2~1 Clear + Pleasant – I went to church with wife + Son Chas but there being no fire I left and walked 2 or 3 miles. Col Richd M. Johnson in Mr. DeWitt’s church attended by Gov. Porter. He came to town last night and is on his way to Danville to attend Celebration of [Ang?] of Battle Thames Spent day + Evg chiefly at home + to bed 9 P.M.
3~2 Clear + Pleasant – Coolish. paid for beef got of Neuer by Mother C. 28 Cts. Old Mr. Schaeffer for sawing + splitting wood 25 Cts. for 12 l. Lump Oil 37 ½ for Sundries 3 cts + Matty for washing 37 ½ Amt 5 Items $1.31 Recd of Simon Wertz Fee $1.00 for profl advice, some little parade with Richd M. Johnson rather small. Two volunteer companies, moved through town in advance of a carriage drawn by four white horses [untain?] Gov. Porter. Col. Johnson. Judge Blythe and another went to Capitol where Judge B. addref the Col. who replied. I called to see him at his room at Prince’s Hotel at 7 ½ P.M. [Sojd?] Court Com. Pleas Comd t his day spent day partly in Court. partly at Cap. hearing speeches + in office – to bed at 9 ½ P.M.
4~3 Clear + Pleasant. Paid at Elder Espy’s stone for 1 lb Butter 20 Cts. Paid J + P Martin $11.50 in full, for 3 tons 150 lbs Lykens Valley Egg Coal got 23 ult. (v. Recpt Book) rode on horseback 8 miles from 11 ¼ a.m. to 12 ¾ a.m. Recd letter of Introduction of Francis Bournos surgeon Dentist from W.B. Hieskel Esqr. Phila Aug 26 by hands Mr. Burnos. spent evening at home Mr. Henry Petriken and Elizth Shunk passing Evg with us. To bed 10 P.M.
5~4 Clear + Pleasant. Paid for Marketg 62 Cts. got by Mother C. + Self. rode on horseback from 9 ½ to 11 a.m. 9 or 10 miles. and from 3 ½ to 5 ¼ PM. wife + her sister mary, son Chas + Self rode 8 miles or more in Dearbourn. Paid for Cakes 8 Cts and to Martin Ostter 6 ¼ and at Grofs’ for Mixture presn of Dr. Sharpless 31 ¼ cts. amt. 4 Items $1.07 ½ Spent Evg at home and to bed 9 P.M.
6~5 Clear + Pleasant – Coolish. Recd of Geo. Ely $3.00 on ap of 2rs Rent due 1st inst. for heirs Jas Trimble decd (v. 12 July last.)- Recd of Lewis Mascton Fee $10. for Profl advice and comg Suit No. 77 Nov. 7. next for him + his partners Wm Moore v. Jno Slaughter. Replevin for a drive 224 head of cattle. Valued at $3696. I attended shff’s sale of Stephen Millers property from 10 a.m. to 12 ½ P.M. on Exn in fav. of my Client Jas D. Rea (v. 15 Ultimo) rode on horseback from 3 ½ to 5 ½ P.M. 12 or 13 miles. Mr. Lewis Maxton above named + Mr. Gushin my office at 7 ½ P.M. to bed 9 P.M.
7~6 Clear + Pleasant. Handed wife + paid for Hive Syrup 22 ½ Cts. Lent Jno. G. Jaurs $55.00 Cv. his note payable in 10 Days) for which I gave him a ck. on the Hg Savg Instn payable to his order. Wrote to Jno Abbott apee of McClure + Abbott. Phila + kept copy. rode on horseback from 4 to 5 ¾ P.M. 8 or 9 miles. Spent evening in my office and to bed 9 P.M. Received of Mary Scott Clendenin $32.85 in full for 13 weeks and 10 days boarding from 1 July last to 1 Oct inst at $2 ½ per week.
8~7 Clear + Pleasant. Paid for marketing got by mother C. self 70 ½ Cts. including 2 lbs butter for 30 cts. and meat of Neues for 28 cts. paid for cutting my hair 12 ½ Cts. Amt 27 v.. 83 Paid Dr. Rutherford (Wm W) $10 on acct. for Medicine and attendance in my family Recd of Mary S. Clendenin $1.75 advanced by me for a pair of boots for her in Phila 2nd June last. I escorted Mr. Bournos (v. 4 inst.) to Capitol +c. at 3 ½ P.M. We returned to my hose at 5 P.M. he spent eveng took tea with us and remained till 9 P.M. Mr. Jno. T. Adams also spent evening from 8 to 9 P.M. To bed 10 P.M.
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