sugar milk mixed 10 | $2.91 |
Sundry people in to see about renting our stove Room. Among them one Solomon Chronister merchant of Hampton, Adams County. After part of way I leased the House where I live and the stove Room to Levi L. Gray and William Gray his son trading as William Gray and Co for a period of two years from now to April 1866 at $12.00 per year, and to put and keep premises in repair at his own expense. This renting in consequence of my ill health, and its probable termination, would in all likelihood have been a necessity thrown upon my Executor or wife’s hands when its performance would have been more difficult and often advantageous and it was therefore considered best with all around to perform it now. This of course will involve our moving. Spent day and Ev. at home and to bed at 9 ½.
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