14-3 Cloudy - Fine drizzle Sleet - all day Snow fell 2 or 3 Inches deep last night. Rode on horseback 6 miles from 10 to 11a.m. and the same distance from 3¼ to 4¼ PM. [Handed?] [Mike?] Yesterday for Starch 25 Cts. Paid Geo. Beatty $1.25 in full of all demands for cleaning [?] 8 Match (v.Recpt. Book.) pd [?] Betsey Nathan $1.00 in full for washing + Baking last week and for washing this day amt-$2.50. wrote to Wm. Mitchell Dauphin, giving him Amt. Bill lasts -in [?] [?] 8 Aug 7.41- also to B. [Bordley ?] Crawford about - Bill [bonds ?] in Garland or McCormick 200. Aug 7:42 [?] - spent Ev. in office No bed 9¼ PM.
15-4 Clear Cloudy - Snow Sleet -fell last night -3 inches deep -sleighing first-rate- pd [Milleisen ?] in full for 6 lbs Butter $1.25 -being 2 lbs on each of last Market days with today +2lbs on first of said days at 25 Cts per ls. Pd for [In ?] Bus. Apples 50¼
Feb 15-4 Contd. - Amt $ 1.81¼ - pd W. Hays Bill in full of all demands for Stuffing and Covering Sofas - [rep 8 hidle te ?] $7.48½ - (v. Bill + Recpt.) - rode on horseback 6 miles from 3 to 4 P.M. spent day chiefly in office and even also - ascertained just as I was going to bed about 9¼ p.m. that our [bound ?] girl Kitty Jones had run off a few minutes before (v. Sept 12 + 13/41 when she run away before) give myself no trouble this Eve about her and to bed 9 p.m. or 10 p.m.
16-5 Clear + Cold - Fine Sleighing wrote to [?] Shoemaker Dauphin Co. Kept Copy. was engaged nearly all morning in hunting our runaway girl Kitty Jones from about 6½ a.m. [Gad T. ?] Williams in company with me greater part of time First news I got of her was about 2½ PM
from Geo [Wemich ?] who stopped me in the street to tell me that Mr. Fayer the Gate Keeper at the Harrisburg Bridge said that she had [stopped ?] there last night a little after 9 pm. I went to Toll House and ascertained that this was correct = of course she had gone directly to the Bridge when she left our house - she represented herself as from Phil. [Philadelphia ?] he said and was going to Carlisle to some Judge she named but which name he said he could not recollect but there was no such Judge there. She said many other matters which often [?] were in the main if not entirely false. Geo. Koch of Portsmouth [?] office about deed of lost sold to him 13th - could not find Chas. Carson and he is therefore to come up again on Saturday - [Joseph ?] McKeever my student wrote assignment +c
Feb 16-5 on back of our [Last ?] deed top Mr. Koch - at 3½ P.M. I started with my sleigh [?] for Carlisle in pursuit of our runaway - I traced her without difficulty from Church; tavern at the extreme end of the Hg Bridge from Harrisburg to all her calling places on the way with place she staid [sic] overnight to Carlisle where I arrived about 5½ P.M. or a little before - I stopped at the Hotel of David Blean and immediately called at nearly all the Hotels in town where I made inquiry. I fell in with two youngish [men ?] a Miseurir [Mister ?] Son of Lawrence Levin [Woarishing ?] and other unknown who after the former, whom I did not know had recognized me, proposed to aid in the search. I however called at supper at about 7 P.M. a Young Mr. Longnecker who is studying law in Carlisle and whom I had met and conversed with on the subject at McFarlanes Hotel called to let me know she was then at said Hotel I went there - found her and after ridiculing her attempt at escape for some time in presence of several servants + others req'd her to go with me - she followed without a word. I went with her to Mr. Walkers the singing or Music Master where she said she had left her clothes to go back next morning to live with them. [?] Walker were out but [many ?] of her clothes from a black girl whom I informed fully of her running away When I took her to my Hotel - where after sitting by the stove for an hour or so I had her shown to bed in a large room next to one I was to sleep in and taking bonnet cloak shoes and clothes from her had her fastened in for the night. I looked carefully after my house for [?] was very warm. I must have arrived in town within a few minutes of her - to bed at 9½ P.M.
Feb 17-6 Cloudy Cold +Snow - very cold last night - I slept in a room where the water + wine froze nearly through - got breakfast at 8½ a.m. pd. My bill to Mr. Blean for Kitty Self $1.25 pd other 10Cts. And left with her in sleigh for home at 9 a.m. - pd. Toll at 3 Gates for going [coming ?] 29½ Cts. To other in Hoguestown 3Cts. Toll at Rl Rd Bridge going [or coming?] 62½ Amt expenses Trip $2.30 including 6 Cts. Paid to Martin [Haehurlen ?] [often ?] when I left home. Arrived at home at 11½ a.m. Rec'd letter from Edd P Peason Esq. "Reading Feb 16" Called with Wm Grimshaw Esq. at Faunes at 4.P.M. to show Mr. Shunks house. [Run ?] [?] at Greenly Fee $5 on acct of his agreement 23rd Nov. last to pay me $15 to defend his brother Aaron at the [?] then sitting on three prosecutions against him. Spent Eveng. in office and to bed at 9 P.M.
18-7 Cloudy Snow till near noon [?] paid Milleisen for 13 lb wheat flour del'd last Eveng $3.75 (v. 13 Jan last [am ?] not - near out flour however not [?][?]) For 2 lbs Butter 37½ Cts. Pd. For Hominy 2 qts 16 Cts for 5¾ lbs Beef 34 Cts for cinnamon 6¼ Cts. for Lape 6¼ Cts. Newspaper / [?] 3 for 1/3lb. Liquorice at Lutz's 18¾ Cts. and a back bill in full of 11Cts. Hinser Lochman's and then Where for a Cowskin 10Cts. and at docks for a Qt. Lamp Oil 3¼Cts Amt $1.74 Chas Carson Self and our wifes [sic] executed and deld to Geo. Koch a Deed for Lot 223 in town of Portsmouth sold to him 13 inst- the Recd. of him cash $ 20 on amt of the purchase money of which I [?] $ 10 and Carson $ 10. Esq. Suler [?] attended in my office to take the acknowledgement and Francis C. Carson [?] + Recd letter from B. Bordley Crawford Esq. Chamt. Feb. 17. in reply to mine of 14 inst. Rode on horseback from 4¼ to 5¼ P.M. 8 miles. spent Eveng. in parlour and in my office. Mr. Carson in my office to acknowledge Deed as above [th ?] Ms. -to bed 9 P.M.
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